Senses' First Grow

My first time growing with good equipment and good advice around me, please follow along and learn from my mistakes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Equipment I’ve gone with:
250w Karma Horticulture k2000uv
70% Canna Coco Natural 30% Perlite
General Hydroponics Tripart Grow-Micro-Bloom
Advanced Nutrition Sensei Cal-Mag xtra

Strains I’m running:
:four_leaf_clover:Royal Runtz - Dante’s Inferno :four_leaf_clover:
:four_leaf_clover:Chocolate Haze - Special Queen #1 :four_leaf_clover:

I planted in starter plugs and fed with water for the first few days, when true leaves came I started introducing my nutes at 1/4 strength (0.25ml per 1L) + calmag at recommended strength on the bottle of 2ml per 1L, I’m watering every day at 650ppm 5.8ph.

Today I put them in the tent under the light (I would’ve done this sooner but it’s just arrived today)
I’m going to increase the nutes to 50% (0.5ml per L of the tripart) in a day or two depending if they react nicely to the environment change. Or perhaps transplant them to 1 gallon fabric pots first, not sure.


Pulling up a chair and loading the party bong… :+1:



Looks like all systems are go! :man_astronaut::rocket:
Setup’s looking clean, and you already have 2 respected members hanging out in your thread… oh and one stoned ursus caputius.

:bear::sparkles::sparkles:I bless this grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes! :sparkles: :sparkles::bear:


Looking great there bro!
Wishing you the best for this run. :v:t4::herb:


Looking good my friend @Sense welcome to the last forum you’ll ever need to find. I’m sure you will fit right in around here, any questions don’t hesitate as the belittling doesn’t occur around here and most are ready and willing to see others succeed.


Increased the nutes to 50% and everything seemed fine around 800 ppms now, also moved the 3 chocolate Haze and the special queen into the 1 gallons

Also increased the light a touch to 350 and
Got a basic humidifier and humidity meter to help with environment.

The Dante’s inferno and royal runtz have been transplanted from their starter plugs and you can see them beside the fabric pots.
Looking to get an oscillating fan next so hopefully that’s in the next update along with up potting the Dante’s inferno and runtz.

I’m ready to start blasting through nutes/water as these 1 gallons require a lot more volume to achieve runoff


Just figured out how to upload in full resolution so re-uploaded latest pics

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So I got paranoid about the pots not being full and humidity sticking at the top of the pots so I’ve repotted them again, rookie moves but we learn :call_me_hand:


You may want to raise your cloth pots up and put a breathable base under them to help your roots breath


I agree with @Rico . Use a pot stand to keep the fabric pots lifted and a tray in the bottom to collect the run off. This way ur fabric bag won’t leech ur run off. :v:t4::herb:


@Rico @iceman Glad I read this before feeding today, a trip to the hardware store it is :facepunch:


They’re slightly elevated for now I’ll post a picture on Tuesday when I’m hopefully going to buy a better solution.

Had a little issue with humidity but I caught it just in time, as they recovered I’ve noticed the nutes are too high I’ll post a pic below

Was pushing 800ppm so not surprising really, I have been following the ratios provided on the bottle. Since made up a 400ppm solution to try and quickly correct back to 600ppm where they were happy before.

Fingers crossed I’ve not done the girls too much damage, lesson well learned.

Also added a small fan to help with air circulation and keep humidity sensible. I’ve ditched the humidifier altogether for now as the large fabric pots give me plenty humidity.

Thanks :crossed_fingers:


Couple updates, humidity gets too high in the night time maybe 70-75%. I’ve been watching the @HeadyBearAdventures grow series and he’s using ac infinity exhaust fans in his bedroom, I’m aiming to do the same as I already have an exhaust but it’s VERY loud and no speed/humidity control. At the moment I can’t sleep if it’s switched on, so hoping the AC infinity will solve this 2 birds one stone.

Royal Runts 1 was transplanted and had some okay roots.

We seem to have recovered fine from the nute situation BUT I’ve since learned about the Lucas Formula so I’ll be giving that a try and abandoning the grow element of my Tripart Grow-Micro-Bloom. Saying that the chocolate Haze wasn’t too badly affected but the Royal Queen really wasn’t happy.

Pink marker is special queen
Gold marker is royal runtz

Got a better picture where the colours are more representative to real life

I’ll post pics later today


Good call. Also, smaller fan, lower decibels; what’s your tent size?

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I’m in a 3x3 (1m x 1m x 1.8m)
Gone for the T4
I’m veg and flower in the same tent for this run unless I win a scratchcard :stuck_out_tongue:

Right way to go.
Now, if you want to make it really quiet, use an insulated duct…
I can point you to some test data if you are interested.


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Very clean setup! Looks like you have it well sorted out. I’ll just be in the corner… :eyes:

You’re going to love this fan & controller :+1:


Perfect @Sense , you won’t even have to run the 4 inch at 50 percent in that size tent, so it’ll be extra quiet!

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I almost forgot to mention, I found a bit of nibbling on one of the chocolate hazes, so ordered some neem oil and I’ll attempt a foliar spray hopefully before it spreads to the others, although I do think it’s 1 offender as I can’t find anything like a caterpillar or such, fingers crossed

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The ducting I have is absolutely trash, I’ll have a look at upgrading that this week, I saw ac infinity does a 4 layer, might be the one if I can get a good price

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