Senses' First Grow

Honestly Ac Infinity is a great place to start any gear hunt, as they strike a really good balance between quality and value. I don’t think anyone else in the market offers what they do at their price point.


They’re loving the feed since changing to the Lucas formula, I feel like I have a direction now. Very simple and the lower ec seems to be the trick.
Running 4ml calmag, 2 ml micro, 4ml bloom for 480ppm at 5.8ph

Anyways since they’re happy and healthy I’ve given a go at lst, done 2 and I’ll do the others tomorrow assuming they react well (I’m sure they will, stems felt very strong but nicely bendy)



I’ve been a lucky lad this week also I’ve won a few giveaways thanks to the fantastic members of OG. So I’ll be sure to post when they arrive and they’ll certainly be featured in the next grow.

Love to all


I believe the calmag I’m using (Sensi Calmag Xtra) has a few extras in there like kelp, but no nothing else


After doing much reading on worm castings and kelp, it would appear I’m relying heavily on my calmag xtra to provide necessary iron, manganese and zinc. The calmag Xtra has been great so far to my untrained eye, however later on in the grow if I’m unable to narrow down a deficiency I will assume these will be playing a part. Fingers crossed and thanks @LedZeppelin for sending me down a nice little rabbit hole :slight_smile:


Apologies for the lack of updates, I’ve got plenty pictures and problems to upload later today :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Big jump this time I think I’m about 4/5 weeks into veg, planning to flip to flower on the 22nd and that time will be dependent on if I can bring a good sized dehumidifier into the mix.

Everything has been going good, I setup the AC infinity which worked flawlessly while the girls were in 1 gallon pots, when I up potted to 3 gallons the humidity went through the roof! So I bought a small cheap dehumidifier which has saved the day at night time.

A note on the 3 gallons, I’ve only transplanted 2 out of 4 (done the special queen and 1 chocolate Haze) so I’ve 2 chocolate Haze left to transplant into 3 gallon(both of which have roots growing out the bottom of the pots), I can’t do this at the moment as I’ve ran out of Coco/perlite and will soon run out of Cal-Mag.

I should get paid before the 17th so we’re holding out and making do until then.

Last thing, the smell is a big deal for the area I’m growing in, so when they flip on the 22nd I plan to open the tent as little as possible, this is going to involve me setting up an auto water and drain/runoff solution and of course a dehumidifier.

Royal Runtz roots, transplanted to 1 gallon


Also some seeds arrived from @darkillusion and the timing couldn’t have been any better, Royal Procession which was delivered during the ACTUAL royal procession :ok_hand:
Thankyou very much :pray:


I’m also after a veg and drying tent, bye bye bedroom :crazy_face::grin:
But will be ideal to get some new girls ready whilst my current babies will be in flower

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Lack of updates due to financial struggle, feed/runoff solution still needed, humidy still an issue.
Flipped to flower on the 22nd and they seem to be stretching, I’ll get some pics uploaded when the lights come back on.
In the market for a dehumidifier and an oscillating fan, once I’ve got these I’ll tackle the auto feed/drain

Been just about managing to keep humidy under control (60s) but Tuesday the dehumidifier will arrive, and then we’ll see about auto watering :crossed_fingers:

Little plant update, I don’t have my phone camera at the moment but I’ll try get some pics up this week. They’ve stretched a fair bit since the 22nd and them rubs from the special Queen are absolutely gorgeous, really excited for it

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Okay so I still don’t have my camera phone but I’ll have it back on Friday so I’ll make sure to upload some pics.
Since flipping to flower they’ve looked better than ever in my eyes, I’ve been feeding 6L water, 5ml micro, 10ml bloom, 6ml calmag, 6ml big bud
800ppm 1.6ec 5.8ph sometimes 5.9 sometimes 6 but mostly 5.8. I’m not sure of the terminology but I want to call them ‘pistels’ flying out of many ‘budsites’? Looks and smells fantastic, the stretch has also been good. The special Queen has stretched more than the others but was always a taller plant.

Given them 15mins of uv light per day also, leaves seem very healthy. Slight yellowing on maybe 1 plant, not concerned as everything looks good. Really excited for these

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beautiful plants, pulling up a stool to accompany this first journey! congratulations!

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My Royal Procession seeds (also got them from darkillusion) sprouted very fast and are taking off well, they are showing great vigor right from the start!


I should be able to get mine going around Christmas time, I’ll be following your grow for sure assuming you’ve got a log doing for royals?

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At least four of these are Royal Procession, they look uniform, not sure about the others.

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Quick teaser pic, I got my camera back today so I’ll hit you with all the pics later on


Some sexy trichomes to start your day right


I’m a little late to the party :grin:
All the plants look very healthy and looking forward to watching them flourish! :sunglasses:

I just planted some Royal procession for my next run, Excited to run them as well.
Hope you have a great week!

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Thanks boss hope you have a great week too, appreciate you complementing the girls I feel very proud indeed :grin: