Senses' First Grow

I’ve added Advanced Nutrients Big Bud but that’s all :slight_smile:


Gave a go at some supercropping HST with a video from Mr kushman, I forgot who linked it but it was very informative indeed.

Edit: Just looked and it was @Meesh so thanks buddy it helped me sort out the lower canopy which was severely neglected :call_me_hand:


I swear by it. I get absolutely huge buds


I love how strong they bounce back, it’s like 4 pillars where the original stem was :heart_eyes:


And really fast too, practically the next day! Plants are amazing


Trichome update
Think I’m on week 4


Little update, I’ve been running the dehumidifier inside the tent due to being unable to lower lung room rh enough. Although I’ve seen on here that high rh isn’t necessarily bad if airflow is sufficient. Anyhow, I’ve let the temps run too high (30-32°c) and I’m sure this will effect final terps. I believe some pistil ends have burned (they have turned slight brown, not many, I’m not concerned) and I’m hoping this won’t matter and they’ll bounce back. All a part of the learning, I know for next time.

I got a tower fan which is lowering the temps to 28°c with the dehumidifier inside the tent, I’m happy with this for now although id prefer lower as I think I’m also losing out on some colours.

I can notice a change in colour however and leaves are starting to look dark green/blue maybe ? Not sure but I can see change anyway :joy:
Smells have gone from ‘dank’ and ‘uniquely offensive’ to ‘sweet’ and ‘tropical’ in the last week or so.

They are getting more UV light now too, an increase from 30mins per day to 1 hour a day. Looking to incrementally increase to 2 hours by the end of flower



Got a little issue with my favourite girl, I’ve 3 chocolate haze and this is the only one to ‘rust’ like this with spots. I decided low calmag at first so increased in the last few feedings, but since the others are fine I ruled it out and decided it’s not calmag. Any thoughts appreciated


I’ll add this is the plant directly under the light, maybe too much light. I don’t know

Could be possibly locked out, have you tested run off to see what ph that is?

Could also be to do with the heat, and maybe getting a litltl to dry in this heat?
With temps in high 20s-30, the plant will be drinking a lot more water, and if they’re on the dry side, that’ll mean the nutrients in solution will become more concentrated.
So it’ll l be forced to take up more nutrients than it really needs.

Are you seeing any other problems apart from those few spots? And are they just on the leaves near the top?


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I like what you’re onto here, I did actually check runoff today it was 1000ppm 2.0 EC. The other day it was higher, 2.5 maybe. I made sure to bring it down as I saw some burned tips.

Just checked on her and yes it’s just the top leaves, anything lower is looking normal

I also managed to get the dehumidifier out the tent, so lights on I’m at 24° now and lights off slightly lower. But for a week or two it was at 28°c or so and they did drink like hell

Usually if ots a deficiency it’ll start from the bottom up, and an exess will be from the top down. So could possibly be too much nutrients.

Wether that’s down to over feeding, or being on the dry side perhaps with the heat? I don’t know.

The leaves do look a dark green, so I’d day you could maybe reduce the nutes a little and see if that helps. I’ll be honest though, I’m no expert and I’m growing in organic living soil. It’s been a few years since I did any bottle nute grows.


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I’ve been having same problem last couple weeks. Got up to 31c at lights on, and this was during the night! I keep lights off during 10am-4pm to help with the temps.

We’re due another heat wave next month here as well :hot_face:



‘Usually if ots a deficiency it’ll start from the bottom up, and an exess will be from the top down’ I love that thankyou very much!

As for the high ec yeah it’s been building up for a while, but while the girls seemed happy I let it be, I’ll give them a flush and adjust to 1.5 EC

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The temps have been crazy bro and the humidity to go with it, I will admit tho I’m enjoying the tan :joy:

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Haha very true! I am enjoying the warm weather during the day, but night times are ridiculous, my house gets warmer at night and its unbearable sometimes.
My lass is 9 month pregnant as well, so she’s absolutely sick of this weather :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I don’t see the issue. What you seeing that I’m not??

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These orange spots, only on this plant hence the concern