Senses' First Grow

Okay so I took them all out for feeding today and noticed mould on the biggest bud :frowning:

Chopped it and binned it, decided to chop the rest and they’re hanging now after a trim of the bigger leaves.
Pictures to follow

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Damn…sorry to hear abt this bro.

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The bud was about an inch higher than my fan lol, luckily I think that’s the only one cause it was so big

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Looking like a decent harvest, sorry to here about the mould on that one

I had a Francos Lemon Cheese go mouldy on me right at the end couple years ago. It’s a Bastard! But at least you loads more there to enjoy.


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Fingers crossed broski, I’m excited :joy: smells amazing in there got them at 20°c and 59%rh


Learned lots this run, and hopefully I’ll be able to put some money back in

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Wet trim taking forever, therapeutic in the morning tho I can’t lie


I did wonder if I was the only person who enjoyed trimming :smile: :rofl: I’m always hearing people saying how bad it is and time consuming.
I just make some teas and stick some music on and zone out.



I rather like trimming but I need to get my head in the ‘right space’ first… :wink:



Cannabutter made with the trim, ill post more details and pictures in the morning. Entire house smells, and now my fridge :joy:


Maybe 3oz trim
250ml butter
200ml water (100ml every hour)

  1. Trim spread on trays, put in oven at 105°c (220°f) for 35mins

  2. Trim dumped into 250g of unsalted butter with 100ml water

  3. Leave at 85°c (180°f) for 2 hours, mixing and pressing regularly, once first hour has passed, add another 100ml water

  4. Strain through muslin cloth and strainer, squeeze, put in fridge until hard (1-2 hours for me)

  5. Drain off the water which is under the set butter layer, reheat and reset the remaining butter or just leave it and you’re done if lazy.

I think these cookies are 100mg each off rough bro science maths. 30g butter in a 6 cookie mix
They do nothing to me, but I think I’ll require 5 or more. I say they do nothing to me, but I’ve written out a post to explain the procedure and haven’t left my couch for some time :joy:


Enjoy buddy…
U still on the couch? :joy:


I am indeed :joy::sunglasses:


If you’re still there now, then they’re definitely working :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:



I’ll be back in October, peace and love

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