Sensibowl Grows Things

Hey Sensibowl, hope all is well. I have good news for you. I have the clone only cut of pre98 bubba and also indianna bubblegum. Let me know if you are unterested. Im in Canada and would love to hear from you. I couldnt find anywhere where I could direct message you. If you want I can give you my email address and we can talk more


Welcome to the OG! @shortbubba :call_me_hand:

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Thanks man. I remember the good old days of Overgrow, I don’t think I had ever created an account but ganja is my passion so I always love reading and learning. Even after 2 decades of growing and reading, I still learn new things. Always fun


Thanks for reaching out short Bubba, I’m currently taking a step back from growing due to health issues and not taking in any clones atm. It’s much appreciated though :v:


Sending love and light and good health vibes @SensiBowl wishing the best for yah :v::sunny::heartpulse:


Thanks @DesertHeartGardens, slowly on the mend, less and less aches/pains everyday. Trying to find that balance between doing nothing/doing too much atm :+1::v::blush:


Thats too bad. I hope you get better very soon. Also hope you did not get rid of that death bubba strain. I’ve been trying to find her for a long time but it seems impossible to get. I was going to ask you if you wanted to trade. This way we could both have a new bubba strain to try.


Thanks for the well wishes. I still have access to Death Bubba, I’ve promised it to other folks as well and have yet to deliver though. When life is a little more stable I can think about producing some clones and sending those cuts out. I’ll put ya on the list :+1:


Thanks man, really appreciate it.

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howd she do? can i get some seeds if u preserve this girl?