Seriously? an acceptable amount of mold ewwwww

We like to call that mystery meat.Chorizo always reminds me of a slim Jim.When you eat it you always go is this thing really made out of meat


I had this chart up at work for my entertainment purposes!!!

I was forced to take it down. Apparently that doesn’t jive on the staff kitchen’s fridge as entertainment.


We were poor growing up and I was raised on those back then were 50 cents now are 99 cent frozen Tony’s pizzas.I haven’t eaten one in 20 years when I see them I get nauseous.The government cheese in the brown long box and that silver Mylar that was some good grub I would devour that if it was still around today that shit was delicious


Same here. I remember government cheese actually it was pretty good. Could make some cheese toast. I did like the red Baron pizzas but you put in a microwave. I was an adult by that time. The mystery cheese on the pizzas. I remember the five dollar pizza joints.


Anyone getting hungry? I included an ultra violet photo as well so you can really see the mycelium.

Think a new badge might be in order - Master Of Mildew

For perseverance alone you’d get my vote dude


Naw, that’s what happens if you take some wet hash and seal it up in a container for a while on the shelf. Micro organisms only grow when there is moisture. I’m playing with my new toy, ultra violet light!


Don’t use that UV to check the sheets :slight_smile:



tripppy man

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I wish I took a pic of the agar plates I contaminated just by not holding the lid down enough while I wrapped them in open air. Didn’t even open them, the lids wiggled or separated enough to let in some unfiltered air and that was enough. Unless the buds were never exposed to unfiltered air, there will be some mold spores just how much is the issue. If it’s activly growing then no go.


their no acceptable amount of mold in the pot i smoke

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F**k n A Peace

Nope nope :-1:t2: no mold.

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No Mold, do they realize its going in the lungs not in the digestive system where the stomach acids make toast of everything

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Spores are all over, you’re breathing in thousands every minute. this agar plates got contaminated in a positive pressure clean air box.
Those few spots show the spores that still got in and contaminated the culture I had transferred.

Edit: my positive pressure box may not actually be the place it got contaminated :open_mouth:‍:dash:. I had originally used some medical tape to seal that lid, and I had dropped the plate at one point after the transfer :persevere:.
Here it was before I sealed it with parafilm. The contamination started on the side with the tape was a bit loose.



There has to be a limit because no matter how little mold there is, it’s always more than zero. Take your best buds to a microbial test and it’ll be more than zero.

Or watch the king of the hill episode about mold testing in houses…


Almost worth getting a mold inspectors license just to fuck with the mold inspector :rofl:


now that’s f**kin funny :100:

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Hey, just so everyone knows, the ultra violet light really shows you if there are:

  1. bugs
  2. mold

Shine that thing around during lights out, to really see what is going on.