Several "CalMag" products compared

I didn’t. I’m using the alpha chemicals calcium sulfate. It’s not very good. Impurities.
I’m using plant prod 6-11-31 right now.
Yea, kinda hard to do. But that’s the idea. Reduce calcium nitrate, replace the calcium with some other source or combo of sources, chloride, carbonate, phosphate, acetate, edta.


Liquid 3% Calcium Acetate made from vinegar and eggshells is working awesome for me with very little drama


You’re in dirt though, right?

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Try Gaia Green :canada: gypsum in place of diamond k. I’ve used it it works well.


Yes, peat and perlite based medium that’s circled back round to being dirt

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Cool thanks guys. Maybe I’ll wait until I can experiment on some younger plants.


Has anyone used this: Down to Earth Liquid Calcium Fertilizer Organic Water Soluble 5%

I guess, I am looking for a chelated calcium supplement for mid to late flower. I think that is the my number one issue right now. My plants can’t take a lot of n or other nutes lates in flower, but seem to get yellow tips, i presume from ca def.

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I’m just gonna post these blog posts from (Daniel Fernandez) related to calcium here:


Daniel’s video on calmag diy is in the first post.

Interesting/funny things mentioned about “calmag” by (I think) an owner of Jack’s, or grand daughter of owner or something. I’ll post if I find it.

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Found it in my hdd. Calcium talk starts at 27:14, and is about 5 mins in length. CalMag around 30:10. A nice good chuckle at CalMag. “My grandfather came up with CalMag…” at 31:07. Just listen from 27 mins, or the whole thing if you’re so inclined.

Jack’s Nutrients Hemp and Cannabis Questions Answered

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I like using the solution grade gypsum and ferti fulvic together. Let it stir for about 10 minutes on the magnetic stir plate and it’s ready to go. I may try some higher rates just to see how well it stays in solution but I don’t see any particulates in there when I mix for about 40ppm (about .17g gypsum per quart of water).


I just finished some alpha chemicals CaSO4, which was poor quality will impurities and really granular bits of crap, black and pink colored impurities. Got some of this and just tried some of it out. It seems to be much better. I’ll see what the res looks like after. Also, I think the crappy alpha chem stuff was contributing to a very slight flim on things like the aquarium pump - but that might be from the CaSO4 in general, I don’t know.:

Doubt it’s something available to canada. But sounds good.

If you have access to BioAg products, their ful-power is basically a predissolved version of the same thing. So you get to pay the liquid nute tax or the import tax lol.

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I have used ful-power before, a long time ago. Think I got it from valleyindoor. Not paying that water tax again. Haha.
I have about a pound or more of fulvic powder from kelp4less. I doubt it’s as good though, quality/soluble wise. When I mix their kelp powder, then let it sit, it all falls to the bottom after a while and the top is clear water! @GreenleafNutrients lemme try some of your “new” kelp product, haha.