Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Some great looking plants going on @NICO …sorry to hear about the nightmare you just went through. Jeezus. That’s crazy.


That’s quite a mystery to me. I thought it was a certainty she would. Not sure how those genetics work.

Also want to add that I’m sorry to read about your recent unfortunate situation.


Thanks for that. I’m not sure how the genetics work either. It’s interesting regardless. The first leaves had some of the different leaves but it grew out of it quick. I will get more in the ground soon to see if they are all this way. Has anyone else grown them out? I’d like to see if you can direct me to their grow.


OnePassionateGrower is the only other one I know of with a log (off the top of my head).

Andrexl has started some also, but I don’t think he has a log.


Ooh im excited. Can’t wait to see. :grin:


I see his had the mutation. Maybe the labels got reversed? I’m going to run a larger number to get a better look at what’s in there. I’m downsizing so I’m finishing what I have so I can do a deep clean and get stuff organized. @middleman



Like watching water boil. I could not get the hang of this for the life of me. I came to the realization that the temp control is not accurate. I finally got it to be halfway efficient. It’s a cheap Chinese press that was gifted to me when I was looking at them to buy.


She’s a salad freak now.

SB/BMR @Ottafish
Looking great! I’m not able to get much smell bc of everything else but she looks tasty.


I certainly won’t rule that out as a possibility. Or maybe I grabbed from the wrong plate as I was packing them. I’m not sure.

Apologies for that not being what it should be. This is actually the third time I’ve sent out seeds that I expected to be mutants but grew regular leaves. All from different runs (ABC cross, Supafreak, BerryFreak). I’m not doing something correctly, or carefully enough…

That said, if you want another pack of the F5, let me know.


Sorry to hear about your friend! Really makes you think…what the hell is going on in this world!?

Glad to see you still carrying on! Plants are looking great! Keep up the good work.

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Wow what a Nice grow you’ve got going on @NICO. The Cookies look spectacular


Haha you can see the hunger for the buzz in that kitties eyes! “Gimme that green goodness” time to start growing (cat plants) to keep them out of yours, my one buddy has two cats (hairless things that look like aliens) EVERYTIME, I go look at his rooms, there’s a cat in each one just sleeping there. I swear they don’t leave :laughing: I never realized how much cats just love dope!


I’ve grown kitty nip and all kinds of other plants for her, she goes for the reefer. It’s cool, the damage is minimal. She doesn’t eat entire leaves so it doesn’t affect it enough to make a difference. @TopShelfTrees1


No worries, it may have been just that single seed, the other 2 dampened off before I could tell so it may be a fluke. I will definitely take you up on those seeds but let’s wait until I can drop more of these to be sure. Who knows maybe this plant is going to be something special that wouldn’t have been grown out otherwise. I would love to test some of your other mutant strains after i get these finishes with if you have others you dont mind sharing. I’ll put a list together and we can trade if you see anything that catches your eye. @middleman


Plus she helps lollipop for you too :thinking:


Usually she gets the males and extra cuts that are just around to be around. She runs the show around here. I’m ashamed to admit it, I couldn’t stop her if I wanted to.


Bahaha I know the feeling, my boss is a little white shi-tzu who’s also the other love of my life :joy:


Just let me know when you’re ready, and I’ll send them.


Thank you I will most definitely be getting back with you.


I’d like to thank everyone who stopped by or followed along, you guys made overgrow my home. I’ve got some issues that have come up that put the brakes on my growing pretty flowers for awhile. I was sad pulling my ladies and chopping them up for the worms, not as sad as I would’ve been had I watched someone else pull them. I’ve got tomorrow to give it another go. Thank you overgrow for making me welcome. I will be lurking. Growing through your grows that you share here. It’s going to be new not having plants in the house, now I’ve got to find a new hobby for the time being. Happy growing.