Fuel's grow log

Hy everybody,

I open this thread to share some fun about a little space that was initially temporary ^^
I builded that in hurry to maintain plants of a project then … life is a bitch sometimes, i’ve to deal with it now and to upgrade it slowly to a more practical version. I don’t complain too much, it’s challenging and i have fun.

But what you are going to find here ?

  • this is not a photogenic thread that deserve to be published in a magazine or anything else like that lol Not only because i’m bad at photo but the whole density, the plants have to fight and you will not see majestic trees here. It’s partly why i work inside only bloods that i known like my own sons.

  • my bad english and my horrible grammar. Sorry for that.

  • CFL : i love this tech and yes i’m aware that LEDs have nothing to have with ten years ago. I’ve made this choice a dozen years ago, now i’m partly trapped in customs and intensive tracking of specimens that growed this way. Complicated to explain but i’m sure that some of you that make theyr seeds since a while, understand well what i mean.

  • medium : coco and cheap light soil that i use as neutralized (dead) medium.

  • nutrients : mineral, HG/Aptus

  • style : i’m hoocked in SOG style and perpetual, tiny plants in a dense pattern. It’s logic in this micro space. It’s mainly why i really don’t understand the ruderalis trend in so many indoor grows. I hope that in seeing the rythm and the simplicity in an humble setup, somes will give it a try and let these type of bloods for theyr clothes and theyr insulation.

  • seeds : everything turn around and i’m able to run somes rounds “blank” (without sensi) if i have too, that’s the true priority of this setup. My passion is not really to grow cannabis but to have a family tree of my favorite bloods and to follow theyr adventures. Like a book that never end.

  • gens : somes well known blood will come back in the genpool with time but you will quickly understand that the clone only collection and outcrosses are not my priority. I’m more on classics that sound pretty basic to the ears of a lot of people, or that are simply unknown today. It’s just a return to the sources for me now that i’m totally free to do what i want the most.

  • tutorials on weird things : training, managing micro moms/pops, dual medium, how my wife made clones and her holly ganja butter lol, a few comparisons that can help somes to feed theyr curiosity (defiolation, cuttings etc … that i use as selection tools in fact) … well everything that involve mainly the plant, a bunch of tortures and its traits. Outside it, i’m not really a technical guy and i “dabble” very bad lol

In synthesis, it will be more a place where i share my last madness that a true grow log that can feed an entire town in weed ^^ I will prevent each time that i post “flashback” pics, this is my 7th lab and the momentum is big.

see ya !


I’m by your side and believe in your project! Bookmarking this thread and DO expect to see some pics in the near future if it can be done.

Thanks @Fuel!


Sounds like you are from the school of Dr.BudGreenGenes :thumbsup:


Thanks. And yes, i agree the philosophy is the same.


I’ve started to prepare the first upgrade of the lab’ in helping a bit the flowering space with a (planned versatile) ebbFlow system. The difficulty was to build it compatible with the actual constraints, and for the further tent that will welcome twos systems like that. And to keep it technically “open” to add some options later with valves (aero mode, dripper mode etc …).

The support is a 125mm diameter tube cutted to welcome the pots, with the drain and the water input in each extremity.

I’ve choosed to don’t seal the extremity for the maintenance and cleaning. It add extra cost in this cheap homemade system but less headache for later to wash between twos rounds and to check roots etc during the dry phase.
Everything was cutted (not specially in a clean way i assume ^^) to fit the constraints, it was a pain. I’m not really a dabble master as you can see lol

I’ve used uniseal grommets (USA ones) for the water ducts that are 32mm diameter. I’ve discovered it in spain in a vegetable aquaponic setup. This is cheap, easy to install and adapted to rounded surfaces without headache (tubes in my case). Just don’t forget to add some dish soap before putting your tubes or you will think that your muscles and all the daily workout that you do … are useless lol

This how it look inside with 2 liter CEP pot loaded.

How the 6 end of the tubes look like.

The support/tank of 50 liters, just to drill some D32 holes then put the tube on.

For the junction i’ve buyed “plastic elbow” that i modyfied a little to be glued on the tubes.

Drilling for the water income.

It was a big mistake to put it here ^^ I just rushed without thinking that the flow will rush in the middle tube prior like that.
The system worked well like that, so i decided to let it like that and to reserve the change with all things to modify spotted during the first test-round.

pump side

And loaded on the fly ^^ It run since three days now with one cycle of 15 minutes per day for the moment, when the lights start theyr cycle.

You will see some Jack Herer F8, somes Sweet Tooth #3 F5 and somes Lemon Skunk x Grape Krush F2 flower inside it. Prey for me that these bitches will work better with it that without ^^

lill twin towers of lemon skunk x grapekush F2 to don’t make a post without flowers lol

To be continued ! Thanks for stopping buy and keep it overgrowing !


If you’ve got beans for that, more than a few people around here are interested!

Anyway, love seeing how you put this together – whenever I see a good build, part of me wants to get out of soil so I can play with power tools more :grin: I’ll certainly be peeking in to see how it works out!


Thanks ;o)

But you don’t have to divorce with soil to use an hydro system. I known, it sound weird. All the specimens actually testing the system are in (neutralized) soil, and the pots are wrapped by a “woman sock/stocking”. When the prototype will be in final version, i will switch on mixed medium (soil/rockwhool) like that (flashback pic):

… and coco coir (out of stock, need to refill lol).

hehe the holly Sweet Tooth #3, around 100 F6 are maturating in a clone :

If i share somes, it will be F7 because it’s just enough for the next gen selection ^^


The LS x GK (75% of the slots) and one ST#3 start to rush as hell without a single hint of PK, I’m happy. They like my ugly tubes more that i’ve planned for the moment. I’ve changed a little my feeding chart to continue the Root Excellurator until week 4 (at 0.2ml/liter), the pivot point that i want to reach is the plants filling the tubes with roots.

First prototype error : i’ve underestimated some Archimede’s principles with a too tall “NFT-style minimum level”. The height of the uniseals alone was enough and perfect. With a hammer (jeremy clarkson style), i’ve pushed a bit more the water ducts of the pump to gain one big centimeter. Just perfect now.
For the hawkeyes, the white spot are just residual plastic “sand” of the cuttings.

At this point, i need to slow down the clones in the vegetative side to don’t reach this state (flashback pic), that ask too much daily maintenance :

So i start early, because most of the JH F8 clones that are waiting will need to stay there one big month in 2 liters medium before i can free somes slots in the tubes :



2 males ST#3, 3 males JH, one JH mother of three years (all renewed near each month), a step of three years is finishing gently. The biggest one btw. Only the JH mother will remain because i need her as weed reference for further selections, and also because i love to smoke her in a daily basis.

I’ve eliminated the LSxGK F2 that you will flower first in this diary from the project and from the genpool after twos years, a bunch of harvests, a bunch of samples of friends (with similar hybrids) and deliberations. I trapped myself in this line with twos final females but i don’t regret the time spended. She was special and strange in a way, with a specific soul. Now, the DJ Short Grape Krush is on my list of strain to experiment pure (as stoner) even if it’s not really my range of favorite profiles (hazes).

Even with some mileage, i’ve not eared my instincts and customs with this line but i took the time to reach a 100% rationnal decision. I was unable to extract one single male from this line, they were all very bad in term of quality. In this case i generally throw the line very quickly. Sometimes in plain selection, i flush the space without any pity.

imho, A F2 line that is unable to produce good males or at least balanced ones is generally not a line that will survive to the “F4 divine judgement” (lol) in term of average quality and that will be very resilient in a bad sense. The performance was good, but the potency of the weed is finally boring both in traditionnal hash and in dryed flowers, when used daily for a long period. A bit too “stoney” for the project too, a messy stone. I’ve nothing against messy stones, i love the (old) Skywalker of DP or the (old) Sensi Star of Paradise, but it have to be enough potent and long lasting to be interessting and ludic. Unfortunnally it was not the case, and my new condition don’t permit to maintain her, for her later performances. You will see this round a true exctinction of a good strain lol Funny, i don’t have thinked about that.

So, i empty actually the vegetative space to launch a new selection. With the LSxGK or with the new one wich is coming (not fixed yet), i want to print a bit of “us trend” as “taste agent and spice” of the 3way that i’m slowly building. Not an outcross, more with an offroad blend picked by guys that are saturating to grow the sames clones all the year by obligation. You known, this offroad way to search something enough special and/or disturbing. The goal being to find a female-host to welcome a specific ST#3 x JH male, then enjoy the fruits a fews generations.

It was the “inner” share on the what is happening, and what will happend maybe the next ten harvests in this diary ^^

Let’s show more how i generally prepare the clones (except for seeds) to flower them :

From the moment when the stem is cut in clones to the presence of a true trunk, i don’t touch the clones outside minimal maintenance (dead leafs). Training included.

For now, the main goal is the same that usual : to choose the twos best main stems.

A bit more radical because these clones are ready to flower, but the slots are all full. They have to wait a big month for the lucky ones.

I just cut the trunk this time to the first true secondary stems, it give me twos weeks to equilibrate the twos news stems.

I’m more proud of this one of course ^^

I regulate the height simply by pinching the most vigorous stem of the twos
On the stem the most i can over on the tops. The difficulty on the JH blood is that it become quickly woody, reacting fast to this agression. But the next harvest you will see that it value the efforts with this blood.

Now, a very quick overview on a training variation that i use for my moms/pops. It’s trendy today to give a name to everything, lets call it “upside down training” lol

This is the patient, a JH female that i love globally even if she’s a bit bitchy sometimes. Nothing really unusual on the shape for the moment at first look but i’m preparing a long term relationship with her. Offspring is allready garanteed on clone’s sisters, i can have fun with her now on long time periods.

Top to bottom :

The last pic is the initial top of this long stem that i train along the trunk. This is the average lenght i’m waiting for to train again the top, like that :

During the build, it boost quickly the productivity of a little specimen in term of donor of clones, when you take them large and thick and in one shot.

That’s the problematic of SOG in tiny spaces, the source of the clones when you must fill a 12 slots trays in one time and to keep a good flow in veg in same time, between the buffer of the flo, the selections and the renews of specimens.

To keep fresh and tender over and over the same moms/pops is a pain until they are backup in seeds, now that i’ve only one P1 not to maintain but to play with … it’s like :

But it will not last so long lol, one round and it’s over with the injection of a new strain in the game soon ^^

Yesterday one of my intake have fall, after 2 years of non stop service. My fault. The space between the tubes and the wall of the space is very very tiny :

During maintenance i’ve maybe moved the tubes and blocked the motor of the intake, it finished it ^^ Well, it was the time to change it, no regret except using it instead one single RVK. I usually use this things for the bulbs only, to can near litterally “put the bulbs on the flowers”.

One trick for those who have twos left hands like me :

That’s how my universal adaptator look like. Patented off course lol That’s for a diameter wich is inferior that the orginal. For the reverse, just warm gently the plastic with fire to form it.

I present the tube like that in pressing. For me it’s like to discover sparks on silex at this point.

Then i release and it take the form. And now you start to ask yourself how the fuck you thinked about that and if it work.

Ugly, messy, but done in 30 sec and it work ^^ Forgive me but i have to accustom the reader with my “Dr frankenstein manner” to maintain this crazy space in life ^^

Have fun everybody, enjoy your favorite herbs and nothing else !


Welcome again in the purgatory with dante ^^

The ladies start to feel good, i’m happy. It’s a little early for the jack but i’m starting the PK (aptus), i hope it will speed up a bit the neverending and seeded mother of the ST#3. She was hitted hardly by gnats, these fckers love her as hell.

Gnats : total war

The story is pretty simple, it’s the first time that my plants have to litterally fight against this pest. And all started with a bad compressed coco bag. I say that because i’ve tested everything that passed in my mind to find the source, and one day i just throwed 3 liters of this coco coir in a hermetic bag with water. From a brand new coco bag. One week later, the bag was filled with an army of these suckers. So i returned to soil the time to beat theyr asses, near twos years ago damn. The paradox is that i want to return in coco as soon as i can.

Madness, they are like a mutant version that can eat one liter of roots per week. Sound crazy, i will show you. With a dense population and a fast turn over in perpetual, they are not easy to exterminate but i’m close now. I’ve learned to counter-breed them now lol

Initially, to help to isolate infested specimens one friend suggested me to put female stocking on the pots. It helped a lot to control and treat. Without it, i was in the obligation to empty the spaces totally to broke the cycles. In july 2016 i was close to lost all P1 of three important lines (and with all seeds launched). The root excellurator litterally saved the P1 from death, and saved me from the asylum too in the same move. In tiny space, with high density, young clones and perpertual … it’s truly a pain.

It looked like that before the gnats :

You will see why i’m totally paranoid now, they are not usual gnats that you get in motherplants sometimes. I have the super monsanto version i guess lol

So after a validated test on one veg clone and one flo clone in same time, i changed a bit the initial strategy of my friend. I’ve, for a good part, designed my ebb&flow horror with it in mind :

Don’t ask me why, infested and no-infested specimens are very stimulated this way and it annoy a lot more the gnats propagation. I’m the guy that is able to extract gnats-resistant specimens (i will show you one), but wich don’t known what he do when it’s outside this spectrum lol I assume and accept that since while ^^, like my twos left hands.

So there is the procedure with one of the most destroyed specimen that i have, one of the twos Lemon Skunk x Grape Krush F2 P1 that i have rejected from a 3way project.

Big difference between “before” and “after” mutated super gnats, yep. Until i’ve found a destructive protocol to beat theyr asses, the game was to produce more roots that they eated. I guess it was too easy and i needed challenge.

At this stage, i spray water with a low rate of HG PK on the whole soil block. It attract these fckers outside. Then … i torch them. Sound radical but it’s the faster way i’ve found to clean it from adults. I think it’s good for my nerves too to see them burning alive. One stone twos birds.

I put the woman’s stocking on the pots, borders on borders.

I put the plant inside, press it to reach the bottom of the pot, in removing the borders from the pots.

Then i fix it like a kind of artificial “root ball”. The good surprise was the potential of this idea for a lot of funny tests to do on specimens. But i will stay on the gnats subject for the moment, with my bad english i prefer to show that to explain.

Done !

By the way it was problematic with young un-infested clones (yeehaaa!) of Jack Herer that are coming, with stocking outside. With my daily check of the tubes, it scratched too much the stocking and make them useless with holes.

Gnats are unable to escape but root are. Can’t thank enough my friend for this initial simple idea. It helped me also to develop a new protocol of electroculture. Can’t wait to show you that, it’s very fun and plants like it.

**Tribute to the Lemon Skunk x Grape Krush **

Now a little tribute to a good line that will die under my eyes, I’m mad to destroy a good weed that have a personality but look at my ghetto space, i’m forced to be terrible.

This is the best phenotype (weed side) i get from the LSxGK F2 line in numerous rounds, look at these clean, not overfert tops of ~one month :

Put an handfull of rhubarb in kerosen, let it dry with a slice of banana and you get both the nasal odor and the palate taste that you will get. Flowering and dryed. The seedlings stank the weed and forced me to derivate a carbon filter in vegetative space during the selection. In optimal conditions she’s not specially generous but very fast and with a good balanced metabolism (no special regime). Totally herm proof and no latent in offspring.

Now her sister, a kind of monster with incredible values that wash totally her average potency and taste.

What kind of clone she give in 2 liters (flashback) :

No training, no cutting, no pinching … just a monster of 3 weeks from scratch that nothing can stop until she die.

The shape stay pretty, with ping pong balls rockbuds like an old NL :

That grow majestic (flashback, on right) without any effort :

To give a comparison, on left it’s her little sister initially planned for the 3way. Same veg age and flowering synchro : 7 weeks. Both in 2 liters. Standart size here for everything, same pots for all. No need to explain why.

I’ve said nothing can hurt or kill her :

I include my super mutated gnats cattle. The pot was filled with these fckers. She don’t give a fuck.
I’ve tryed to find an answer to that, without success. To decypher it will need to inbred her. I can’t. I’m allready supposed to can’t do what i initially do in the conditions i am, no need to push more the hardiness.

I bet on the alcaloid profile on roots and/or on theyr ion exchange. I’ve not tested chelates to validate it, and no one will continue this incredible opportunity to make a “gnats resistant line”.

The worst is that i’ve spended time to get these twos phenomenons, it was initially a mistake because i don’t knowned the Grape Krush profile and her potential printfoot on my project. But i can’t say that the line don’t rewarded me. RIP.

Well it was my therapy moment lol I feel better to have writed that now.

Gnats : Total war , act II

I return on my IBL of gnats. I think that they are at least in F30 and stronger that ever since the time ^^

I’ve found a procedure that work even in very dense and fast turn over conditions, that i can apply in veg (i never treat a plant that have flowers) without hurting or changing the shape of the young clones and seedlings.

The weapons :

  • Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis : No surprise for those that deal with gnats. I use now these granulate selled in supermarket, but any product that countain this bacilus work. I like the granulate because they are not fully melted in water and go deep in soil/coco. They say 1 grammer per liter in spray, but i get results with an heavy infestation with 1.5 grammers per liter directly in soil (one bag of 3 grammers in 2l water bottle). I don’t mix it directly with nutes but it work with mineral ones during a good week.


  • Bayer Decis J : A tricky discover of my wife that help to have a full cycle of treatment. It will be more clear with the graphic i will try to draw fast. They say 0.5 ml/liter in spray, i use 0.5 ml/liter directly in soil and i spray the surface of the stocking with it. Since i’ve putted the stocking inside and not outside, it’s twice efficient with this shit. Care, it’s not a “gentle” product like BT. It’s a very strong pyrethrum product based on Deltamethrin. I synthetize a lot but it’s more close to the cyanide that the geranium ^^ Take care, but it’s near vital is you’re in perpetual to hit these fckers.

  • Aptus Soil Attack : At the begin i’ve tested it without truly believing in it. Because i’ve recognized partially the odor of neem oil inside. But in fact it’s a tricky product that is not only that. It’s a preventive product that give results on time and that is explosive for the recovery of the plant when coupled with root excellurator at 0.2ml/liter. It will permit you to gain time in slowing down the cycle of reproduction, making the jail of the gnats very not like an hotel.

Each product is useless alone to do anything else that countaining the infestation. But in trio, i’ve near entirely recovered the whole veg space in only one cycle. The difficulty is to set the program and to respect it without a single day failed, or you have to wait the end of the cycle and do it again. I’ve downloaded an agressive reminder on the grow-laptop ^^

Now the program that i’ve set after many tries and fails, sorry for the design it’s quick maded :

I hope it can help somes to establish theyr program. The bad side is that you have to veg clone for one month the time to eradicate these fckrs. In the majority of the case it’s not a problem but in a dense tiny SOG it’s a pain and force you to create a kind of buffer for the free slots of the flowering space. It sux, i have to wait one more round before launching the seeds of the next selection. They just come from colorado from a contact that maded them in a grow op. Kind of promising blend, planned to replace the LSxGK rejected. Surprise ^^

I will finish in showing you the tracking of what i’ve done in the previous post with training and the “dual secondary” strategy. It will start to be more clear at each update i guess.

Dual secondary

Do you remember this jack herer clone 5 days ago ?

Now it’s the second step :

Twos secondaries have emerged, it’s time to clean the basis of the clone from all others stems (not leafs, defoliation is not my cup of tea for different reasons). Let’s clean it and give some rich N balance in nutes :

Now, nothing to do but pinching the faster secondary to equilibrate the height. I think this one will be nice.

Do you remember the jack herer mom that i’ve trained to get thick clones ?
Let’s see why now :

It was hard to get a good photo but i finally done a decent one to show you my strategy on clones. You are not watching four stems but four future clones. To bend upside down the most powerfull apicals meristem simply boost the productivity when you need this type of clone format.

The secret trick of the century is simply to don’t let the stems become woody and you’re good ^^ What a surprise lol. When the roots start to want go away from theyr little pots, i spray them with HG Magic Green (not all strains, somes become very lazzy this way like the GSC).

To close this long post, a little preview of the strains that you will see a lot the next rounds :

The leafy ST#3 female that hit you like a pill in a rave party ^^ I’m sure that no one will understand why and how the fuck it’s the most potent ST#3 phenotype i’ve ever tasted since years in viewing the trichome production. Pretty low.

My love of one life, the jack. This one is particularly tasty and long lasting, without any ceiling. What happend in your body with the ST#3 female is happening the same way but on cerebral side only with this female. These twos lines are totally complementary and i’m proud to have bleeded on it as hell to obtain it. Can’t wait to taste the F1 buds, even if it’s a male line.

Lets see if i reject another strain again, to find the right final female for this project is a bit more tricky that i have planned.

have a good grow, not a single mutated gnats of the hell, and your favorites herbs to love !


No se cual es tu problema por mi pobre ingles. Pero recuerda que para que sea realmente efectivo el BT debe fumigarse preventivamente antes de tener una gran infestación de orugas.
Hablo de larvas y orugas de mariposas y polillas en la parte aérea de la planta…
Las larvas del suelo las controlo con neem en polvo al regar el sustrato…


Castellano, it’s ok for me ;o)

I’ve tryed to follow strictly the instructions of the products in a first move, during too many times and without results. And i’m pretty sure that i have breeded the gnats this way to be more resistant and hungry in my shoes box. My veg space is now totally clean, you will quickly see the difference with the jack herer wich is coming. It work, i swear and i will show it ^^

Now i perfectly understand your conditions and i will change nothing in your input, i’m following your thread.

1 Like

Hi Fuel

The adventure goes on !
I will follow your tricks :wink:




Let’s update !

And let’s make some seeds again ^^ I will show the synchro of the jack herer, for the curious ones :

That’s the exact state i was waiting for, to launch his brother in 12/12. This compromise is in my range, this female is not specially a good mother and quickly lost too many vigor when dusted with too many flowers. Nothing to have with her sister that i’ve allready backup and that is barely a little factory of seeds lol

Just in case : i never partially pollenate my females, i never use any kind of intermediate to apply the pollen (brush, hands, anything) and i use only fresh pollen that come directly from the living male. That’s not the more easier way but i prefer to do it like that.

And this is the pollen box where the male will wait his sister :

Uggly but functionnal ^^ Inside, twos domestic CFL of 30W and a computer fan. The air is travelling on all the lenght of the cab’ in the superior level to finish in the clone space where the humidity is very high and not vented. It’s enough to neutralize the pollen and to harvest some sinse without worries.

I’ve removed one clone today that i’ve replaced with a fungus-less jack herer :

The transplant in “rool ball mode” was too much for her, it was useless to give her more time to recover. And i have to empty the veg space for the next selection by the way.

Let’s see one freak, the seeded sweet tooth ^^

She take so long each time ^^ Actually she restart to produce gently vegetal mass by apical meristems and the flowers start to open in showing the junction more and more. But they are not opened yet damn, seeds are not ready to see the light and to dry. Patience is a virtue.

Let’s see some buds :

They eat the minimal dose of Aptus Super PK (0.25ml/L) since a good week and the LSxGK start to become dank ^^

Let’s see the finest LSxGK :

And her sister that think she’s a northen light lol

The mirage is builded by his old function of motherplant and by the number of secondaries i’ve let. Kind of personnal tribute for her before she disapear for good, complicated to explain ^^

The leafy sweet tooth for a punchy morning coffee :

And the veg space that wait the death of the LSxGK to welcome a new strain in the genpool :

Mostly JH cuts and a couple of males. I have twos JH to backup pure and twos JH to hybridize with a sweet tooth male, i will cry to see an entire tube locked by seeded clones but … I need to speed up a bit the process.

The last JH mother is well, a bit pushed to prepare her to a “slow motion” phase. I keep her growing a bit in the case i’ve to fill unplanned gaps, then i will radically cut her to be the baby sitter of the next seedlings.

Somes others bud shots to finish with flowers !

see ya and smoke only what your soul is asking !


Very good read! Congrats amigo!


Hi fuel

Here are interesting essays.
I love the leafy sweet tooth :yum:


Breaking news from the shoes box !

Not really lol , this week was pretty calm and can be resumed to watching the plants to grow.

The male is starting his first wave of flowers in his pollen box. Shame on me, i’ve forgot to give him PK and it will produce a gap of a week. Now that i’ve the H&G PK to recycle this way, double shame on me. As you can see, i bend the best apical meristems with them too.

His sister planned to produce the seeds, but she’s now a bit too advanced. Fortunately I have twos others clones in the space that are in different stage of flowering and an half dozen in veg ready to go. I can let the male dust his box a month without any stress.

I’m a bit obsessionnal on the synchro, i don’t want the male’s pollen of the first wave of release.

Overview, and an ode to the Aptus Super PK. I’m simply loving it as hell and after have used a lot and mastered these ones : Bionova PK, Atami Bcuzz PK, Canna PK, H&G PK. No need to mention the bad ones.

Actually i’m staying at 0.25 ml/liter (half dose) and i’m pretty impressed by the quality of this product. Respect-full for the plant and with the luxury of an organoleptic booster in bonus. Not sure that i will push full dose this round, i will wait that the tubes will be cleared from the LSxGK and full of Jack Herer to explore the 0.5/ml dose (full dose).

Even the early clones of my last bitchy JH mother love it. And it’s the first time that i see this specific female loving a PK so early in flowering stage ^^ And loving a PK bonus at all lol

After one big month of test of my uggly tubes on a 15 minutes cycle per day, i’ve switched to 5 minutes per twos days, three days ago. To test the “dry” limit and best known this new system. With the help of the “root ball stocking”, the weight of pots are very homogenous no matter the development of the plant. I’m pretty happy on it.

First photo is the LSxGk mutated female (immortal+), buds have leaved the ping pong balls shape and start to stretch a bit. Now, within twos weeks you will see why i’ve initially selected her. I auto-whip my asses to can’t pollenate her with a skywalker male.

Others photos is from his sister (quality¨+) at 6 weeks. Pistils start to fade but the trichomes still reflect the lights like the snow. I will launch a partial flush, on the most matured. I need to build individual pieces that maintain the pot over the Ebb&Flow water level for that, and i need guinea pigs. I want my full Jack Herer round near perfect ^^

This view is killing me ^^ It show the work that have to be done before the next selection. The goal is to reach the point where the JH mother is the only one in the space.

I hesitate to use the clone space to launch the seeds of the new selection, twos dozens with somes immatures. If they are vigorous, i will be in the shit to transplant them for the veg space within twos weeks. It’s freaking hard to resist, can’t wait to launch these seeds and to read theyr story a couple of generation. This is an US blend of nice bloods that i’m not used to work with, it will be very stimulating but rodeo in same time ^^ Can’t wait.

See you later and avoid any mids in your grinder !


This week was a bit more productive that the previous. ~2 months in the tubes i enough to try a fews upgrades, and to clean the place too. I’ve make a portion in a type of “behind the things” just for the fun to show somes duties that we don’t often show on diaries ^^
pics ab

Lets begin with the st#3 seeded clone and somes pics about seed’s calibrations.

End of run for her, the leaf is the sign i’m waiting for to harvest the seeds. More is too dead ^^ I’ve pollinated her this summer but i can’t remember when lol

It’s how i sort them. Left -> trash, bottom -> Beta Grade, up -> Alpha grade.

Then i package the line in twos grades, i will always use first the alpha bag. That’s around 56 seeds total, in bags on i think 150 in counting the green tender ones. I expected 100 with more alphas but … next gen.

In details the grade’s difference and how :

Up the alphas : rounded and more homogenous, that show well where is the “pivot root” that wait to pop. The diameter is obviously bigger but not at the maximum of this blood in general.

Down the betas : a little irregular, but finished and greasy. Most of them will pop well fresh, i just prioritize also the calibration.

  • behind the things : seed harvest

This one is particulatly leafy but i’m trimming the same way the seeds buds and the sinse.

This temp and RH here (in the shoes box lol), H24 all the year.
Cold flue-cured is maybe the appropriate term i don’t known, but on drying sequences i’m inspired by tabacco process anyway ^^

I need a cone, lazzy to make a blunt.

I’m unable to smoke paper anymore, i use thin cellulose instead for fast cones. Yep the leaf if on the pic ^^, it’s a bit more thin than a more knowned aleda. I use “Trip”, a chinese brand,very nice cellulose that burn slowly well. Those of cell-O-fun AG, german brand, are nice too even if the packaging is cheap. Very nice thin cell-leaves too. Yup i don’t hate tabacco too ^^

Not bad idea to have harvested this clone a bit early lol, the lemon skunk side is clearer. Near cleaner. It remember me the citric jack in flowers that i hope of new eve in a big blunt.

Let’s show a little overview and a couple of flowers.

With an half dose of Super PK i’m pretty statisfied by the shape of flowers, the cristals and the taste i can say. It make her racy taste more pronounced. The taste is based on a mix diluted of citric kerosen and strong skunk scents, aftertaste, taste, … anything else old skunk full throttle lol I don’t known mix of authentic taste and bouncing “racy spice” in the mix. But the stone is too strange, even force-flushed. It will not give more horses to the cerebral chock of the JH and the body race of the ST#3 but fight more as a third party. To speak cuts that are known and with a time machine, i will choose an ECSD female to close the JH/ST. This light kerosen scent is frustrating when you known this cut. And the more you love it, the more you know than it’s a “Comtesse” of the bitches lol. Or maybe with a pre 2004 Rockbud too.

I disgress in thinking to my next cone ^^

The jack start gently to install her stretch :

Maybe the will finally be synchrone. The male finally have dryed his medium, i’ve give to him 1ml of HG PK today lol It will boost him a little.

But not yet pk forced it was his state (not yet ready) :

Little tribute to (LS x GK)


The ST#3 take her time as always, even for the sinse. But it value the wait. Ninja style. To be continued in F7.

  • About flush, and yield’s track, and … let’s rock and roll a cone.

I’ve “force-flushed” a good week this specimen to provoke in a way the harvest :

With a homemade clip :

Sometimes you force a little the nature to get a sample ^^

To continued lol in the 2nd episode.


Thanks for the great read. What you’re doing in such a small grow is humbling. I will never complain about my box ever again. If you ever get to grow trees, you will need a ax to cut them down.

Grow on. :puffpuffpass:


Beautifully documented, I love the information you gave, it really added your personal touch. Can’t wait to see more!


Thanks for your nice words guys ;o)

@stain : A “tree” of the past for you ^^ Not so big, 4liters, but 800wCFL/sqm. I aim for here 1KwCFL/sqm and twos “pipeline system” for the flo space. You will see soon the first step of the headache of the extraction’s system ^^

This time @Roux, i’ve take the time to show a fews basic things and tricks (shameless) that are not specially show on diaries, the duties ^^ And how i organize that. This time i was lazzy (2 months) by the test of the new system, but it happend usually each month : full wash. In using hydro tank, i have to reduce it to a dozen day max but if i do that i will do it less that once a month lol

It show the rythm too of a sog way, it’s basically a little bit of everything each week without true season like a traditionnal grow. Harvest, wash, transplant, germination, motherization … no sequences lol

I see, i have not sleeped so much lol But at the moment to go bed i see than that was a bit painfull to write a note about the fast drying ^^ I continue in a more cleanest way,

Need a coffee-blunt anyway ^^

  • Behind the things : The ignominious Fast Drying of the damned souls that don’t exist anymore. Don’t read it. Never. Go away. Run.

As usual, you never have readed this anywhere and you continue bury alive all online’s microwavers. With scorpions. Cover your ass bro, the secret can be discovered then the… circle! ^^

Mine is a process inspired from the tabacco industry that work well, decent when in urge and with freaking stable results on the scale. I’m luv it for that, too and base a lot of notes on it. The most complicated thing is to get a constant balance of twos rates : temps and RH.

1 ) Hot flue-cured

min30°c-max36°c, RH30% (margin of max 10%)
airflow : pulsed 400m3/hr per sqm airflow
min86F-max96.8F, RH30% (margin of max 10%)
airflow : pulsed 14 125 ft3/hr per sqm airflow

Don’t be shy, it’s fast drying that you don’t want to talk about ^^
A lot more easy to set in a paper box in a first time or something else like that with low volume to control. After it’s just a question of flow and height to place in the right spots.

  1. Cold flue-cured

min20°c-max25°c, RH50%
airflow : pulsed 150m3/hr per sqm airflow
min68F-max77F, RH50%
airflow : pulsed 83ft3/hr per sqm airflow

It help sometimes ^^ but not only, i use it to fast weight the whole yield equation of a clone too. It give fast solid averages on wich count. I will show it in detail next post.

  1. The essential point to do it ^^ : To put the buds to cure the fastest possible.

Use bigger jar that usual for a big volume of air exchange. If needed for dense core nugs, open the jar in the “hot” flue-cured space for like 5 minutes to 7 minutes then close and put back in the “cold” flue-cured space until next homogenous drying state.

I’ve not mentionned the well known trick of CFL’s users, that is the peak of the heretism and that you will never see in photo elsewhere lol Aluminium grinders only.

So this is the end of a thing that you’ve never saw and this message will autodestruct within 5 seconds, 4, 3 …
→ Fck microwavers