sharing my small grow

This is my first time sharing any pictures other than with my super close friends. I have been growing since the OG OG days and BOG was always my favorite grower back then. I grew his genetics for a long time and was super bummed to hear of his passing, I was in the middle of growing out my last seeds from him sour bubble. I then found Tonys Tortured beans and his Gorrila Bubble and knew I had to have some of them, so for only the second time ever I ordered seeds.

Its going pretty good so far, I had hoped for 6plants to fill out my screen, two of them were male, and two of them got transplanted in hot soil and never recovered so I have them in my veg tent hoping they will recover at some point. Anyways just wanted to get this on here so I could ask some questions. I had some purple stems that seemed to slow their growth so I was hoping to get some help with that before the next grow.

soil has been reused several times and was amended with KISS this last time.


Nice grow I love the Scrog.


Here is a pic of the purple stem issue, I know the Gorilla bubble tends to have purple stems but this looks a little excessive and the growth was slower than I am used to. Any guesses on what I could do to keep them green next go?


I’m taking a seat for the show @big-E-tallz !
I like what you have growing on in there!
:v: :cowboy_hat_face:


Don’t even worry about the purple stems.

No big deal

Her sister stayed 100% green and they were both treated the same.


Small update, things are just chugging along. Man does this strain pump the trichs out…even my clones (taken a little late in flowering) are getting triched up! day 28 for the girls

100% success with cloning, using a dirty pair of scissors to cut and scrape the stem, dip in 10year old thing of clonex and humidity dome…easyyyyyy


Lil update pic at day 43

Missed out on the seed extravaganza yesterday but honestly I’m so happy with this gorilla bubble! Someday I want to have a setup to run multiple strains…this is my medicine for back pain and anxiety so hope this ones a good one! It would be nice to have a more sativa daytime strain down the road tho…

Hope y’all had a good 4th!


Looks real good, nice to see a fellow OG med grower doing well. Thank you for sharing.

Plants got chopped on the full moon (unplanned just went with breeders recommended and it happened to be a full moon!) I just cut the stem and let them start there cure in the grow room, its the easiest place for me to control temp and humidity. I cant get temp below 70 right now but humidity stays at 60. I slowly trim when I have a some spare time, Ive never been a fan of trimming so its nice to break it up over the week. Shooting for atleast a week before jarring so will likely move them to the veg tent in a day or two to increase the humidity as they dry.

Very very stoked on the quality but I noticed while triming some low buds on the plant I took clones from (of course) that I had a couple balls hanging from some low nugs :disappointed: Looks like very minimal seedage but still a bummer as I have this setup to run again with clones from the plants that hermied…How likely would the clones go hermie again? I had one day in the grow that temps hit 90+ when I forgot to turn back on AC. Would you guys grow these clones out and risk it? What about the seeds it does produce, are they viable? Would those be worth keeping or is that trait passed on? @Tonygreen do you have any suggestions if you look at small grows like this? :relaxed:


What are you using for lights there? I see two blurples and an air cooled hood (what wattage?) Seems like a lot of light, to me.

Nice to see raised bed grows, will be following along here.

That’s your call. It might be a deal breaker. It might not.

Lots of plants throw a few balls it’s not the end of the world. More than a few is not nice.

I’ve got some seeds that have these traits that I won’t grow again.

I would probably move on to something else, and I wouldn’t use those seeds.


Oh that was from and old grow was trying led out for the summer to keep temps down. Not as dense of buds but other than that I can’t comlain. I don’t know much about the lighting side of things tho


If you are reusing soil throw some big handfuls of gypsum in there. Just a guess but I think you ran a little N heavy. Proper levels of Ca and manganase will do you better and allow for better P uptake.
Your stems will stay green and less woody if yer nailing it and growth will be explosive.
These are micro hogs for sure. Some will see an early fade in flower, too late to try to push feed or more N. Too late. It’s not N it’s the Manganase and Iron… trying to fix it here with more salt, leads to a stressed plant.
That dark green at 43 is the hint at top much N. Your flowers will blow up way bigger when you nail it


Heck yea, thank you Tony! That is some solid advice! I knew something was off as the growth was stunted for sure. That being saId, this is still the most fire herb ive had the pleasure of growing, so thank you sir for all the hard work! It really shows!! Fingers cross for the gypsum next round!

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Anytime amigo!
You probably have enough N in that pot for another run! I’d do the gypsum and maybe some sul po mag.
Far as the seed, worth a shot. They’ll be Feminized anyhow

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Isn’t it nice to have someone to turn to for Rick solid advice.
Like your dad would give!!

Rock not Rick

Man, time has been flying. End of summer is always so busy. Garden has been neglected the past few weeks but we are limping along. Snuck some climbing and biking trips in and throw some weddings in there and here we are! excited to get this grow flowering and move on to some new strains this winter. I kept the six clones from the last run and they BARELY survived a almost 3 week period of me being gone. I decided to set my air pots on top of my bed and see if they would root down into the main bed and survive being unwatered. They did but it made for a rough transplant, I should have just transplanted before I left. Most of them did fine but one of them was droopy for over a week and just finally bounced back. Shaving down there daylight hours and will be in 12/12 in a few more days.

Added the amendments @Tonygreen suggested, as well as bumped my temps up as per recommendations from @Mr.Sparkle, this made a huge improvement, my dehumidifier and AC are working waaayyy less now, its also not as hot as mid summer but still in the 90s here.

ill get some pics up later


Sorry about the necroposting; if you’re still wondering, although it can sometimes be a strain-specific genetic trait that presents regardless of environment, generally purple stems are an epigenetic trait that seems common to all cannabis. It happens when you grow under blurple LED lights, they get a “suntan” to better absorb the precise wavelengths they want. That seems to have been all you were using for your first grow, so that explains it. It’s also why they grow somewhat slower, they have to expend energy blocking out light rather than just using it all. Take all this with a grain of salt, of course - I’m not an engineer, I just play one on TV, and my understanding of genetics is moderate at best. I have blurple lights that I haven’t gotten around to replacing as well, and this is what I remember reading when I started to wonder and researched it myself.


Actually that post couldnt have been more timely! I literally am researching building my own LED light right now! I found the same stunted growth and purple stems this go around as well so I think its time for the blurps to take a hike. Do to some garden neglect I also got my self a healthy fungus gnat problem as well. I have been doing some traveling the last few months so I havent given this space the attention it deserves. I have some new seedlings started and am planning a rebuild of my setup after this harvest. Still want to get some pics up but not much to be proud of at this moment! The fungus gnats had time to take out my cover crop so sticky traps are out and trying out those mosquitos bits as well.

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