She Said My Weed Smells Like Farts!

That’s a good thing right?! The lady said “Eww open the window!”

Dominion Skunk x Nature Farm Skunk =winner


Is this the weed from the tent you have been sleeping in and fumigating all night with your rank ass?? :thinking:
Bro I found the legit skunk you just have to ass it out to get it to express it’s full potential! Secrets!!

Sorry my wake and bake got me all sassy


Glad you enjoyed the humor. Seriously the story is. This autumn my brother and his girlfriend were sitting on the porch with me and we were smoking some skunk cross I was curing out. It was dry enough to burn and She does not smoke so I asked her hey what is the smell like to you? She took a wiff gave the eww face and the thiusand yard stareand said “it smells like poop!” My brother and I had a good laugh about that. I always ask people that don’t smoke what the plant smells like what the bud smells like to get an accurate description. Glad you found some humor in my post it’s fun to be a goofball sometimes late night. I get home from work and I’m just feeling goofy. Good luck getting some stinky stuff from your garden.


Lol, the environmental factors really influenced that pheno :laughing:

Need to make a fart skunk strain for all the ladies, call it dutch oven :joy:


The dedication some of these ladies demonstrate by sleeping with our stinky asses is truly astounding!!:joy:
Ladies I salute you!!


Thanks for the laughs homie!
I suspect we are hunting different terps but to each his own. It’s all about that GAS not that ass brah!


Shit yeah that’s the best!!


i hope you got clones!!!


I used to get bud every once in a while called dog shit, well the name was perfect cause it was rank. It was some dank tasted awesome but when you sniffed a bud. Well the name implies it.


This season so far the Foulest smoke and some awesome weed is the Howard’s Red by The Nature Farm. It’s a red lebanese hashplant crossed with TnF skunk 18. Smells like bereys in veg. Cures up into a greenish brownish tinted tight buds with tons of red hairs. In the jar it has a sort of oatmeal rasin aroma. Don’t let that fool you tho. The smoke is like burning poop for sure. Good stuff. Here is the last of the buds I got. Really nice strain. I order from TnF alot always happy with the plants and service.

The plant at it’s peak

howards red on the left.


We pulled up to the house the other night and my daughter asks, “are those kids smoking pot again or did you just fart?”

Well the pot didn’t smell like a fart to me, does that mean my facts smell like pot?


That caption pic has me dying over here hahahahah

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:rofl::sweat_smile::joy:I’m on it!


lol you reminded me of this scene when my daughter was younger she grabs my goodies backpack and stuffs her head in there. Takes a big inhale and goes “ahhhh that stinks”!


ive heard others talk about this strain, i need to get some of that!!!


It’s some dank stuff when you find it!


There used to be a skunk that was going around in Niagara Falls back in the 90s when I was a teenager that had red hairs all over on dark lime colored buds.Smelled just like if you just got in a car and realized you stepped in hot dogshit.Good buzz though


Do you grow in the closet with your clothes? Man people are going to smell you coming a mile away lol


Skunk smells nothing like the ass of anything but a late spring skunk.

Dogshit is a pheno in itself. No one wants fart weed, whatever that is. Refresh me. What even is that? Fart weed? What’s with this new generation? Butric acid from fungicide application probably. Most Americans can’t tell the difference between asshole and headcheese for some deep underlying national health reason. I’ve bought neem oil soaked bud in every medical state so far. No one is batting an eye. Except the girlfriends of the suckers buying this legal trash. “earthy”. “Fart weed” " Ghost OG tastes like bell peppers" I feel like an alien every time I read this shit

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All of your posts smell like dogshit