Shishkaberry Preservation Run, Open-Pollination (CLOSED for sign up)

Looking right as rain. Carry on


Shishkaberry Update

Things are moving along quite well…a few of the ladies are 3’+ tall and pretty wide. Next update we’ll separate the males/females, and give them a thorough defoliation to open them up a bit and take clones…Then we’ll get this :confetti_ball: :balloon::tada: started!

Here’s how they are lookin as of yesterday.



They look real good congrats, they enjoy their new home and your care. What a difference since they got here and your back is better. There’s one little brown and dry thing in the back that seems a little jealous though lol.

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Appreciate the kind words!

Yeah that’s a Chocolate OG #3 reveg…not sure she gonna make it! Ha


I like the look of them. Beaudy mate :ok_hand:


The first photo(thumbs up) has a thick stem and excellent leaf structure. That one is brimming with life. You really have them dialed in. Well done, AG.


Is the plan to fully run em, see looks/test effects take notes and then use clones to make the beans? Will you be making fem or regular seeds? Looking great!

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Looking great , fantastic recovery on those plants.
Love the big fan leaves but the ones that really catch my eye are the bottom ones in the last 2 pics. Very curious to see how those particular plants turn out.


This will be an open pollination for OG so many phenotypes to dig through…but I’ll take clones of everything in case something special stands out. :slight_smile: Then maybe a bit of selective breeding…



A few of them have a very odd structure…guessing it’s from being root bound/auto flower and now “revegging”.

One has a very minty smell that I really like…not like the usual Shishkaberry. Very sticky as well.



Glad to see things are going your way bud. I was thinking about the first time I got concrete in my green boots the first time I helped pour a slab. I recall the day prior having to tie rebar to chairs by hand after digging footers all morning… Or the times I would shimmy between two to three story buildings on a 2x12 with a hose weighing 10 tons for AC unit pads for apartments… :thinking: $8/hr at 15 I guess it could have been worse :joy:. My hats off to any construction worker making a living!

But anyhoo. Just wanted to say thanks for the hard work even when times are trying. :green_heart:


it is those expressions related to the stresses that make those plants stand out to me.
Years ago growing the original release beans, we found 3 standout females #2, #3 and #6 . The latter 2 we had good clones of but an accident with a tray of rooting #2 clones caused them to be lost and it was too late in flower to take more. So we revegged the #2 in order to save it and later… a couple years, we had to reveg a #6 to save it. In both cases the leaves reverted to single and 3 blade and had a very jurrassic look to them for lack of a better term. Seeing those ones I pointed out in your pics… they remind me very much of how the #2 and #6 keepers looked under stress recovery/reveg. It is a distinct appearance amongst a larger group of the same genetic.


Shishkaberry Update

Sorry for the lack of updates been crazy busy with running a facility full time, electrical on the side, and taking care of my ladies 15 year old boy, and literally everything else for the last 3 weeks while she’s down in Oregon for a graduation…been busy! Lol

The plants are now two weeks into flower, doing well for the most part. The boys been helping with the dogs and in the grow which is amazing! However he learned a hard lesson about overwatering last week…The plants were supposed to get a light watering as he was shown. Let’s just say a few of em got quite a bit more than they were supposed too! :rofl:

His 3 plants got the worst of it and 2 of the Shishkaberry are a little worse for wear but should recover. One has some normal new growth the other not so much.

So here they are this evening:


And this happened… :wink:


Woa nice roots!

No wonder your mate’s boy had hard time watering correctly, when the plants are that big in not so big pots, it’s a difficult task. That’s cool you share that together though. Maybe a future new OGer? :wink:

Keep up the good job!


Good luck for the recovery. Those clones look alright.
I wish I had a closer like that.

Happy growing :hugs::maple_leaf:


What cloner is that brother?


Wow those rooted great! looks good :grin:


I feel your ladies boys’ pain… I’ve killed everything I’ve ever tried to grow in dirt, let him know he’s not alone :joy::metal:

All-in-all, your plants look great! Nice rooter setup, those look fantastic!


Clone Kings 36 also have the 64 site. Can get them many places just search Clone King.

I’ve used many many cloners in my day, home made and retail…this is by for the best! Large water :sweat_drops: res is the difference…maybe more sprayers…it’s funny too because these are straight up “Home Made” looking. :slight_smile:

Either way they work amazingly well.

Also, they seem to work best with Dip n Grow. :wink:



Does the Clone King 36 require any cloning gels/rooting hormones? Or does the water mister do the magic on its own?

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