Shitty seed banks, but still produced killer weed dank

After a run of just shit seed banks…420 seeds, Seed Supreme, and one other I don’t recall. It’s been quite the adventure since my last auto grow that I posted here. Needless to say I was able to finish out this terrible seed that initially had died, I threw outside, it came back to life, and then I brought it back in again. The strain is Acid Dough by Ripper Seeds which the seeds did NOT come in a breeders pack so I’m not sure how credible they are. Luckily I have commonsense when it comes to growing being that I’ve been a landscaper my whole life and a gardener, but I truly believe after my run in with these seed fuckers that most newbie growers issues are solely related to the seeds they’re buying. I mean at this point I have seed PTSD that carried over into my current grow which I’ll be posting soon LOL. That’s fucked people want to screw others with trash seeds, but anyways…. ENJOY this Acid Dough. I learned A LOT again. I will officially not be using COM(Coast Of Maine) anymore, but for this I did a 3 gallon pot with COM Stonington Blend in a 2x2 with the Mars Hydro TS600. I used COM products for all top dressings I did which was the plant food, worm castings, and buds and blooms. Topped and LST, and by the time I was near end of flower I might as well have had a trellis net in there so the next grow is getting SCROG’ed hands down. COM soil according to many I’ve talked with that have used them for years has fallen off with their products. They got too big for their britches. I know many people as well as me who dealt with many nutrient deficiencies with their soil for that reason I moved on to Build-A-Soil for the next grow. I learned a lot like I said here on this grow and am looking forward to my 2nd photoperiod attempt as my first round were autos. I’ve even learned more about the drying and curing process so stay tuned for the next grow. For now here’s Acid Dough


Wait, so you trashed the seed cause they sucked but it survived…then came back to be dankness? Sounds like the Rocky of weed seed! I’m rooting for it!!


Sure is purty.


First of all, well done. Beautiful plant!

…so I was curious and looked them up. Now seedfinder is hit or miss with their info, but based on this description and what I’m seeing in yours…I think they are what they’re supposed to be?


Nice work. Yea, I hit SeedSupreme my 1st go too. Found my way to GLG. Never regretted that move. Wow!


That is correct! Seedling weeped over and died, placed it outside in my garden and she came back like Frankenstein. Rocky Rocky!


Yea, I’m pretty sure it’s the right strain just older or bad seeds given by the seed bank. I didn’t want to ruin Rippers reputation as they’re known for GREAT genetics and phenos just in case of the poor seed quality or if it wasn’t Acid Dough at all. Out of 5 seeds none popped so I got sent replacements to which only 1 popped then died, but I revived it to life putting outside somehow. My buddy grew Zombie Kush from Ripper and it looked waaaaaay better than this. All the stress earlier on could’ve effected bud quality as well. I did however have it tested and she came in at 21%THC which I could’ve gotten more towards 23% with this strain, but overall she smokes very very good.

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Lazarus Plant!
I was never that lucky.
In my early days, after my first seed purchase, from Australia, that was a fantastic experience, then after not so much…For a while anyway.
I was using a few of the bean bangers that hung out on Gypsies site. As I grew them out they were NOTHING like the photos showed them to be like.
If they were not out n out herms, they were scraggly, poorly bred, shitty seeds.
Of course, when you tried to get an answer, the classic shitty breeder response, started off with, well you have a light leak, or you did not veg them long enough, or the all time most stupid comment, your not running them organically, what a stupid statement.
Then banned, and banned again, simply asking openly why are these shit.
So for the next 16-17 years, I did not buy, nor look at any beans from UK/Adam, my last bean buy, was RezDog, the beans were great, but then he got his nad’s squeezed, and he chirped, so no more buys from him for me.
I just last month put my first order to a UK company, something I swore I’d never do again!
However there was no other source, so I pulled the trigger, sent my funds, and waiting. As stupid as I feel to say this, I really feel all will work out this time.

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Whooo boy, that has a fun leaf shape!
Congrats on bringing her back from the brink!

Thank you, and oh yea! Sativa leaves! Skinny and long with pointy tips like the Grinch’s fingers.

Nicely done!

really a beautiful Monster with fine fingers.

not bad for a mutt.

Born again bean lol looks like she came out good :call_me_hand:

Haha I thought the same……fingers

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Those look really good. Bet they smell nice.:+1::+1::v: