Shopping for seeds

fuck no hahaha…

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Well I stand corrected to above post.
Today, while reading someones Grow Report about some old school genetics they bought.
As I looked at the seed packets, low and behold, a Born On Date!!
Looks like the piggy bank will take a beat down.


just a heads up, I had no luck with the rsc malana cream stock gathered on site in the himalayas. 0 for 19 with their 2014 and 2016 malana stock, with many different germ methods and treatments. They were all contaminated with some kind of damping off fungus, I kept sickly seedlings alive for months with no growth, but the fungus won every time and eventually killed them all.
I had the same results with 22 kumaoni rsc seeds also gathered on site in northern india.

I know you have plenty of experience with landraces and heirlooms, but if money is tight, plan for significantly reduced germ rates on all their stock that is actually gathered on site.

I love their lebanese line, and I’m getting great germ rates with the seeds it produced and loving my ibl selections.
But even with the lebanese, the germ rate for their stock from lebanon was below %50.

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@ zephyr I remember you mentioning that issue if and when I do get some I’ll probably purchase a few packs, some people gamble at the casinos I gamble on seeds lol


should also mention I have had no problems with their reproductions grown indoor by angus.
much higher germ rates on those because they were grown and dried in controlled conditions.

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