Show off your quick and dirty "stoner engineering"

Im just starting to get it going. This girl from the pic almost died before I got it moving in the right direction. Now she is getting huge. I didn’t have enough holes drilled out in the bottom so it was drowning anything that grew down there and then it was just stewing and rotting away. I cut the bottom off and after a couple res changes there is no longer any smells of death as there was before


After cutting the grass i sat down for a smoke and I see the “backdoor” on the 4×4 and I realize just how close of a call I had. I lost 1 plant had another reduced to clones and the tent has a new opening. The last pic is a top on my Strawberry Cough #3. It is not a Strawberry pheno. I don’t know a bunch about the different strains so I can’t compare it to anything else, but to me it smells stupid sour. Not lemon sour,though there is a citrus smell to it, sour like sour milk.


Shit i posted that in the wrong thread…im not to good at interneting while I’m high. My bad.


Was gonna say, lol.
Wasn’t quite sure where you were headed with that one. :thinking::wink::grin:

Not quick or dirty but definitely good engineering and repurposing:

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