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That’s for sure. My girl was going crazy for a while one day and I couldn’t figure out why. Later that day on the news it said we had a minor Earthquake right at the time she had been acting crazy! It was so small I couldn’t feel it but the dogs are more sensitive to that stuff than we are.


Couldn’t find my post almost a year ago of this little guy, but this is an update


Great pics! Makes me want to scratch those ears and give her a kiss on her pretty head!




Ok, back in June I posted a pic of all our babies, and here is a pic of the puppy(now a horse) at 10 months old lol!

She’s already bigger than Momma! lol


beautiful bully!!! How old is he?

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About to turn 1 year. He’s a big un . About to exceed our expectations, at 1 He’s going to pass up his dad in size


How much does he weigh?

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Almost 90lbs he’s stacked like a Brahma.
I picked him out of two other boys, the other two don’t have the size he has.


Handsome boy for sure!


our cash man just hit 2 years old the day before yesterday… he topped at 135. highly highly doubt he gets any bigger… love this breed man, they seriously are the best… he glues himself to my wife now that shes pregnant… no one but me is able to get near her… at night he lays his head on her belly and listens


i love it man, not only do i have a dog, i have horses too! our family has always trained race horses and barrel horses for sale… I grew up roping but have since given it up due to me barely being able to lift my right arm

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Merlin just taking a nap.


From many moons ago…

My Teva. 110lb.
Rhodesian Ridgeback.
More gentle than most Chihuahua. Lol


I’m an American Bull Terrier breeder and I’ve had many of them throughout the years…


They are without a doubt the most loyal dogs I’ve ever owned. Maybe it’s their confidence that I like mostly tho, absolutely fearless.


My American Bulldog Karma finally had her Pups :slight_smile:

There are 7 but you can only see 6 I believe one is shy! Lol! Hiding under the others!
They are going fast, I think we priced them reasonably compared to some people who try to make a bunch of money. We just want to cover the vet bills, formula, first shots, etc. and have a bit for us. They are $1000 and will hold for $100 deposit. I’ve seen them going for double that a lot lately. With covid around here you couldn’t go to the humane society so people were just raising prices to take advantage of that I think. :thinking:
Most are spoken for but 1 girl and 1 boy left as of today as long as nobody changes there mind. Yellow and Orange collars are still available, Yellow collar with light brown body is a boy and the dark brindle with orange collar is a girl. The girl is hard to see cause she is at the back and head down but I will get more pics. :slight_smile:



Here we are, a little better view of the two left…

This one is the girl.

And here is the Boy.

Mamma is 85 lbs when not pregnant. Dad is still growing but Grampa is 110 and ALL muscle.

See what I mean, this is Karma’s Dad so Grampa to this litter, Strong as heck! Named Rocky and lives up to his name! :slight_smile:

Ok, enough pics for now, hope you enjoy them!


My Wolf-dog Sunny (:slight_smile:
75% NA Timber wolf 25% Husky

Pic is a few years old! Sunny is now 5 years old!
Some advice: Dont buy a wolf! lol no matter what you think your connection to animals may be, unless youre lucky enough to have no job and plenty of patience, wolves are wolves, they are not dogs or pets in any way/shape/form.


Hahahaha, @CADMAN He’s like “i just cant…” toooo cute


Peace of Mind, much? Dude, he just has to come hang out wherever I’m at. Then I can’t get any work done till he wants out or needs to eat. What are you gonna do?