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$2800 here for one

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I think the last one I seen for sale over here was Ā£3500. I can buy 2 decent cars for that :rofl:

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Their expensive and some of them get real bad allergies like my white dog started getting them at 2 years
Old heā€™s 11 now spent thousands of dollars in vet bills lol

Then we spent another $10k 2 years ago when we found out he had a mass on his bladder this is all out of pocket we didnā€™t have insurance for him,couple ultrasounds couple of specialists
thatā€™s 10k

We got the pup insurance lol


Great pyrenees/ anatolia akbash


Great pyrenees/ bull mastiff


Yeah my bull mastiff went lame on her front right leg. I had to carry a 10 stone dog into the garden to take a pee. I had to raise Ā£1200 for a CT scan for her after her x-ray looked like cancer. I broke my balls working any job to get it together. It ended up being just that. I couldnā€™t put her through the surgery then expect such a big dog to walk on 3 legs so I had to have her put to sleep. Hardest thing Iā€™ve ever done in my life and itā€™s broke me for months. She was only 8 when she died.


Itā€™s terrible weā€™re just meeting him do his thing at the minute and happy heā€™s still around for Christmas he has to take pills everyday but except for that heā€™s a pretty happy dog


I bet heā€™s loving life with you. Itā€™s true what they say. No such thing as a bad dog. Just bad owners.
Hope he improves mate. Heā€™s a beauty :+1:

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Mastiff for the win :ok_hand:
Fuck sake. We like the same plants and dogs. Your my American twin :rofl::v:


Looks like we both care about our animals too.
Having to have one put down is very hard.


Yeah I had a lot of emotional help from the people here on OG. I did what I had to do bro for her. I still have her close in a wooden box I had made for her ashes. Iā€™m not getting another dog ever though after all that.


We just lost one about a month ago. We got these because great pyrenees are protectors of other animals and owners. We have chickens turkey peacock guineas.
My wife rescues and rehabs animals so Iā€™m always surrounded


Your wife sounds like a wonderful person mate. Iā€™m an animal lover. I hate most people. Animals show affection because you show them affection. People show affection when they want something from you. My brother often rings me to see how Iā€™m doing. 10 minutes later rings again to borrow money. My dog could open doors both ways. Sheā€™d make her way through the house opening doors just to lie next to me so I was close to her. Enough of that :cry: next picture please :v:


Howā€™s the pup doing?

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:+1: A lot better than last week. :slight_smile:

I think what I saw going on was 3 different things at once & it made for some crazy weird behavior overall. Her hip dysplasia is getting worse now at age 7 & itā€™s a random nerve pain, she had bad indigestion from the cooked beef bones(worst farts iā€™ve ever smelled), aaaaand she was freaked out because I donā€™t wake up well in mid-sleep & must have scared her. :man_shrugging:

For now I think the CBD does as much or more than the anti-inflammatory Rx but weā€™re doing both for now.

:thinking: :rose: That sounds like the basis of at least a decade of war, historically speakingā€¦ :four_leaf_clover: :rofl: :us:




our Lucy last christmas.
She is pure bred rotrweiler from the Von Rotherwood Kennels., father Luca Timit Tor and he mom Ilsa Von Rotherwood.
I have always had rottiā€™s as family members and might be getting another pup soon as Lucy needs a friend to burn off energy with LOL


Hope this will cheer you up, my dumbass dog trapped thinking he is a cat or he could escape going through ā€¦ slap|nullxnull



Waiting for dinner
Lol like it was the end of the world


So this isnā€™t exactly an animal picture, but I thought it was interesting. I took that Husky/Shepherd mix for a hike again today. When I was out in the middle of nowhere. I came across some tracks that startled me just a bit. I wear a size 12 for reference. These were all over, no other tracks. Iā€™m guessing it was a wolf:

Again for reference, this is the Husky/Shepherdā€™s track:

Probably shouldnā€™t have showed that to the dogā€™s owner. Weā€™ll see if he lets me take her out again. :speak_no_evil:

@SHSC-1 I absolutely adore rotties. I had a couple of them and I think they are jsut amazing dogs. Your girl is beautiful! :pray: