Show your animal

He’s absolutely beautiful :heart_eyes: some dogs you can tell from a picture they’re a good dog too :100: this looks like one :green_heart:


Athena showing off her dinner :yum: @Esmereldaspike :heart:


Based on the child’s size… mayhap!? :thinking:


That’s gotta be a flying dream he’s having


this is our ferret Nugget. He’s extremely friendly, doesn’t steal anything, loves to snuggle and will go back in his cage by himself when he’s tired.

here are 9 baby turtles I found in my backyard. My friend took them all for his giant pond area and none have left.

this is Finn, he’s my… I mean my grandmother’s dog. My ex had puppies and I decided to take one and this guy has been my best friend all up until my grandmother broke her arm last year and from that point forward he will not leave her side. I’m pretty sure he knows he’s still my best friend but he took it upon himself to keep nan company after her injury. Before she hurt herself anytime I would leave the house he would always just follow me out the door and now when I go to leave the house he hops up on her lap and lays down LOL


Holy Moly! They are beautiful.


The slider turtles have ticks alot of times. Not sure if you were aware. Usually under legs so can grab a leg and pull it out slightly and look under for them, also sometime in neck area. We used to catch them all the time when I was a kid for our koi ponds.


Indeed, spot on. I could never live another day without one. Boy does he guard, protect, and corner and hold like a MF.
This kids a security system with consequences.


Currently I’m on anti biotics from a tick bite. Not from my dog tho, as I swing around in trees and brush all day. This heat tho, and the antibiotics almost got me dead.

Hoorah for Finn. Dog backwards is God. :eyes:


They are beautiful creatures. Dirty though :rofl: the best word to describe them is probably fascinating :100: nest box has just gone in. So should have imprintable birds before long. I’d say all OGers are welcome but they’re only allowed to travel within the UK on an A10 certificate


:thinking: I wonder if they can be trained to do drops up here! :thinking:

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Yea they all were pretty clean, some still had pieces of shell on them. I was planting a rose bush right to the side of our garage along the bottom side of the driveway back right before spring. It wasn’t until about three shovels full I noticed something moving inside the hole so I reached down in there and found two little baby turtles and then immediately I got worried that I might have chopped some other ones in half so I looked through the rest of the dirt I already removed and there was nothing in there. So then I started digging back around in the hole and noticed that it kind of went up and under my driveway just a little bit when I reached my hand in and then that’s when I found the rest of them. At first I didn’t really know what to do because I didn’t want to disturb anything but then I got to thinking that, a little over a week before my grandfather passed away 6 years ago he found one little baby walking across our driveway… so then I just called my buddy [my grandfather considered him my brother lol] and ask him if he wanted a couple baby turtles for his pond and he ended up taking them all


Whaaaat! That’s so exciting! Not only do you have owls but you’re going to have babies as well… my wife would make me sleep outside with them, but then her n the kids would bring the owl inside to live and kick me outside :slight_smile:


Decisions decisions. Fuck that I’m taking them all.


When we were ready to have another doggo around I searched and searched and searched for a N.Elk Hound breeder in our area but no dice. So we then decided to adopt a rescue which turned out to be the best idea ever as Celia is our little snorty & grunty pigglet and meat-tank :hugs:


Speaking of “best idea ever” dog…

Celia just walked up to me after sitting in the sun and just started staring at me like this and i nearly died :rofl: :heart:


Yup, make every moment count.

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Mongo on the hunt for Lizards…


If anyone wants to buy my soul. It’s £700 will give full receipt. Just spotted these N.elkhound x GSD PUPS for sale ready the 29th of this month. And I think I’m actually in love :heart_eyes: definitely can’t afford one right now :cry: