Show your animal

Hey now! That’s my Tom you’re talking about lol! I think he’s absolutely beautiful! :laughing:

They have been so much fun! Way better than chickens imo. :slight_smile:


60 Turkeys… all supposed to be hens this year… we shall see, lol :laughing:

Ps @PlantShepherd your heritage Tom is gorgeous! :wink:


Thank you! I really do think they are beautiful! Woah! 60 turkeys is a ton (I have 5)! Are you going to slaughter them? May I ask what you feed them? I have heard turkeys need more protein than chickens. Do you have all broad breasted whites?

Love it! :+1:


Lol, yeah, we do 50 - 60 every year for Xmas birds. We usually have them slaughtered around the 21st of Dec. They get an organic grain from buckerfields, not quite sure the contents and ratio. Its on the tag, lol. It is way higher than chickens. We also do 30 meat chickens every year (at a separate time than the turkeys, chickens in spring, turkeys in fall). They all free range over 2 of our 5 acres of land. All Broad bested whites, yup!


I got lots
I can only post 1 pic at a time so this will take a few posts.
These are my Turkeys
The mom hatched them out and me.and her doted over them for 18 weeks now.
I have 8 now as I have sold some.
Lavender slates.
I have 9 goose
8 ducks
70ish chickens
There’s a cow out there to hehe.
Anyway here is Jenny and company


My daughter’s I call these 3.
Willow, the white Sebastopol
Is the apple of my eye.
We have 1 blue buff American and 5 reg boys I won’t show so as not eat up space.


Thomas n Timmy, 2 year old


Gorgeous Toms! How much do you think they weigh now?

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Miss my girls… and Roo’s…
I actually liked the roosters better than most of the hens…very friendly and always wanted attention!
Gave them all to a friend, had gotten too many birds and needed my ‘coop’ back for storage again.
Starting up again come spring… new coop and run…
Here’s some of my favorite guys and gals!
Baby PuffDaddy dexter 2009 Fifi and dexter nibbles and princess The coop gals…


My Tom’s are 20 ish lbs.
This Is Jeffy, my handsome
Son lol.
Jeff’s blind but dear to us
And spoiled.
He sleeps In the bed spoiled.


Jeff’s son who is not blind.
He keeps an eye out for Jeff to.


My beloved guard dog

She caught weed thieves once :triumph:


Meet Skittles. Doesn’t give a damn about mice, birds or bunnies. Or anything really. She is a rescue kitty and although not quite right in the head, is my familiar, and friend. She likes to lick a little leftover butter on mom’s toast plate in the morning. She almost died twice, from neighbors cat bites. My surgery saved her. Twice.


I have a lot of chickens to.
Around 50 hens .
I did not intend to sell eggs
But who knew they be in short supply at store
I see only large at Walmart.
And I used to pay 4.68 for a box of 60.
Now it’s over 14.00.
Folks been coming by asking
And have a ton, I get 20 something a day.
I sell mine 3.00 a dozen
2 if you bring your own carton.
Helps pay a little on feed.
I chose my chickens cause I just love colorful eggs.


Elsa and Bandit
He’s hiding behind his mom.

I call these mine cause I just love them.
They came and visited my garden …a lot lol.
So gental, they let me hug them.
Neighbors cows but we made a deal
Fresh eggs for raw milk
When they get out he knows where they went hehe.
He’s Hispanic and has goats to so we will collaborate
Italian meets Mexican qusiene, awesome sauce.
I am showing him the ropes
On turkeys and gooses.
And he going to teach me how to make cheese (queaso) if I spelled it right and other goodies.
Mexican style cheese is yummy.
I love it better than fetta


I wished I lived by you. I had a lady down the road but she passed. The new people down the road the other way are asking $6. City folks that thought free range meant you could let you chick run every bodies proper too. We had two put the wild life and wild domestic took care of those.


Us Too!
I also LOVE Bantam eggs… yeah- they are small, but almost all yolk!! <3
We were getting so many eggs we couldn’t GIVE them away…but that was before Covid and the now the sudden huge price increase!!
And trying to eat store eggs after raising your own… ick…

Lmao-- I also have that same old Pyrex mixing bowl- except in dark orange!!!


Here’s the gang…
Sassy is queen of the house… we were told by the pound when we rescued her as a 2lb puppy that she was a chihuahua…nope, just a VERY young pitbull pup!

Newt was a typical '‘Lab’ pit mix rescued with the rest of his starving litter from under a porch…turns out, he’s actually part Great Dane!!

Ozzy (the tuxedo cat) is the ‘‘beach bum’’ stoner-cat that found us 8 years ago…some asshat threw him out like garbage, even though he’s declawed and neutered… he’s lucky to have survived the wildlife out here…

Goober (grey) was found half dead from pneumonia in the middle of the road when she was a couple months old…another throw-away.

Wrongway (fluffy- now departed) was one of the sweetest cats we ever had. She was one of a litter of 9 from a stray we took in to have her babies-- and she split as soon as they were almost weaned… Her name comes from the fact that I had to help deliver her because she was breach, and she and Mom nearly nearly didn’t make it - as she was the last to be delivered, and Mom was all-in by then.

Love em like our kids…