Show your animal

The many faces of my best friend.



d8JBdDJ Holy shit, what a breautiful sculpture! d8JBdDJ


Thanks @mota, I was dropped a lot lol

Big time sculpting and the hilight was always, partying with the other sculptors


I was thinking about how high the upper part of the sculpture is, and how easily one could fall off a ladder, and it looks like fairly hard, compacted snow. That said, you dedication is awesome!

Is that another cat sculpture in the background under perhaps a sheet? Looks a lot like cat ears sticking up.

Thanks so much for sharing that fabulous photo! Those guys look so playful!

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Thanks, its cherished habit that happened over the years. The background sculpture, was of an actual Sculptures Unveiling. When they pulled the Cover Off, for the Grand Opening.
It was a perfect sculpture of a large expanse of hanging fabric. And it was perfect. Man riding a horse was the sculpture beneath the cover. They never had to carve a horse ha
Fyi 16’ tall. We took it to 20’ 1 year


I am honoured to say our Team represented Canada in Breckenridge over 5 competitions. (All prizes but First)



Freakin’ awesome! d8JBdDJ I’ll bet you get some cold fingers! xwi2Y3G


Very impressive work!


whitehorse for the Canada Games, a group of us did an entrance display. -42c and -42F
Cancelled the Games for the athletes, Sculptors… get back to work lol We loved it. Thanks Tejas

Back on Subject here…


Meet my brothers Dog Brutus the Mastiff… this is him camping and begging for his morning coffee… how do you resist that face… lol


My little toy Rat Terrier is a Ravens fan… well, he at least loves my hat… hehe


Mongo thinks he’s part Parrot…


Hola @Carty

I miss my Boxer Hazy

I had to put her down late fall

I would love to get another one
However here an ugly bastard is
at least a grant.

Love them while you have them



Its cold this morning. Sammy’s got icicles on her chin.


BIG HUGS @Barefrog ! :sob:


UBER CUTE!!! :hugs:


I am already out of likes, but I love the animal pics!!!

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To celebrate 28 days without eating my face, Maki got to eat his own face (cookie) yesterday…

To summarize the first month there was 5 bites during the first 9 days on 3 separate days with 19 days chomp free since switching from his harness to a slip leash.
We’ve gone from Maki aggressively asserting his boundaries and not letting me look or talk to him without triggering him for the first 3-4 hours he was here, to following me around and tentatively sneaking sniffs in when he didn’t think I was watching to being comfortable with me putting his leash on over his head and just this week coming up for scratches. The first time he very tentatively lowered his head after smelling my hand and then slowly moved forward to let me scratch his whole body without reacting compared to flipping out if his sides/back end of his body were touched. Now he’s coming up for scratches multiple times a day, including outside this morning for the first time.
I never thought I’d be so proud of a pic of a handful of dog hair and greasy fingers but it was 3 weeks of work to get here and definitely a major milestone in building trust.
The more comfortable he’s gotten with me/the apartment the less comfortable/more reactive he is outside, so it’s only been short walks this week as he doesn’t want to go more then 1/2 a block from the building. He’s slowly getting more comfortable though and we’re making it 3/4 of a block away, on a good walk he’ll go around the block but not in a straight line, usually back tracking and switching directions when something spooks him. Instead we’ve been doing lots of training including using puzzles to keep him stimulated, happy and hopped up on that natural dopamin high.
His resource guarding has become more prominent as he settles in, so I picked up a couple squeaky, spiked rubber balls to work on the drop it/take it/leave it commands as well as teach him he doesn’t need to guard toys as there is always another one.
Apparently it’s the best thing I have ever or will ever do in Maki’s mind, he plays with them constantly and has pretty quickly picked up drop it/take it since he’s so motivated to play with them. They’re also the first balls he hasn’t destroyed as I think the spikes keep him from biting down too hard while also stimulating his mouth as he loves playing with them and has started dropping them at my feet to throw for him to chase.
I think it’s safe to say I’ve been promoted from being potential food to being his designated butt scratcher as he’s found a better use for me then treats.


That’s great stuff right there. Congrats.


I’m outta likes for the moment, but I definitely like your story and pictures. Good for you having the patience and willingness to endure some bites and the inevitable annoyances that pups can bring for the love they almost inevitably offer. Awesome!


Thanks, DBS (designated butt scratcher) is definitely a solid step above “I’m going to kill you and eat your face” lol