Show your animal

thanks @George

Various reasons are known. But for real I think this happens for two reasons,

  1. For external beauty (yes, some people think , that They are more beautiful without it)
  2. The shepherds used to shave dog tails , so that the grass would stick to them , during the work process and it was difficult to clean. Some people were lazy with this process and easily solved it by cropping the tail.
    I am against it , personally not just like tails , I fucking love these curled tails.
    P.s Both of my dogs were without tails when I brought them.
    About ears cropping
    1-first reason is same as in tail case.
    2-During the fight ( they fight not only with predators , They fight in the herd, for leadership) the ears are so damaged that the next treatment is much more boring and painful for the dog. Ear cropping is done at the age of 3-5 days, before the nerve endings are formed in the ears, so they have a minor pain and it heals soon.

My 2 boys, Ranger when he was a wee little one, and the BEST dog Iā€™ve ever had Hershey(RIP) He was around long enough to teach Ranger, and we see so many Hershey traits everyday itā€™s amazing, sometimes I slip and call Ranger Hershey by accident


@Kgrim nice story :green_heart:

@Boozer beautiful dogs :heart_eyes: I especially love working breeds.

@G-paS Sometimes when sheep are get stuck in the bushes or when they are about to give birth , they lags behind the herd. Then one or several dogs will stay with hem , lay behind sheep and guard , before shepherd will come. I heard many stories like this.


Thanks, I suspected that :disappointed:, in Spain it is just forbidden to do so, not only with hunterā€™s dogs but also with German Dogues (Scooby Doo) and similarā€¦

They breed the mastiffs since they are puppies along with the herd they will take care of; that way, they feel part of the pack ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


Thanks, when Hershey was here, this was Rangers favorite spot when they were in THEIR truck. Whenever itā€™s ā€œrideā€ time, Ranger will get so excited that he wears himself out, then hops in, and heā€™s down for the count, EXACTLY like my big guy did. Hershey was 13 when we got Ranger, and Ranger learned real quick about ā€œridingā€ because Hershey went with me EVERYWHERE for 6 years, work, bar, store, gas station, anywhere and everywhere, and spent a good deal of time in his truck and they have both been the greatest travelers. They only time you even notice Ranger is when he reallly has to go potty, otherwise, he just lays down and passes out, 2 of many traits that he learned and I couldnā€™t be more thankful for. Itā€™s uncanny on how itā€™s almost like still having Hershey because Ranger ā€œlearnedā€ from him, but then Ranger has ā€œhisā€ personality also that shines thru, which is amazing in his own way, too smart for his own good, and understands too many words, itā€™s like he knows exactly what we are talking about, any reference to walk, ball, truck, and heā€™s off the hook until he gets to it. They were the best of friends even though Hershey was a Senior and couldnā€™t do ā€œpuppyā€ things, they played endlessly until they wore out.


Bye-Bye Christmas

Doesnā€™t believe block of wood is a chew toy.

Catch a nap when yah canā€¦ gonna be a busy year. :sunglasses:


Yes they do. We had pens in the barn with opening to a pasture. When a doe went into one to labor, she would lay by that pen so noting else would enter.


I have to wonder if heā€™s dreaming about a recent read, perhaps ā€œCat Stories,ā€ which is right behind his headā€¦ :rofl:


Yeahhh nothing like a good cat in danger story to help give the dogs that running in their dreams sleep. :rofl: Just lost a bet with Mrs. Helios, she said someone would see itā€¦ I was like nahhhh everybody is to high. :joy: I just realized Iā€™m the one over medicated.


What a pleasure to own dogs like them. I like Ranger :green_heart: heā€™s lucky, to have such a wonderful life. sad about Hershey :expressionless:

I welcome such forbiddance :+1:
Maybe not in the past, but now, about the ears, too, I think differently.
Since the time , when I began to constantly consume weed, my attitude towards many things has changed. like hunting. For 3 seasons, I havenā€™t held a shotgun in my hands.

I replaced it with mushroom hunting and I really liked it :upside_down_face:
cheers :beers:


Omg, yes please! Louie could use a playmate. These look perfect. :heart_eyes:

Speaking of which, my boy is two years old today! Sometimes I still canā€™t believe he is my dog, seems surreal.


I have had solo dogs my whole life . After now having a pack of four I will never have a single dog again . So much better and a much happier life for them with siblings or pack members around


I got offered this pocket bully a few months back for free as its male owner was going to prison and his wife/gf couldnā€™t look after it while he was away. I unfortunately couldnā€™t take it as my Lhasa is an asshole with other dogs so I passed the details over to my cousin and he took him on.
Reggie (yes named after the kray :roll_eyes:)


This is the first time Iā€™ve ever had a solo dog. I think he would do better with another as well. Iā€™m still working out a few details, but if things work out this summer there is a good chance I will get another.

And I will shamelessly post a couple more pictures since heā€™s two today lol. :heart:


Post away sir. Heā€™s a stud thatā€™s for sure


It was a heart breaking day the day we took Hershey in. We sat and talked a while, and he completely understood what I was saying, it was the ONLY time that he went into the office willingly. He was the GREATEST dog, got to have him for 11 of his 15 1/2 years. He was my friends Momā€™s dog, and when she got sick, none of her 5 boys wanted him because he was a true asshole. After I had him for 5 days, 2 heart to heart talks about getting in the trash, and eating 1 of my flip flops, he said OK, Iā€™m home. He just needed a ā€œleaderā€ of the pack. After the talks, I could take him anywhere, and he was especially loved at the bar, he got his bag of chips, walked off, tore the bag open, and ate till they were gone. I REALLY miss that big guy, but Ranger fills the void Nicely. We couldnā€™t have picked a better breeder when we were searching for pups. Gaffkes Gun Dogs are an absolutely fantastic breeder. They arenā€™t a ā€œpuppy millā€ all their dogs (15 of them) are all family, not crated or penned, free roam around the property.
They selectively pick pairings for traits, and some they wonā€™t breed together because of their traits, which in my eyes, shows a true breeder. They have EXCEPTIONAL dogs, great hunting partners, or fabulous family pets. My Niece, and a fellow co-worker got pups from the same litter, and when we get to see my niece & Jazzmine, the 2 are unseperable, they know they are brother and sister, and their personalities couldnā€™t be farther from one another.
Sorry for the Rambling, just miss my big guy, LOVE Ranger, and like to talk about them, LOL


Who goes thereā€¦


They get big so fastā€¦


Genki absolutely loves tunnels. This is the latest. He likes to get a little settled into the tube, till weā€™ve forgotten heā€™s there, and then he comes shooting out to snag his latest prey, usually Mrs. mota, but sometimes me. I have another tube just like the one heā€™s in. The two will go together nicely and make his blind even more effective. xwi2Y3G