Show your animal

Ha ha, sounds like us. We have renamed a kitten like 4 times. Very cute girl you have.


@Floyd her formal name is now:

"The Dog Formally Known As Millie Then Triss And Then Again Millie"


(This is known as “the Prince Mark”)



A vote was held on the name by the whole family. Even though they all live elsewhere. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Millie, the puppy formerly known as Triss

Looking guilty, for a reason.


Messy face! LOL


Going to be a great dog I know my dogs she has the look


I think so too. She seems to be settling in quickly and learning fast. Wife’s is out of town. So just me and the dogs for a while.


Every AM i sneak out of bed and go make my coffee and when I get back she’s made up the bed as if she’s people and tries to murder me with her sheer cuteness!!!


Soon to be known as Trouble! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My daughter bought Dabby a wig and I can stop laughing. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


our pack :smiley:


they seem to enjoy the sun alot ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


New one is just too cute
Get tired of it send it my way :sunglasses:


She is a sweetie. And keeping me busy that’s for sure. Got to keep an eye on her till she learns the rules. I’m sure you know how it is with pups. Lol


Oh yeah , the one I just pictured is only 12 months , a 116 pound GIANT PUPPY

He has already worn himself out jacking with me this morning and now out , lol


So good looking and still growing. I hope Millies dad is big like him. I only saw a pic of him.


How old is she ??

Week 9, officially passing the 2 month mark with no faces eaten (cookie faces excluded) and was generally positive; we got back to a good place and I even got the first very brief, furiously enthusiastic, tail wag out of the little rage gremlin when I got home the other day. Until he noticed I was looking and then abruptly stopped to maintain his “biggest, baddest little legged doggo” brand.

Sadly week 10 has been a rough one for us and a major regression. Sunday he popped his fuzzy little head up at the foot of my bed growl/mewling for attention. So I let him smell/lick my hand as always, then went to scratch him when he lowered his head to signal he wants some scritches and he flipped and bite my arm. The next day we took a step back to hand feeding him after the walk which went well, until I went to stand which triggered him for some reason and he bite my elbow until I was standing then chomped on my wrist… Suffice to say we’ve both been shaken this week and I was honestly looking at shelters to surrender him to as I can handle reactive dogs but outright aggression is another thing.

After talking with the trainer and getting less then satisfactory answers, I got in touch with another one who seems to have more experience and a better understanding. When I explained how he doesn’t show any warning signs of being uncomfortable like growling before snapping he said that’s common with dogs who are conditioned as pups not to growl. He also suspects the issues are rooted in past abuse or dominant/aggressive training methods, so hopefully the training goes well. So I’m feeling confident in continuing to put in the work with the wee demon, seeing him follow me around all day and laying at the foot of my bed constantly makes it clear he’s committed. That or he’s developed a taste for my flesh after 9 episodes and countless bites. He just needs my right foot and then he’s collected all the limbs, although I think I official won when I caught him wagging his tail…

They cleared his tags away so bench pics are less dynamic sadly… His shoulder fur is starting to grow back after a month with his harness off though.

Playtime in the park, which ironically seems to be one of the things which may have made him more reactive as the old trainer told me to keep playtime outside. He seems more comfortable and playful inside though so we’re going back to that until I’m told otherwise.

Following the rainwater is one of his favourite things, right up there with chasing snow flakes or blowing leaves. The trickle of water made his discover this main water shut off cover, he was having a great time bouncing on it to hear the sound and see it rattle around. Moments like these make all the flesh wounds worthwhile, although it’d be nice to go back to my regular back pain as 3 months of sore arms/hands/legs/feet has gone from being a novel pain vacation to simply another layer of agony. If anyone’s wondering I gauged my hand with a chisel roughly a month before getting the littlest sociopath, it’s still healing which is the bar for Maki to beat as his little 1-2 stitches and amateur compared to the self inflicted 15 stitches and nerve my stupid ass managed to inflict.


My wife and I are volunteer foster parents for a Boston Terrier rescue group. Here is a photo of our latest foster failures. In case you don’t know what a foster failure is I’ll explain. The job of a foster parent it to take in Bostons and work with them to make them as adoptable as possible and then surrender them over to their forever home. Unfortunately Lisa has attachment issues which prevents her from the surrendering part. :roll_eyes: But honestly I don’t mind they are full of love, full of life, and full of mischief and they’re my walking buddies.


My Co-Grower; if that Zipper makes a sound, Gunner is in there