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Shes doing a lot better today. She had a tumor rupture and it was bleeding into her chest cavity, making it hard for her to breath. They drained the blood and hopefully it wont start bleeding again. Shes on pain meds and a couple other things.
I went to the store and got her a bunch of stuff to spoil her with.


Sending good vibes in hopes your little buddy heals up fast and problem free :pray:


Thank you Doug, unfortunately she wont be healing up really. The cancer isn’t going anywhere.


So sorry to hear that brother. Been down that very road and it’s a tough haul. I suppose all you can do is enjoy every minute you can.


That sucks. I totally agree with @Jetdro, 9 years isn’t nearly enough. And you spoiling her… Tells me you’re good family! d8JBdDJ


Poor Sammy , KNOW how it feels , how you feel, I’ve had maybe 6 or 7 sets of dogs .

Years ago I came to the revelation that I PROVIDE A FANTASTIC HOME , lots of fun , lots of training, LOTS OF LOVE . My dogs all live their best lives , I know as fact they do . I do all I can for them , and they all have known it .

When it’s time for the last good night , it still hurts , but I know deep down inside they had a great life and going to a better place with no pain :grin:.

Yeah I still cry and won’t eat for a week after losing one……but I don’t beat myself up over it , more a honoring thing .

They don’t understand gifts and bullshit like that , what they WANT , is YOU , your time , to be with you. Be with her all you can till time .

My last I put down , prolly my favorite dog I ever owned , I layed with for 2 days and we both knew what was gonna happen . I could see in his eyes , but also saw he knew I loved him, knew I did all I could for him , it was sad and beautiful at the same time

I choose to remember the beautiful part



nice :+1:
Wish you and your animals , all the best :green_heart:

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I know exactly what you mean brother. My pets are Ohana, I loved them all deeply. I have not had the heart to get another since having to put down my last one Max. He and I were inseparable. One day I will run into the right rescue.


When I worked I paid 2 different people each week to come and take them out on runs everyday I worked . Paid another to feed them as I didn’t get home till 11 pm most nights . Would play with them till 1 or 2 am , then go to bed.

NOW, it’s 24/7 . I’m not married have no kids , and working 80 hours a week no sig other either. They are my life , and I love it . I have no wants anymore :sunglasses:

I understand the unseperable , duck how on earth do you spell that , tried 5 times , lol .

Paddle , my youngest , and was a rescue, is like my second skin. Boy has to be at my side 24/7 .

As I type this he is in my face wanting to go out n play . Another lovely day here , pouring and 38 , the whole city is near flooded .

I could just tell by reading your posts how you would act with a dog I know you understand


I appreciate your efforts to take care of them , it’s not easy. your dogs have definitely a best life , what is really uncommon , even Nowadays .


I do 100%. Max and I, well heck, me and all my pets have been inseparable. Just can’t beat unconditional love and friendship. Beautiful dogs brother, one just chilling in the back.




Using him as a pillow



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Yeah, he loved to lay out with me and watch the world.


Paddle sleeping with head on coffee table whil I roll a joint Lol


I take my Four to the big creek about once a week. After an hour or so of running around and fighting they generally sit under my sunshade and we all sit there and watch the creek and the critters and it’s pretty amazing what they pick up on. Mine are smart enough to see the birds flying overhead and they look at airplanes where we go there’s two bald eagles that nest they love to see those fly


I said that because most animals don’t look up a lot. Mine will only follow the big jets, and they watch till they are out of sight



She was a literal rescue. Tied to a tree with twine, starved and beaten. One day “someone” pulled up to the tree, jumped out and cut her free from the twine, then put her in the car and brought her to her new home. Giving her a good life has increased the quality of my life substantially. I love her dearly and she returns that love with unconditional loyalty.


Celia sends all you wonderful people her love: