Show your animal

My younger daughter used to hold those for Willie the Beagle when he was a pup. I told her they were chicken legs and bones. She was so pissed when she found out what they were.


i always tell people when they aask me about the dachshund, that a dachsund is the breed closest related to a wolf.


Thanks for the advice but that’s a pretty low risk at this point. I was rushing things at the beginning as I didn’t appreciate how severe his anxiety/fear was as he didn’t express it clearly. At the worst point a couple months ago, when I was considering having to put him down as he was actively stalking me/lounging at my heels from behind; I was bitten enough times randomly that I developed a healthy apprehension around him. Which is why I was wearing steel toed rubber boots around my place constantly. Fear free and specifically consensual based training relies on teaching the dog to express themselves and working with them to accomplish goals. Things flipped when I let the FERG decide when he wants to be walked, when he wants scratches and lately grooming. If he’s in the way and I need him to move I pull out a couple treats and get him to do some tricks, then toss one to chase making it into a game. Aside from that he decides when we interact, which for awhile meant he was only going to the bathroom every 36-48 hours when he didn’t trust me at all. Now it’s every 12-18 hours for a walk and I think I can that up more as he’s getting bored and wants more engagement. Grooming is another example, he’s shedding his undercoat at the moment but I only brush him after holding up the brush to smell when he comes a bit closer. Once I start brushing he’ll come closer and get into it, I stop once he walks away. He has total autonomy over his life (aside from feedings every 12 hours) which has taught him to trust me to the point that when I come home he’s jumping up. Just last night I let him lick my face as he was leaning in, again I’m following his lead instead of trying to dictate the interaction. Not something I’d do with every animal but in his case, with his personality it’s what he needed to move forward.


We had a belated celebration for 6 months with no faces eaten.

With true class he started with the smaller cookie, gently picking it from my hand…

Before devouring it in a frenzy of destruction lol. The #6 he again took gently from my hand and then ran off to the living room to consume alone.

He’s fully bonded with me, following me around most of the time and coming to me when distressed. Which is good as there was 3 nights of fireworks last weekend stressing him out. Comically his response was wanting to go for a walk and find the source of the noise, I imagine he planned to eat their face for bothering him.

It’s blow out season, so we’re spending a lot of time brushing him outside. On windy days it’s funny watching him chase his fluff balls around.

He’s also showing less aggression around walks, occassionally coming up to take treats out of my hand instead of having to get him still enough to loop it over his head. There’s less aggression around feeding him, I still use a pig board to keep us separate but most mornings he doesn’t growl as his dish is empty. At night he still shows aggression as he has more food in his dish, after a growl and a couple barks he settles down. Most importantly He’s stopped rushing forward as I get up and waits for the release command first.

We even had a good interaction with another dog, a small Bichon who was also a rescue ironically. I’m going to see if I can time a walk on Sunday to take him to an informal dog socialization/training event at the park. The owner of the local pet shop is taking her dog so it’s a chance to hopefully work on learning social skills instead of being excited and then terrified about other dogs.


Far better than taking your hand! :wink:

Big congratulations! He has progressed so much from those first bites we got to see. Awesome!


I LOVE seeing the progress between you and the FERG!!!
Mad props to you dude!!! Hanging in there for him is the best thing he’s probably ever experienced, & after 6 long months, you 2 are gaining an inseparable bond, which is PRICELESS!!!
Thanks for hanging in there and giving him a good life that he’s going to cherish into his older years!!!



Hank taking a dip in the river. (It is literally a river too even as small as it is) whilst we were our having a picnic and planting some autoflowers


Really great seeing you and the guys at the river having a fun ass time again! :slight_smile:

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Meet Lilly June our Welsh Springer Spaniel


Another friend of mine, her name is Holy.



Chomping on treats instead of me is greatly appreciated at this point, my cost in bandages has dropped to almost nothing which is good as the cashiers at the drug store were starting to give me weird looks as I showed up repeatedly, often limping with bandage wrapped hands/arms


I hope others find it useful, if nothing else as a warning of what you can get into with a rescue in extreme cases. With time, patience and lots of work I fully believe most dogs can be helped through. Even if as I’m typing this he’s voicing his discontent actively because a car driving away disturbed him…


Obstinately refusing to be normal as usual, it’s either usually this or laying beside his bed with his head on it despite it being plenty big enough to fit on. He’s decided he’s comfortable with one walk a day, I try to get him out in the mornings as he overheats easily but he rarely wants to leave bed. So we end up taking lots of breaks in the shade, getting scratches and drinking water while he cools down. So much hair coming out it’s absurdly comical.

He’s also decided to take a more active role while I bake his treats, laying as close as possible in case anything drops. So next time I’ll wear my steel toed boots and use it as an opportunity to practice “leave it” and the release, although I won’t be surprised if that causes him to snap. So we’ll try and get some practice in before then, although last time we tried that training it was very triggering for him. In which case I’ll give him a chew to distract him next time. As adorable as it was having him lay on my feet, randomly licking them; I was very conscious of how easily he could get triggered and kept sending him off to hunt down treats.

Definitely good signs with the wee FERG, although I guess weighing 30lbs he’s not that little.


Hank and spike flat out after a day of fuckery in the garden (I worked 12 hours but the GF was home with kids) no walk but plenty of running.

Spikes not a small staffy (defo not any kind of Pitt lol) so is a good reference alongside the large 2 seater sofa :roll_eyes: for Hanks actual size.


Is that a Rottweiler? beautiful.


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What you guys reckon to this too. Hank and heidi. He may be my dog but he doesn’t leave her alone. Literally the best of friends. Heidi turns 7 tomorrow and asda/Walmart in America i think. Does photo printed birthday cakes. Was thinking of getting her this?


Yep, she’s the oldest. Mother of both seen in other pics here in this topic/thread. The youngest one is 3, pure Rottie, the brown is a PittWeiler 7yrs old.


hope I’m invited! if and when this ‘pig pickin’ goes down let us or at least me know. I will try my best to change plans.
