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has he tried to get in the pen and kill the turkeys? or is he protective of the turkeys?



Here is Clovis, no one is positive what he is, he is listed a Shepard mix. also he is known to have euthanized two, possibly three felines, the previous owner had before giving up and handing over to a no-kill shelter. he was there for almost 7 months before he found me.




No, he was pretty good! Didn’t have any issues. The turkeys are now in my freezer, or whats left of them. Nice work on the rescue! My dog will shred cats also. Already found one dead one in the yard.


the shelter employees asked us if we had cats at home and I said, none inside but there are plenty running wild outside. If I had this dog to start with, I may have shopped around a few different shelters for stray cats arriving or a feline delivery service (just kidding), he’s a pretty good dog. yeah, all of my dogs have found me or we rescued them from the shelter, there are way too many animals in need of a home. It is a shame and I was surprised by just how many American Pit Bull Terrier Dogs are available in the shelters, and when they are over loaded you can get a great dog for practically nothing or even free most of the time. I keep telling a good friend of mine he needs to go ahead and adopt a dog now, he is always talking about wanting to get a dog.



Yeah St. Louis is waiving adoption fees at a few shelters if you’re willing to adopt a pittie. It truly is a shame how many are in the shelters.


I got the cake. She loved it. Everyone was real keen to eat hanks head. I’m sure he feels the same way sometimes :joy:


This is Maverick, 11.5 year old silver lab.


Yer dogs got ballz! :joy:

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Cute pupper :blue_heart:. And I spy your evinrude outboard too :sunglasses: what’s the boat? I imagine very different to the type I’m used to :joy: I’ve had a few sailboats. Kingfisher k20, wakefield islander 23, jaguar 27.
And canal cruisers
Freeman 22mk2 narrowbeam
Charnwood ormelite 25
Currently looking at a viking 26 project (free boat) £250 for the HIAB to deliver. Solid hull. Blank canvas internally.

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Thank you sir, he is my fishing partner since he was around 5lbs, now weighing in at a solid 130lbs :joy:
The boat is a 16’ Ranger Cherokee. I always have at least one boat and sometimes 2 or 3, lol. My true love is on the water, it’s where most all of my time and money are spent.


Mines always with me too. Not had chance to get him out fishing yet. (Not had him too long. The romanian chap who brought him over couldn’t deal with the dog aggression) he is getting much better. As a FPD he is 10/10. Weighs about the same as maverick.

16ft with 75hp on the back. Bet she moves :muscle::sunglasses:
I’m most at home on the water/in the water/by the water. Tempted to do a spot of beach casting this week in wales unless theres decent charter companies :thinking:


Nice looking fella there, he’s also a big boy! Yes, the little ranger runs pretty good, but it is a pretty heavy boat. Although they stopped making them, I will always buy Evinrude motors. They have always performed better and been more reliable than any other motor I’ve ever run.
Maverick has literally spent thousands of hours on the boat with me. He is getting pretty old and kinda slowing down now, so I’m not sure when his last fishing trip will be, but I know it’s getting closer.
Anyway, good luck with your fishing trip, if you decide to have a go at them today :tumbler_glass:


I don’t really get on well with small dogs. Always had GSDs etc. The last motor I bought was a crescent 14hp 1970s made by volvo. New plugs and fuel primer and she fired right up. Both impellers still good. It’s always sad when they get old but least you know they had a good life with you. I’ll certainly be having a beer today. But we dont go away until tomorrow

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Here is one of my boys chillin with Me
Hard job he has watching daddy Garden


My boy in his own hotel room bed


Our boy Genki.


Kobe Poseidon (back left), Koko Blue (front right), and Calypso Nefertari (front left).


That’s a lot of love in that kitchen. Haha