Show your animal

Sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is.


That sucks so much, but I know his life didnā€™t. No, his life was one filled with love. You guys had such good times together! Family is everything.

I am so sorry for your loss.


@Tejas sorry dude, itā€™s hard to lose them especially when they have been there that long.


Oh man Iā€™m so sorry to hear that. Condolences bud.


It sucks that my daughter had handle the situation.


It really does man. Hope sheā€™s ok too


Thanks, sheā€™s a good kid, sheā€™ll be fine.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss and your daughter having to deal with it, I hope you will only have good memories as Iā€™m sure he lived the great life with you ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


So sorry to hear this. As long as you gave him a good life. You know you did your best in the short time theyā€™re with us :blue_heart: sending love bro.

Whats the cross bro? She looks a lovely girl though regardless.


Mom was Cane Corso, dad was German Shepherd


That should be a cracker of a dog bro. 2 levels of protection dog with good attitude. I cant wait to see how she turns out. Iā€™ve always had GSD and swear by their loyalty.


She can be handful when she gets excited, but she is still a pup. I expect she will relax a bit as she gets older. She is a sweet heart really.


Lol. Wait till sheā€™s grown and excited. Iā€™m about 76kg at the moment and hank is 65kg :rofl: its hard work but worth it. She will be the kind of dog that would give her life for you. Canā€™t put a price on that in my opinion.

What are you doing in regards to training? Any regime in place. I like to see other peoples methods.

Hank has pretty much mastered hand command for sit/paw/other paw/lie down/spin around/wait now. And the German/schutzhund commands. Iā€™ve been working on the Auss(leave) with toys and tugs but think heā€™s ready for a sleeve and someone as a decoy now. Though that has been hard work.

Sat watching me roll a J knowing thereā€™s chicken nearby cos we just had a BBQ :rofl:


No special training. Just the basics. I do use hand as well voice commands when I tell her to sit, lie down etc.
Ive had a lot of dogs and never have done any serious training. Just like them to behave.


My other girl Gracie also has GSD and Cane Corso in her. Shes 2 years old.


I was taught quite well when I went to work in Scotland. My boss was an absolute weird guy but he understood dogs like no one i had seen before.
The shepherd in millie will get massive stimulation from pleasing you. 15 mins/half hour a day with absolute focus on her. Probably reward led at her age with jute toys etc will make her so much calmer in the household for the rest of the day. Iā€™m gonna be seriously interested in her progress as I havenā€™t seen a cross before but have seen pure bred of both and my head is kinda showing me how she would work. But I may be way offffff.

She is also a stunner. How is she at 2yo? Even from a photo her eyes are fixed on you or whoever is taking the pic

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Gracie is very smart and very curious. Follows me around watching everything I do when Im outside. Doesnā€™t trust strangers, but is fine once she knows you.
Very athletic, loves chasing down anything I throw for her.

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Absolutely gorgeous Shepherd @LedZeppelin!!!
The wife is bugging me about getting a 2nd dog to hang out with Ranger, and have been thinking about adding a Shepherd to the house.


He gave you almost 20 years but itā€™s never enough,you were blessed,the good memories outweigh the void . You should be proud of yourself,I respect anyone who gives an animal a loving home.Dog ownership a unique gift.

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