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Just reminiscing on the old days when Ranger was young and Hershey was still with us. Hershey was the best Lab, and loved by everyone wherever we went. Glad he taught Ranger a lot of good traits!!!


That first picture is a real got yer nose moment! :heart:


LOL, so true!!!
And to this day, he still carries his Chuck-it stick this way, and uses it like a hockey stick on your shins, LOL


Thats a lovely pink sky you had there Jet! Top of the morning!


Boozer! I’m thinking about getting some goats, and I know nothing about them. Tell me if I’m crazy, but I was thinking about getting 2-3 goats to graze 3-4 acres for the summer. Then I was going to butcher them this fall. I really know zero, and I was gonna start looking up beginner goat guides.

Hope all is well! :v:


At least they can get 1 thing right for a change! :partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Brother, they are for sure the easiest to take care of. Only issue is they can get ornery and test the fence. I recommend 1 joule or higher output fence. Occasionally we eat some goat chops and grind some for chili’s. Just watch that monster you’ve raised. I hear they can be challenging with asshole goats. Haha

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A BBQ, a spliff. A few beers and then family guy with this little gem :gem:


What a day!:ok_hand:


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Ran out of likes bro. But in this weather exactly what it’s all about. Made a new recipe spicy burger
Cayenne pepper
Fresh garlic
Fresh onion
Bistro salad
Chopped onion
Bbq sauce
Onion rings

Edit. Oh and gherkins obviously



That’s a burger!! Nice one bro. :+1:

I’ll have to wait until Sunday to BBQ, got work the rest of the week.

And these 3 have been an absolute pain with the heat as well, all 3 wanting to climb into bed when it’s 28°C :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: no chance!

From the top.
Savannah, who is the daughter of the top two, who are also brother and sister, it’s like Game of Thrones but with Cats :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:



I’ve got a small amount of concreting to do this week and that’s me. But I’m waiting till its not 30c to do it. Was considering going back to Wales this weekend but think we’re gonna wait till next weekend. Considering chopping the loft too cos looks proper shit but the garden looks good.

And it absolutely was a burger. The recipe is staying :sunglasses:

As for the cats lineage. The reason we considered next weekend instead of this one. Because the kids have an “inset day” at school but my GF said “incest day” and I’ve not stopped chuckling :rofl::rofl::rofl:


IMO, goats are best cut, wrapped and in the freezer. When I lived in the country, I often butchered animals for friends. I did goats for free.

Sounds like good timing on the butchering. If you get a male, you want a wether/one that’s been castrated. They’ll still be young and won’t be overly strong in flavor when you butcher.


But Mamma sez …!

Yeh, it’ll dry too quick in 30c heat.
I’ve only ever been to Wales once, I should cross that border more often, loved it when I was there.

And yeh, good job they’re not having incest days hahaa :laughing: :rofl:

crime watch update interrupts family guy with news of a villain on o.g…if you see this man call 0800 shitwerefucked and please,whatever you do…don’t have nightmares!!!..easy moosh

Summer is coming… ds-850


Ok dang. Well, I was debating about adding a wire on the top of the fence and was also debating electrifying it. I do have a pretty nice fence, but it’s only 4’ and Louie could jump it easy if he really wanted to. I’m insanely busy, but I think they would be a good way to keep Louie occupied. Man, they are expensive though!

@mota Nice! Love the old picture! I would probably do something similar since I don’t eat a lot at one time. My friend that taught me how to dress a turkey said he would help me with some goats as well.