Show your animal

I made a coffin for her, wrapped her in a towel with a few toys and gave her body back to Mother Nature. I’m exhausted, its around 100f and 1-1.5 miles to get there from parking, but I think the effort to honor her helps me grieve. Broke out in massive amounts of hives today and yesterday after. Probably been overheating. Or bugs got me idk it was the worst I’ve ever experienced.
Thanks for the love, I really need it.
I’ll post a pic at some point after I get some flowers out there


So sorry man . My last died in my arms too , looking back now , I would have it no other way . I shall go to my grave remembering our last minutes together .


Thank you for the support and your words are encouraging that I made the best decision.
Sorry if I’ve derailed this thread/topic. Ill post pics at some point

I’m sorry for all of us who have had to lose someone we loved so dearly.
“Some pets come into our lives and leave paw prints on our hearts. We are never ever the same”


The reason why I am now in jail, is because I went in the shoe :mans_shoe: basket and chewed up a slipper. Now my name is ‘No No Bad Dog’ and someone had to go to JAIL! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


bad doggo, lol.

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Poop time


Did you bring a bag? :joy:

“If aliens are watching us through telescopes, they’re going to think the dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them is making a poop and the other one is carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge?”

Jerry Seinfeld


I did,NL#2 .Good shit :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That’s hysterical!


So here’s my boy Raphael I call him Ralph. Had him since 2014. This large fake turtle shell has been in the tank with him since day one. Last week I saw him doing something I haven’t seen him do before! This time I managed to at least get a pic!:rofl: Tried to get a video but between the fish and myself spectating he got angry and just finished. 🫣 There were some great moments!:rofl: Anyway here’s Ralph! He’s all grown up now!


@NDNCHILD, this is Gril, a female. She lives in a 150 gallon tank. We’ve had her since about 2000. Our neighbors separated and gave us their kids’ slider. She was about 3" long. She wouldn’t even come close to fitting into that original plastic box (not really an aquarium). This is her fifth (and final) home!

How big is your aquarium? What do you use for filtration? Do you take all of the items in your aquarium out when you clean it? Our aquarium is empty except for Gril and a plastic step ladder I modified into a basking platform.

Great to see yet another turtle, and a slider at that!


Sorry my dude…

Have a pic to memorialize here? Few of us here have felt your pain just recently…


Beautiful girl! We exchanged messages once before on these turts! Boy Ralph would love her right about now! Only once every six months do I do a complete tear down and clean. Weekly more if needed I vacuum the substrate which is 1-3 inch stones. They move easily so I can get to bare glass. In the weekly routine is the filter clean. It a 75 gallon tank with a filter for a 125. Sponge, charcoal pack, ammonia pack and bio rocks on top. Also have several nerite snails for clean up and algae control. Large self built tank topper in progress. Gotta Love those turtles!:green_heart: @mota


Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em Y’all! :joy:


Look at that beautiful and engaged face!

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Quigley waiting for his business lunch. :rofl:

Lounge lizard mode.



So awesome! “ Pige take my lunch order.” He’s ready! :heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Love Bearded Dragons.

Had a Male/Female pair for almost 13 years.

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Thats wonderful @Coda ! Did they also refuse to eat their salad like an asshole?


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Yes they did! Hahaha!!!

Especially, the male. Always stomping, and turning his beard black whenever he was upset. He would pull the salad out of your fingers with his mouth and fling it off to the side.

We really miss them. Do you have a female as well?

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