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yeah nothing can beat the right tools for certain jobs. oh did i miss out your birthday while being away for a few days?

belatedly all the best for your birthday! :upside_down_face:
i need to catch up with all the threads what a mess :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: but a good one!

Nope, back in early June… but when even your family forgets your 60th, you tend to hold those who did send wonderful gifts in the highest regard. Draig and Lady Zandra especially also… these cool storage containers for seeds… the kitty kat drawing was for her daughter.
Cat’s just have some of the nicely colors and their hair presents it’s own challenges…
Hope I can do something for our friend here after losing his buddy of 10yrs…


hahaha… Dude. That a kitty x sasquatch… one mean looking mofo.
Draig has a lion tatoo on his arm he is not happy with, so I drew this for him
and he swears it’s going over the other one… hahaha


sometimes family can suck pretty much!!! but overgrow is also like a big family!!
i love the commuity here so much alot of wondful people!!!


nice looking Rotti.


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Thanks a lot, he is a very intricate part of our lives as they all have been :facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Its 102 F right now , sound asleep in the full sun


He just turned a year, I bought him a 10 pack of braided rawhides and the wife made him oatmeal cookies.


Outta likes.

That is one happy dog! Good for you making him so!! :slight_smile:


My hands and Mrs. mota’s foot. Genki shoved his nose into her toes, not the other way around.


o genki desu ka? he sure is a sweety! :slight_smile:

Molly (aka the princess)

Maggie (aka the beast, horse dog)

Phineas (aka the old man)

Whiskers (aka whiskey cat, goddamn Joe Biten)


Hai, genki desu. Anata wa desu ka? (Dang, it’s been decades since I used even a tiny bit of Japanese like that! I hope I’m reading the question right… Well, if I’m not, probably nobody else will know. HA!)

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Outta likes already.

Maggie has such a sweet loving face. Please love up all of your guys and gals for me. What a face!!

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domo genki genki. as far as my own japanese goes everythings fine !!! i love the sound of the language :slight_smile:

Good Morning all OG pet owners!!!
Please say a prayer for my friend Kevin’s pup Kona. He takes all the pups to his body shop every day, and has for over 8 years. On Saturday old girl Kona (14yrs) was attacked by 2 100#+ dogs from the new renters behind the shop. The dogs broke thru the fence, and commenced to attack poor Kona, who could barely defend herself. Sara managed to scare them off of Kona and they ran back thru the fence. Then, the crazy Bitch ran over screaming that Kona “attacked” her dogs. Kona is 14, gets around very slow, and is in no way a pup that would fight. I pulled up as Sara was loading Kona into the truck and rushing her to an emergency vet.
I got into the mix, as Kevin and Sara were too distraught to deal with her, and I told her, you better get those into your house, because if they come thru the fence again, I’ll shoot them, and knew I was serious as I pulled my pistol out of the truck. Kona suffered over 20 deep wounds, 60+ stitches, 3 drain tubes and was in terrible shape.
The dogs just missed her jugular vein, punctured her ear canal, and just about took her other ear off.
Animal Control visited yesterday to investigate, and lo and behold, the main attacking dog was MIA, bitch said it “ran away”. Well, little does this Bat Shit Crazy lady know, there has been an air tag installed on her vehicle, and she is under surveillance 24hrs a day. Any and all stops she makes are recorded, written down and tracked thru the app. Kevin has many friends, and Kona has more, everyone loves Kona and we are doing everything to provide Justice for her. She hid that dog because she knew it’s going to be put down by Animal Control. She was also served with a lawsuit yesterday, and is living in fear, as she knows what’s coming. She is going to get slapped with the HUGE Vet bill that is growing day by day, and both her violent dogs are heading to the chamber.
Justice for Kona WILL be served come hell or high water!!!

Warning! Expressive photos


oh man that suck alot! some people shound´t have pets! hope your friends old girl is doing fine!
i`ll push my thumbs for her wellbeing


OMG! Poor pup.


Thanks @m0sirys
She is headed to the vet again today for some more work, you can tell it took a toll on her, but she is still wagging her tail, and loving everyone. You can tell she really appreciates the Vets trying to fix her up. She has a long road to recovery ahead of her, but her spirit is strong. Even though she’s really messed up, she’s still the Happy Go Lucky pup that we all love and care for.



:sob: :sob: :dog: :sob: