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let me guess , pit bull or pit mix??? @Kgrim

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Ouch. I hope she’s alright. Poor old dog.


yeah such attacks always come with a tribute… not fair for auch a good girl ! hopefully she gets well soon!!!pushing thumbs!


@Jetdro Yes sir!!! Hit the nail on the head!!!
Gotta live ghetto and have the untrained dogs to match. People like this Bat Shit Crazy lady have absolutely no right to own dogs. She is just one of those “I’ve got a Pit Bull” people trying to keep up with the Jones’s.
These dogs are the most UNTRAINED dogs I’ve ever seen, just owns them to say “look at what I’ve got”
Rents a house & drives a $60k POS Escalade,
Just to give you an idea of her mentality.


File a police report and call an attorney to recoup veterinary bills.

In addition the Judge could order changes to custody, especially if there is a past history.


@GCBudz Police report filed, Animal Control involved, and was served yesterday with lawsuit paperwork. Can only recoup Vet bills here in Michigan though, but it’s going to be enough to break her after losing in court, and Animal Control confiscates the dogs and puts them down.


99 percent of pit owners the same . When i saw the dog i KNEW what attacked it . No other dog will do that .

Had it been my dog there would be 2 dead pits and that lady would be at the hospital getting the piece of pipe out of her ass .

when the pack and i are out and see pit , we go the other way fast . Will not even go near one , even the "oh he’s so gentle " ones that buffalo their owners into thinking they are good animals. All of them are monsters , just waiting for the time to go off , ALL OF THEM , yes YOURS TOO !

Did i mention i hate pits , hate their owners , worthless animals in my opinion .

BEFORE ANY OF YOU tell me im nits , google FACTS FIRST . 93 percent or all dog attacks on humans are pits or pit mixes


FUCK them pieces o shit . Fuck you owners too , every one of you , you DESERVE IT when the pos turns on you , CAUSE THEY WILL

rant over , BTW I HATE PIT BULLS


Man you are about due for some GOOD news.


Having been bit by a shepherd, I know the feeling. Defiantly killing the next one to do so.


This is bringing back some traumatic memories for me as well. Couple years back my chihuahua got bit and it’s a miracle she’s still with me. Truly hoping for the best


¿Qué se considera un caballao de Pura Raza Española?/ What is considered as a Pure Race Spanish horse?


Hey Kgrim… how’s Kona doing bro? just read this and it upsets me so much… and they never take ownership of what their dogs do. I’m sure with your love and care Kona will bounce back… time to put a camera up to, record this crap… next time, and not to undermine your hairy family member Kona, but, it could of been someone’s 2yrs old huh? these are pack hunters/killers and cannot be trusted now… Carty


Hey @Carty,
Kona is my friends dog, she has made it thru so far. She’s a tough ole girl, and everyone loves her that has ever come in contact with her. Kevin has cameras up, but they are only recording the shop garage doors, and what is parked outside. He hasn’t needed to record the entire property until now.
More cameras are going up, As Looney Tunes as this lady is, we are glad it wasn’t someone’s little child. I’m pretty confident that the MIA dog will show up by this weekend, she is being followed, and an air tag has been placed on her vehicle to track where she’s been, she thought she was smart by taking the dog somewhere before Animal Control could show up. We are fairly confident that the dog will show up at somewhere she frequents.


make sure they check that airtag to confirm it is on the same vehicle. i just read about a new way to detect them to prevent stalkers from following folks. i didn’t read about it so am not sure what has to be done but it should be expected. i want to see those dogs taken out for that. i don’t hate pits as much as jetdro but they are dangerous when not handled properly. they are not to be owned without proper training, and i should emphasize PROPER here. it takes more than a pup obedience class to control them. these two will do it again when, not if, given the chance.

edit: i have owned several pits, mostly rescues, but i was shown how to train dogs by a professional trainer decades ago when i wore the fun suit and got chased and chewed on. every now and again i got to do the actual training.


Gracie and Millie

Grace is 2.5 years. Millie is 9.5 months now. They grow up so fast!


Lazy day keeping cool and having to share my couch with Ranger. He HAS to have his pillow, LOL
He will knock it on the floor, and get down until I pick it up, then he jumps back up. I just love his spoiled personality.


Our cat Gary passed away today. RIP buddy


Sorry to hear that, we all love our animals :disappointed:, glad at least you have plenty more of them …


Outta likes, and I’ll just mention that I don’t really like this.

I am so sorry to hear of Gary’s passing. Just look at that beautiful ball of fluffy love!