Show your animal

Ahm so we accept all the fact that he has/ your mom had an pet skunk :exploding_head:

I am from Europe, maybe im wrong but this isn’t an normal pet? I mean i like skunk as weed but this a bit extreme. Or is that an Florida man/ woman thing?


:heart: This is Dummy :heart:


It was quite unexpected. I found this one when she was tiny. Didn’t have teeth and could barely crawl around. It was trying to get to its mother who was a hundred yards or so away ran over on a five lane highway. I didn’t think it would survive on its own so I put it in a box and took it home leaving it on my porch till the next day I was going to find some kind of animal rescue I’m thinking. Turned out nobody wanted a baby skunk :skunk: :joy:. I thought about it and decided to call the wildlife officer local game warden taking care of nature should b their job right? Wrong so after a few days of not paying it any attention except to feed it puppy formula one night it was crying nonstop my dog was so worried about it and I was drinking whiskey so I got her out of the box she crawled up behind the back of my neck and started purring like a cat. She changed my mind completely about skunks and made a good pet. Everyone thought I was crazy but I have no regrets I eventually turned her loose back into the wild after eight or nine months when she was big enough to fend for herself.


Nice one my friend - we need more people in the world like you!!! :100: :smiley: :smiley:


I’ve actually raised lots of orphaned animals I guess I have a knack for it. Besides the skunk a couple of raccoons three possums a couple squirrels and rabbits. A couple baby deer and I doctored an owl once that got hit by a car he too eventually flew back into the woods. I met a man in the mountains once that raised a black bear from a cub. When I seen it it was a full grown big ass black bear with a bright purple collar around its neck lol.


some folks get their scent glands removed and keep them as pets. i met a couple of them at a rest stop in nc one time and learned that. they are cute as hell and very friendly.


My blind best buddy.
We knew as a pup he was blind and I knew
He was staying with me.
Such a sweet dog, and spoiled.
I live on 800 plus acer (not my land)
But he learned his way by smell.
Such a joy to watch my blind buddy run
Full speed free and happy.
Sometimes he gets several hundred yards away
I just sit there and cover him with my rifle lol
We do have yotoes around.


The hair looks like fresh melon! haha :slight_smile:

They are not normal pets-- they are rescued babies that often can not be released back into the wild because they can’t care for themselves often, people have a vet remove their scent gland if they are going to be a permanent ‘pet’


I was thinking before about that :sweat_smile:, great advice … beer3|nullxnull


Hi @Toker1 - he is a lovely boy, looks like he is part tiger :smiley:
He has a loving buddy and obviously returns that Love - thank you for sharing the pic and the story :dog: :dog: :dog: :green_heart:


Coyotes, They run in packs .
Thank you, he’s brendel Pitt x German Shepherd
Right now he’s upset, thunder wigs him out
He’s almost in my lap lol


Bet he hates fireworks too. I’ve had dogs with the same problem.
Nice looking dog.


My Blue cattle girl just chilling :+1:


She loves the cool weather.


Jumping into the weekend like …

Our 4 year old female King Charles Cavalier completing a triple jump during a recent agility trial.


Genki likes to make feet in my beard. He’s really careful with the murder mittens. When we’re in bed, making feet in my beard is often the last thing he does before climbing on Mrs. mota for the night.




so majestic. lol.

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She’s at it again :rofl: