Show your Bicycle

Awesome guys! I love bikes, I collect and build old freestyle bmx. I’m just finishing a 1986 haro sport. Took me about two years to slowly save and find parts, once I figure out posting photos I’ll chuck up a couple. I’d love to be able to ride bur after my brain injury and losing 75% of my vision it’s too risky as no doubt I’d be crashing into everything lol😄enjoy the ride guys!


Hell yeah another BMX guy! I don’t envy you having to find, and worse pay for parts for an '86. It’s insane what old and mid school BMX parts and bikes are going for. Prices are bad enough for something from '99 so I can imagine the premium being paid for '86 stuff. I started looking into '94 Harro Group Ones with the blue anno wheels and handlebars with the chrome crossbar just because I always thought they were awesome looking and I couldn’t find one complete going for less than $2k!

You on the BMX Museum? I’ve found some deal over there and no shortage of old bike parts in their marketplace.


Awesome mate yeah it’s cool to know there’s another bmx nut here too! Yeah parts can always be a problem, and thankfully I’m part of a cool group over here where there’s lots of buy swap and sell and for the most part people always trying to help each other out, and yeah man some parts are just out of my limits budget wise like the peregrine masters tuffs etc sovi make do with skyway repop etc. It’s not catalogue correct in that sense but I’m building it for me and to pass to my son when he’s a bit older :grinning:
Awesome on the group one, they’re a very nice race bike especially like the 85, looks fast standing still, and for looks the 89 is a beast imo.
Yeah I’ve had an account on bmx museum for a while but had a guy rip me off for 3 bikes in one deal, an 89 haro edge, a 87 Hoffman condor and a 91 haro sport. So I was absolutely gutted and have just been trading with Aussie guys and some usa raffle pages.


@Slick1 love that bump mate and the s&m looks sick! What model is it? I want a Holmes.theyre a rad bike. And you’re making me jealous with that shot at the park looks dope! Keep shredding bro👊

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I have a 22" wheeled Holmes in pieces. My everyday (that I feel up to it) bike is this 22" custom weld job by Dave Harrison. An oldie,from when he was first starting Pedal Driven. Glad to see BMX represented!


[quote=“Budderton, post:27, topic:86795, full:true”]

I have a 22" wheeled Holmes in pieces. My everyday (that I feel up to it) bike is this 22" custom weld job by Dave Harrison. An oldie,from when he was first starting Pedal Driven. Glad to see BMX represented
That’s awesome mate :ok_hand: ick rider man looks nice and slick, coming from my gen of riding it still trips me out seeing no brakes , but it really streamlined the bikes. I’ve always loved bmx since the redline mx2 my dad won on a game show over here called sale of the century, that was in 1882 and that’s my very first bike, I was lucky enough to also live in the same street as a dirt track so my whole childhood was racing and jumping my bike; some of the best memories of my life.
Simple times. Man I’m jealous on the Holmes they’ve always been a favourite of mine in the midschool! Would like to see ir I’d you ever get it out :facepunch:


Here’s my American made frame collection, apologies for the dust…
22" Holmes
Long backend and low bottom bracket, couple with slack head tube angle and 22" wheels, made this one great on the dirt pump track. I like street/park so it was replaced.

20" Angle of Death/ FBM custom order
My 20’ I never ride.

20" KIL(Keep it lit) Solid bike co
Little street ripper… enclosed rear dropouts act as hub guard, top and bottom head tube gusset w/ cool cut out.

20" Shaman from Standard bike co.
Old flatland bike

That’s it for my photo dump. Go BMX!


Here’s my Frankenstein

The seat is older than my kids combined ages

Straps because, shoes

Schwinn bars from the 70s with wine corks from wine I drank

Originally owned by my late brother in Alaska who had a pvc tube zip tied to the frame to hold his fishing pole and a rack for his cooler

Stolen once, but recovered as the guy was trying to spray paint it black :smiling_imp:


I dig it man :metal:

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One water bottle cage, one beer can cage :slightly_smiling_face:


Santa Cruz knows how to make a mean MTB. I sold my Tallboy Carbon in the spring, cause after my last crash and broken arm (almost a broken neck too), my days of aggressive trail riding are done.

Im still keeping my Salsa El Mariachi hard tail though ( I converted it to 27.5+ 2.8” tires ) because it’s still such a great all purpose bike


[quote=“Budderton, post:29, topic:86795, full:true”]

Here’s my American made frame collection, apologies for the dust…
22" Holmes

bro! they’re killer, some seriously cool frames and love that fbm it looks sick​:muscle: so cool there’s a couple of bmx lovers on here, it’s not often you run across others that have 2 of the same passions that you’ve got :grinning: so cool. I’m going to be restoring a couple of midschool haros soon I’ve got to get off my ass and get them cracking, and chase down some parts and one set of bars.
Anyway thanks for sharing your bikes bro they’re rad!


Yeah. I hear you. I’ve slowed down also. Broken collar bone, both arms and wrists twice so eager not to spend any more time sat upright in an armchair wasting away. My main cycling bud rides a Tallboy. We go easy over jumps and drop offs these days though. :slight_smile:


That’s an awesome bike. Hard to go wrong with an old Brooks saddle.


Thanks man. The S&M is a BTM (Born To Mobb), Mike Hoder’s signature frame. Gotta get it painted and put together in a way I trust to land like an old man on. I got a decal set for it with the frame too.

Badass! Nice to see an above 20" wheeled that looks like a regular BMX and not a cruiser.

How am I just finding out about your BMX obsession now? :laughing: That’s a hell of a collection man. Not that there was a reason to get rid of it before but now that FBM is gone you better keep that frame!


The points of contact (bmx pedals, brooks seat, schwinn handlebars) have been on every bike I’ve had for the last twenty years, lol

I’d like to get an eccentric bottom bracket or rear hub because single and fixed are where my heart lies


Yeah those were a custom run. You got to choose your geometry and whether you wanted brake mounts or not. You had to pay in advance and they only made a small number of them. Stoked to have it. It’s fun in the bowl.


Fat Bald Men :love_you_gesture:
This thread brings back alot of memories.


This thread reminded me to clean off the bike this weekend!

My durrty street bike, I rode this around in Boston traffic for years — I don’t get on it as much now that I’m not in the city!


Brakeless in Boston can be a little hairy, even if you are “in the flow.”

ETA: Oh whoops, didn’t see the lever. Good choice!