SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

ya the runt… it is gaining speed the bigger it gets and I’ll see about flowering it at the same time but it’s pretty under developed.
There are a few interesting and subtle expressions emerging and one of the reasons I started popping my 2017 beans is so I could really get a spread of leaf shapes and other distinct differences in the line in general. So far I see one plant in the 2017 batch that has a leaf curl expression that is showing in the 3f2 batch. I am hoping the lef curl plant in the 2017 batch is a female and if she is, I want to include her in the pollination but am undecided there.
Here is the curled leaf trait on the 2017 plant in the first pic and you can just make it out on the SB3f2 plant in the second pic.

Then there is this one plant that has variegation and whorled phyliotaxi which are known blueberry markers.

and shown in the previous post , the random double serration which was a trait of my original keeper back in the day and also the male I used to make my 2017 seed batch also carried that trait. I have pics of these plants somewhere in my picture folders but I’m still hunting LOL


WOW!! SHSC-1 just amazing work!
I’ve not followed this thread, but after your most kind words, in ~Nuggz thread, about the heat mat.
I then happened to noticed your handle, and Shiskaberry 3 F2 title, just got another coffee, and read it all!!
Up above in the thread, I read trout fishing, in your area!! That always grabs my attention.
Before I retired, I built and installed printing presses, across USA, some work in Canada,I always had my fishing gear, shipped with my tools and parts to a job site. I carries 5-6 different fishing license one year.
However, the Pacific Northwest, is pretty unknown to me, I’m sad to say. I do read as many post of the area, from folks that live there, is mind candy for me.
Tourist info, just leaves me cold.
Love your project, great pics, and I know you’ll knock it out of the park.
All the best man!!


@webeblzr what kind of presses. I ran sheetfed and rotary presses my whole life. Mostly Heidelbergs.


Well, if I get a vote, then i vote to veg them longer and take some clones and spread them around Canada. :partying_face:


okay I will see about the clone thing though I warn you all in advance… my cloning success is hit n miss LOL


Man I feel like everyone’s cloning success is hit and miss haha. If you want a bubble cloner I got one I’m trying to get rid of


Really why no luck using it?


Yeah same. One year, when I was still learning and new to it, everything went perfect. I even clones flowering cuts and re-vegged them for a monster crop. First try !

But now…I don’t know wth is up. I had keepers last year I took cuts of … numerous cuts so I wouldn’t fail. Nothing made it.

I used a bubbler tho, and I believe my issue was the roots were made in hydro, but I transferred them to coco. I think from what others have told me and reading around, that they don’t develop the same roots in hydro that they do in soil. So that may have been where I failed. I’ve seen others do it this way tho, so I dont understand.

I’m sending good vibes to you !
I know you can do it. And if your hit and miss, this time you’ll HIT ! :100:%


Maybe it could be the cold winter temps? Pot plants hate cold roots. It’s freaking -10ºF this morning with a blizzard yesterday, so, I’m glad I only have 4 sprouts going and they’re still under the dome till it warms back up a little.


I tried alot of different ways had a bubbler, and finally I kept working with the peat pucks and finally was able to get about 80%success


Yeah, those Root Riot type plugs work great. I think it’s @Papalag that wraps a twisty tie around it for even better results/faster.

Keep them moist in a dome environment and dip them in clone powder, and they’ll root. Might take ten days to two weeks, but most plants will clone eventually. I hate buying more stuff, but they work too well to skimp.


What does he tie the twisty tie around, the plug itself? How does that work please? I’m willing to try it


I think he actually slices the plug almost in half, dips his clone in the clone powder, then lays the clone onto the plug and puts the other half on top. Then he ties it around so it snugs up against the plug a little tighter. The plugs already have a hole in them, but some stems can be loose in it. The snugness seems to stimulate the rooting a little faster. I tried it and saw the results.


You know, that make so much sense. The tight holes probably scrap away the clonex the cutting was dipped into as you push it down an uncut plug. I’m gonna give it a whirl here this weekend. Thanks


I always used the gel rooting stuff. The main thing to watch for was if the stem was loose in the hole. I would just make sure to pack the peat around yhe stem so it was as tight as possible and make sure I had atleast one node inside of the puck. Also helps to have stem that is not too woody but not so flexible it doesn’t go in the pellet smoothly


Hola Gang

I use Growdan
and it is the same thing
I had fair success till I saw
a video saying it has to be
tight around the stem so just
add a little bit of the growdan
fiberglass around the stem.

It work a lot better that way too



I have used everything and anything at hand , rockwool, coco plugs , sunshine 4, peat plugs ,cloner, keep the base room temp or a tad warmer and moist ,a moisture hood and keep an eye on em , trim crap off as it appears , two weeks later roots , I know this don’t help but it works for me


Aloe vera leaf worked well for me. Cutting at 45degree angle, putting it in aloe leaf immediately, let it soak a minute or so and then straight into soil or coco. Put a zip lock bag around the solo cup and roots in about a week or 2


No I’ve had luck but I get better ratios out of peat plugs and a humidity dome, I also don’t mind the electricity savings even if it is negligible :joy:


back in the day, tending clones was my full time job so you would think I would be a pro.
I seem to do everything right but results are mixed. I usually am able to save my favorites so I suppose its not all that bad.
I will get some things organized for taking clones. I’m only going to take lowers as I don;t want to top any of these plants. We can veg to 8 weeks then I “have” to flip these so I can stay on track for what I have planned for that flower room after these are done.