SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

A good friend of mine left for the sunshine coast when he was in his early 20’s so around 92 he was up and gone. He made his way over there and met ther right people and just blended in with all the hippie types and boating crowd. He met this french guy who’s dad would head into the mountains every spring with a small crew of newfies and frenchmen and they would guerilla grow 100’s of pounds every summer. These are the stories I am familiar with anyways but his friendship led to doors opening with local farmers and he was blessed with being included by long time local growers. So he had this 28ft motorized sailboat he would head up the coast on and find locations to build out gardens.
I went for a visit in around 2001 and was surprised at how well he had planned out his gardens. High up on benches above the ocean and he would run garden hoses from the beach all the way up to the plants, grown in the ground in mound rows. All he had to do was anchor and dingy ashore with a garden hose connected to a holding tank on the boat. He connected the hoses and kicked on a pump and watered the plants without having to hike in a drop. Was genius… and they grew really nice outdoor back then. He got busted being careless back in 2004 … with 120 kilos. Sounds like lots but this was all rough trimmed bud , fresh and still holding all its water so probably a 60lbs bust dry cured weight… still a pinch is a pinch and that got him 18months house arrest and a ankle bracelt so he could go to work and back. I stayed clear for years but we reconnected a few years ago and now he lives up here… just down the road and has his own legal personal med grow and he is one of my valuable testers every summer in his greenhouse. My strains are all he grows for the past 4 years. :wink:


That sounds very similar to how my dad described the egmont grow!

Alot of outdoor grows from my home area too, there’s so much area out on the water amongst the islands and channels. I had some native friends who did trail clearing with their mom every year and always came across grows. Short season up north though, and the Douglas channel is notoriously rough. But so cool exploring and hitting up the various hotsprings.

One of my old neighbors lives roughly in your area, runs a campground these days. Very much an outdoorsman and Biker. I remember he grew some pot for my dad and fuck me it was some of the best I ever smoked as a teen. Whole house reeked as soon as he brought it in lol. I used to just follow my nose to find his stash lol. Good times, good memories.


I knew a Frenchman fled SF in 69 for Mendo to grow. Spent several years learning to make hash in N. Africa after a tour in the foreign Legion there. Made insane hash. I saw abandoned grows in his area in trees. Hunting platform style 20’ up.


What’s the Canadian immigration process look like? Between this thread and Jinglepots I’m convinced I need to live in BC


Apparently it’s pretty easy to enter Canada and just stay here LOL
Look up “Roxham Road” , it is the human pipeline into Canada.


Noted!!! lol


Haha pretty sure the door is wide open right now, I read something about visas and not overly concerned with overstaying or something along those lines…govt wants as much tax money coming in as possible. But we have a huge immigration backlog as well so your best bet is probably just walking across a Prarie field or Roxham…

" OTTAWA - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s pushing Canada’s immigration system to soften its approach to processing visa applications and put less focus on the risk of visitors overstaying their short-term visas."

I mean that’s the whole basis behind printing more money non stop isn’t it? Have to keep bringing in more people/making more babies. I’m no economist btw :smirk:


I must a meet some of you guys
in those 90s I was planting trees
all over the BC west coast

Before that was removing asbestos
from the prov museum in Victoria.

I love all the time I spent in BC
close to 25 yrs.



BC is changing… and I don’t like it.
Canada is changing and I really don’t like it
Personally I think in 5 years I will be in Alaska or Serbia

But for now I am content in very small town BC hehehe ya’all should take a road trip and come on out for a OG pig or lamb roast weekend!!

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Haha Love it!


Please take that out of my butt. :rofl:


That’s seriously tempting…


Babyback ribs!


We try and gather our friends from far and wide for a 2 to 5 day weekend pig roast camp over party in our back yard. Everyone brings thier campers or tents and it’s a fun time for all :wink:
It’s also a bonus that we have some of the best trout fishing lakes in western canada pretty much every direction all around us :wink:

Update on the garden
Managed to get a bale of sunshine mix… all the grow stores that catered to cannabis growers in my area have closed… there’s one guy but he’s a sketchy character and you always have to call and book an appointment… like what the actual fuck???
So I am stuck with the frozen bales at the ranch supply store which is only open 10 to 3 monday to friday. Small town problems I know LOL
I gotta warm up these bales and get crackin on the transplant. There’s one thing I do know about the Shiskaberry… they do not like thier roots restricted.
I’ll snap some pics while I’m out there and post them up tonight. :slight_smile:


I learned the hard way last winter with cold soil. Seedlings wilt pretty darn fast.


Okay Shishkaberry lovers it’s update time once again.
The plants have pretty much all showed thier sex except for one that is emerging but I can’t quite call it yet. The count as of today is 4 females, 2 males , one not yet showing and one runt.
Here is a picture dump and this will be the last pic before transplant which I will be starting tonight.
@PineTarBastard We are at 6 weeks and 2 days of veg so it is decision time my friend.
If clones are to be taken we need at least another week of veg to build the lowers but if we want seeds ripe before may… 7 weeks of veg is gonna have to do.
Either way is fine with me, I’m ready to flip em when you are.

Here are todays pics starting with the runt. Then the 4 girls and the males at the end

and a crappy shot of #7 but pic 2 is of note as he was the first to show his male bits and carries the random double serration traits . I’ll get a better pic of him next time.


They all look beautiful ! And you couldn’t ask for a better M to F ratio !
That is so awesome!



FWIW every time I’ve not kept a clone of something I’ve ended up regretting it. Don’t be like Legs. Take some cuts




Nice representation the runt might surprise you.