SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Same here. And that’s how I have done it for years with zero problems. [quote=“SHSC-1, post:212, topic:96654”]
The goal was an ounce a plant and the original Shishkaberry was a perfect plant for it
100% agree. The Shishkaberry strain is known for production.
@SHSC-1 plants are looking great. Stellar job man.


Well folks I’m going to try and get some cuts off the girls but I really do need to move these to the flower room as soon as possible. Gotta keep things timed right or my veg room is going to get overcrowded and I hate that.
I am going to be cloning the females from the 2017 seeds though so if anything worthy pops up she will get shared if I can manage it.
For now the concentration needs to be on making seed from these 7 plants and then look at next steps.

Here are the plants today. Should have transplanted them a few days sooner as I’m seeing some yellowing off of lower leaves. No big thing I usually start removing lower fans to encourage branch development anyways. I need to pick up a new PH meter too as I’m not convinced my PH is reading right. Either way the flower room is pretty much ready to go so any day now I’ll be moving them to 12/12.
4 of these 5 plants are girls, 5th one undetermined

These two are the confirmed males.


They look like they’ll bounce back quick after getting those bigger shoes


It’s crazy cause I read that they should be taken from the top as they have the most energy :laughing:
But I really am not the one to ask. I’m always hit and miss with em.


Never heard of “Foop”
But I looked up Foop cloning gel, and it has some great stuff in it !
I’m gonna try to find some of this stuff.

Ingredients in Foop:
FOOP Clone Gel is derived from:
Reclaimed fish poo in mineral rich aquaculture water (which contains beneficial microbes as well as naturally sourced calcium and magnesium)
Organic aloe
Organic willow water
Organic mycorrhizal fungi
Organic fish hydrolysate
Organic kelp
Organic silica.

  • Also if anyone has access to Willow trees, I would be interested in cuttings from some of their new growths this year. I want to make some Willow water to feed my plants, but they don’t grow here.

And @SHSC-1 those flipped clones are seriously chunky ! They look amazing!


Aloe and Willow Water is all you really need. Stinging nettle and comfrey are great alternatives to willow if you have no access to willow trees. Fresh Natural Honey will work as another alternative to willow water. And do not forget dandelions in making your teas and waters. The tap root of dandelions have all kinds of goodies to make your plants grow.


Thank you for the tips. I can definitely find dandelions around here.


update time :wink:
I’ve been in snow removal mode for over a week now LOL so been maintaining the garden but not much else. Still haven’t flipped the room yet but tomorrow for sure.
Plants are at 8 weeks veg today and I’ll take some cuttings as things go here.
I have one female in the batch B seed lot which is my 2017 work. She has a much wider stouter leaf expression and smells really strong. I think I will clone her and flower her out in the open pollination as her expression is fit to be included.
We are still at 4 females and 2 males with one not showing yet from the Ustad Shishkaberry 3f2.
In my batch b seedlot of the 2017 seeds, it’s looking like they will be mostly males and thier expressions and structures/smells are similar to the Ustad plants so most will be killed except for real strong smelling ones. I;ll be cloning them before killing them.
My PH pen crapped out last week and unfortunately I gave the plants water and feed that was wayyy out of the happy range. Got some acidic PH reactions from most of the plants but they are bouncing back nicely.
Here’s pics from today.
The females and one undecided

and then the two confirmed males

So things are gonna get rolling here into flower and the fun will begin!!!


Those are the definition of healthy plants.


Looking good in there! Can’t wait for the flower show


Update time I suppose… Day 5 of 12/12
The downside of flowering with HPS only is the orange pics…
I am really surprised at the lateral branching and immediate stretch these plants are exhibiting.
They are growing at an insane pace and every time the light comes on they are visibly bigger.
Gonna have to give them a good stiff feeding now and keep them on track.

looks like we have 3 males and 3 females. There was that runt earlier in the grow but it turned out to be a little spindly male and didn’t want that contributing to the gene pool.
So it’s a 50/50 show… There is room for 2 more plants… pondering that with the 90’s blues female and one of the 2017 shishkaberries… I dunno… maybe


I’m such a stoner… there’s 7 plants in that pic haha… we have FOUR females and 3 males so not a 50/50 split .
Will be a good seed haul though :wink:


Don’t be ashamed… :worried:
This is just a sign that you grow pretty dam good weed. image


HAHA @shag you got that right brother… I am smoking a big bat , blended with Karma’s Bubble Head , OGKB 2.0 and some bodhi’s Grandma’s Hashplant to round out the edges hehehe
little overkill for this early in the day but it is 10 after noon :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Of course NONE of the rest of us caught it either…so there’s that!


LOLZ that makes me feel better and in good company :laughing:


How many times did you and 3 other people count a stack of 20s and all come up different. More stoner math.


Please don’t take what I am bout to say in a negative way! That runt or spindly undesirable male will almost always have something unique that those other guys aren’t carrying. I select certain ones as well for open pollination, but I always feel that I threw some gene pool away.


I get that and don’t disagree but the plant itself lacked many of the qualities I look for in these lines based on growing in the past. It lacked stem odor mostly and it refused to develop a strong root system like the other runts from strains I have popped this winter like the 90’s blues and the G13. Those are now healthy normal growing plants and would use them if I was making seeds and had no other ones to work with.
This seed increase with the seeds from @PineTarBastard will be step one for my shishkaberry adventure. Once these seeds are done I will be using some to grow alongside my 2017 stock and I may reach out to @ShiskaberrySavior and @Barefrog and see what genetics they might be able to contribute. I don’t forsee that going down till next winter but these things take time. So a couple or 3 maybe , large seed lots with various genetic inputs should, in the end, give folks a deep genetic pool to hunt thru for keepers.


Hola @SHSC-1

What I have is the same as

Since I got mine from him
to do a small increase.
