SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

ahh cool.
It will be months before I get to that point but it is good to know a couple members here have shishkaberry genes that are totally unique compared to the ones over here. It would be nice to recombine my 2017 line that used a female from the original '98 release with other Shishkaberry “1” genetics. That’s in the future though.
For now we are well on our way to seeing this seed increase into fruition


Hola Gang

I was told that mine were originaly
from Meduser So I ask Med and
he told me that he got it from Reeferman

if it can help you in your search.



Once I read that you have prior experience with this strain, I’ll retract my statement!! After you have went thru the lines already there’s no need to keep undesirables. Sorry for interrupting your fine thread. Back to the corner I go.


no need to go back to the corner :smiley: . Your comment was valid and I certainly didn’t take it in a negative way. This thread is for all those seeking these genetics in thier life and I am always open to comments and suggestions and banter that keeps things fun and interesting.


@SHSC-1 Plants are looking great!


Won’t be long now :smiley:


Seems I was totally out to lunch the other night when I glassed the plants for sexing LOL
I should have written “M” or “F” on each tag as I was off in my count.
We have 7 plants and Five females and 2 males. Good thing is the males are not the same.
There is a male and female… I’ll call them the tall lanky ones that are identical and the rest are similar to the stocky male. I like the stocky male as he is not throwing branches out like the lanky male. He also has tighter node spacing and fatter leaves.
All these plants smell so similar it’s hard to pick out a front runner but they all smell of a sweet dank berry/melon/skunk with a hint of something that I can just say is “shishkaberry” … the nose misses that smell and never forgets it hehehe


they look amazingly healthy. so good job so far. i know on amazon they have lenses that can be used to cover the camera lense to color correct it.


This happens lol
Iv got 4 I’m watching and there’s signs but I like to wait to be sure
I won’t be fooled again to quote the song

Normally if I’m not sure I’ll put a ? Next to my guess lol :joy:


I know that question mark.


hey what’s happenin Shishkaberry Lovers??

Plants are rockin right along at day 15 of 12/12 and looking pretty good to me.
Don’t see any pollen dropping yet but won’t be long now.
Sorry about the HPS orange pics. The flash on the camera helps a bit
here’s pics from today


Looking happy over there :slightly_smiling_face:



The classic orange glow, ohh yes, brings back alot of fond memories.:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: but those plants sure are happy and healthy.


Looking good @SHSC-1 nice and healthy plants, I know you are happy!


I am glad this run is going so well and the plants have been pretty easy to maintain health.
Not fussy except when thier roots start to get restricted. I ran out of general hydro flora bloom… and the only way I can get some is mail order. My small town has limitted options but I found some Advanced ph perfect bloom and while it’s not the same as flora bloom, I’ve slightly adjusted my feed mix to 8ml flora micro, 14.5ml advanced bloom and I am adding a teaspoon of granulated gypsum and the same of epsom salts.
They have had one feeding of that mix and seemed to really enjoy it but they are in high gear and I gotta keep up with the feed while doing my best to keep soil PH and nutrient strength in the right ranges. So far so good :wink:

thanx for following along everyone.


@PineTarBastard we have pollen flying brother!!
No pics tonight but happy to report that both males are dropping pollen.

Here are my observations so far.
All the plants have extremely similar mature leaf fomation.
Vigor is fairly even across the plants.
Branch structure and node formation is also similar across all the plants.
The plants also seem to have developed sticky stem rubs and all carry the same sweet dank skunky aroma.
They seem very homogenous across an arrary of traits. The only differences are the height between the two males. So to me there seems to be short bushy expression and tall expression. The break down there is one tall female and one tall male and the rest are about the same nice squat bushes.
I want to get another light in there for taking better picturesbut for now I’ll do the best I can using the flash on the camera to offset the orange of the hps. I’m using a sony cybershot that is probably 10 years old now but it takes better pics than my cellphone.
other problem I have that comes and goes is nerve shakes from my stenosis issues. Some days I can’t hold a camera still enough to take good pics. Is what it is.

well… till next time!!!
Stay Green my friends :wink:


A homogenous F2 generation seems unusual, is that true? From my reading thats generally the least stable generation. Should be a promising bunch of seeds then, I mean, they started that way, and they’re sounding even more that way :slightly_smiling_face: Fantastic.

Sorry to hear about your stenosis, hopefully today is a better day. :crossed_fingers:


Looking good bro. I’ll try and get some pics up to your other thread of the Coastal Blueberry pretty soon. I have 3 in solo cups and they are quick rooting seedlings. I’ll probably up pot them today or tomorrow. They’re beautiful little plants. I’ve been growing so many sativa and sativa doms, that the fat leaves look odd almost, ha. Very pretty and very indica looking.

Well, here they are… I forgot I took some pics outside of the grow room yesterday.

Oh, hell yeah!!

I put 4 seeds in but only 2 sprouted… then I was standing at the seedling table and happen to look straight down at the floor and right next to my foot was a seed. I wondered if I had let one jump out the day I put them in dirt.

So, I decided to sprout it in hopes of it being one of the CB seeds. I put a question mark on the tag but I’m pretty sure it’s one of yours. I haven’t been popping any indica type lately, but I do have seeds showing up all around the house, lol. But, this one looked exactly like the others in the early stage and still does. Seems too much of a coincidence to me so I’m moving forward like it belongs here. It’s the one in the upper left.

Thanks again brother! @SHSC-1 donated these to me through the Veteran’s giveaway. As soon as I got them in the mail and was inside going through them all, his stood out! Out of about 15 or more other strains, his went into the water that day I think, lol. I haven’t grown any type of blueberry yet so I’m super stoked. I hope to grab some of @Josh_Blue’s blueberry work soon, too; He’s been collaborating with DJ. I’ll be sure to put them in a thread. I was already growing a couple each of Josh’s Deathstar x Blue Star and ISS x Blue Star and another sativa strain from @ClassicGenetix. peace :seedling:


That’s great news! Looks like flowering is moving right along. It’s interesting to me how plants differentiate themselves during flowering. A few years ago, i was growing two PTKs and in the vegetative stage, they were identical. I was keene on experimenting with grafting at the time and grafted them together and transplanted them outside mid summer. Upon flowering, one became a short, squat plant with tight internodes. The other took off like a rocket, with long branches and long internodes. Both shared the same high and same strong pine terpenes and flavors. Kind of reminded me of the movie with Arnold and Danny. :rofl:


Greetings Shishkaberry Lovers :wink:
Update time!!

The pollen is literally dumping from these males as they spew thier goodness around the room.
Today the leaves on these plants were just coated in pollen. So much so that there is barely any green visible LOL I collected a fairly sizeable amount and may collect one or two more times. Then I think these boys will get the axe as they have absolutely saturated these 5 females from top to bottom.
I have no way to take macro shots but both of these males have visibly frosty pods which is very nice to see.
here they are
male 1 is the tall pheno like one of the females.

and the shorter male which shares a lot of similarties with the other 4 females.

and the girls 1 thru 5

and some pics of them all…

that’s all for now!!! :smiley: