SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Yes you do pack a house full.


Thanks that was back on the Wild West years. Still grow a few but nothing like that. Lol


Awesome! Looking forward to the new pics :slightly_smiling_face:


If u don’t mind could I possibly get a bit of pollen when your all done . It would save me a pile of trouble looking for a male .

Absolutely no rush what so ever if that’s possible. Thanks


I should be done making up pollen packs in a few days and then I will figure out how best to share it around.
Sorry I haven’t shared new pics yet, got busy last night and forgot. I will take some tonight though. All the girls are frosting up big time and have variations to thier smells when rubbing off some of the leaf trichomes.


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Count me in! lol

Pollen!!! :green_heart: :green_heart:


This is my Shiskaberry S1 from an Elite cut that lives in Edmonton. She smells like sour passionfruit candy and after some time in the yar, she turns into sweet passionfruit candy instead. She’s my best producer and are very vigorous. Would love to get a couple Shiska males some day to make a little bukkake party going in my micro grow :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Pz :v:t2:


my stupid camera is acting up so last nights flower shots are on hold for a bit here LOL

But I did just break out the pollen to fill a bunch of flaps I made up.
Felt like a 90’s coke dealer cutting and folding 3.5" square flaps for an hour. I used plain paper instead of a porno mag but hey… this ain’t the 90’s no mo LOL

So here is the progress so far and I have to say it didn’t even put a dent in the pollen collected so far. There is still the last collection I did still drying and not added to the jars yet.
I put a fairly even pile of both males in each flap.
Bear with me while I figure out how best to go about distributing these :smiley:

Worked out to 25 flaps of pollen so far and props to @Rhai88 for the awesome OG sticker as the backdrop hehehe


Ahhh snap look at all that Shishkaberry pollen chillen with that OG sticker! Very nice! :wink:

Check your inbox my friend!


LMAO!!! :laughing:


My Coastal Blueberry are humming along and I’m just waiting for them to get a little more veg on. I’ll start a thread pretty quick. They’re sure pretty little plants! They keep looking like they want to turn color from the new growth in the center. peace :pray: :v:


@GMan oh dang you and @Heliosphear both going in on some coastal BB… very nice! Can’t wait to see what you guys find!


I’ve got a pack of these but I they’ll have to wait their turn. The longer I follow this thread, the more interested I get. Last real Shishkaberry I had was from Ft Bragg close to 20 years ago. Anything even close will be good from @SHSC-1 .


I got them on the veteran giveaway, and as soon as I saw them I put some in water. I have two I believe are female and one i’m pretty sure is male. So, if I get two females to flower good, I’m gonna be happy. I may put some outside this summer. I know they would flourish.

I dropped your Tombstone x Bam Bam and lost them to something… I need to restart those.


HA! Now that was funny!


Woot woot !!
That male you described sound amazing!

I’m glad you collected as much as you could off of him :raised_hands:

Can’t wait to see how the girls are doing :fire::metal:


I ended up with a lot more pollen than I thought there would be. All the females are covered with pollen as well and I almost want to give them a spray down to wash all the pollen off them. I took pics on the 2nd but the camera cord was gving me grief so I bought an adaptor for the usb plug to I can pull the camera’s card and download it that way instead of the cord. Its a decade plus old sony cyber shot but it takes good pics.

Today is day Day 34 of 12/12
Here are the pics I promised, taken using the flash to counter act the orange glow of the HPS. They are super frosty ladies and they are well and truly knocked up with developing seeds from top to bottom. :smiley:

and the two males… one short and one tall. Pollen release was about the same on both and I really like the short one but that tall one… very interesting structure on him. I was going to kill them the other day but they are still alive in the room… I kinda want to see how they express as they age out. Will see about collecting more pollen as I go :smiley:

and a room shot… not a very good pic but whatever… best I can do right now LOL

Okay now for the pollen collected so far…I have set aside amounts for myself and @PineTarBastard and I will have 24 blended packs to giveaway in the coming days. I will do it with a Wiki format with 24 open slots. If I collect more and can make up more packs I will do a second giveaway in the Wiki format for those who might have missed the first round.

Sound good??


Good man @SHSC-1 . Sharing is caring.



Those ARE nice pics haha
I believe I had a cyber shot too. Might still have one, but I think the battery died and I never tried to find another charger. Or was that the camera I had that took two double A ??

Anyway your plants look gorgeous :raised_hands:

And I can’t wait for the wiki !
I really hope I can get on it tho.

I sleep random hours and im sometimes passed out for over 48. Other times I’ll be awake for 3 days. Like yesterday and today so far haha. Cant help it

I love the two different phenos of those males.
Did you keep your special males pollen separate as well ?