SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

It’s all good brother, I’ll add @Smooth back on


Probably more like…
Oooooh, that sounds awesome.
Now WTF am I going to do with it… :joy:
I did think about signing up a bunch myself, it went something like that… :thinking:


Lol. I took myself off. I figgered someone else could probably use it more right now than I could. So if that keeps someone from getting it, I would like them to have it.


In a paper flap along with a desicant pack , inside a sealed container in the back of the freezer, pollen will stay viable for a long time. Some say years even.


I took my name off. Figgered maybe others need it now more than I do. I will wait for the seeds. Lol


I wonder what he would bring to the mix! Thanks for a shot at some of this :crossed_fingers:


Thank you so much! What an opportunity. I was debating signing up because I’m not an experienced breeder. Figured save it for the folks that already know what they are doing.

But the list isn’t full already, so I’m going for it!


A tiny bit goes an extremely long way. If you’re trying to keep it to one plant/strain, and have other plants growing that you don’t want to pollinate, then take a couple of females to the shower and close the curtains and bath door and give them the pollen. I’m not sure of the best way for this… maybe cut it with flour and use a shaker?

Wait 30 min and you can shower the girls off so as not to spread pollen to other spots of the house. Much easier than trying to move a male around or even just keeping one.

Prepare to find a seed or two on your other plants you kept separate. Pollen travels with you on your hair, on clothes, etc. To be most safe, shower yourself and grab fresh clothes to continue. It’s a beautiful thing of nature to watch seeds being made. Best vibes all! peace :v: :male_detective:


Both of those males look pretty nice! I especially like the structure of the shorter one looks like very symmetrical growth! :+1:t4:

Couldn’t pass this up. I appreciate you tossing this offer out to the community brother!

I’ve heard the same though I have not stored pollen for much longer than a year in the freezer. Currently the BamBam pollen I have is roughly 8-9 months old. Just gave some to a buddy to dust a famale and he has beans everywhere lol

I like to store my pollen in smaller individual centrifuge tubes. Great to separate your pollen to be able to share with others and super easy to grab a q-tip or small brush to be able to dust a desired female!

Thanks again for sharing this pollen with all of us! :boom:


I put mine in parchment paper with a half dozen or so rice kernels, and then in a small zip pouch. I keep mine at room temp in a dark place. I’ll have to verify it’s viability this next flowering (soon) to see if it made it all winter. I think it’ll be fine but, I’d like to know.


I tried some year old pollen from the back of the fridge. Stored with instant rice kernels in a brown glass jar and I got a very small seed set. Tried again with the pollen I froze and got a couple thousand seeds LOL


Wow, yeah, I always wondered about going from frozen to dry without any issues. That’s great to hear. I think I still have some in the fridge from a while back that will be interesting to see if any of them stayed viable.


dude… you are family… no wiki needed for you… anything, anytime, just ask :smiley:


Big thanks to you @SHSC-1 Its greatly appreciated by us all. Much love and respect for all your hard work.


Appreciate the opportunity to grab some of this baby-dust @SHSC-1. Thank you. Trying to figure out where I’ll run it! Definitely a few interesting possibilities.


I had the same thoughts @shag . No reason to be greedy…yet. Maybe later. But @SHSC-1 is being quite generous, to be sure.


It’s truly my pleasure. :wink:
Gotta preserve this line and getting pollen and soon seeds out to the community is the whole purpose of this grow.

as for what to dust it on… maybe something fruity?.. or maybe a nice lemony kush type hmmmmm


Very cool of you to do this. Thanks for your work and generosity.


Oh I like the way you think!


@SHSC-1 signed up at #10, hope it’s OK even though I live in IKEAland. Thank you so much for your generousity :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2: