SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

some good looking males,thanks for the opportunity

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Update : chain created, Lonely OC count for twos.


That’s very generous ot you brother…
Thank you so much for doing this :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Signed up and then signed off, I’m in the midst of a seed run but I have other options for pollen and it could be a great thing for another grower; just wanted to chime in to say this is very cool of you to do! :pray:


I’m soooo glad I made this wiki :metal:

I have sleep apnea, AND insomnia, so I was up for the past 3 days, and finally passed out yesterday from exhaustion. Only issue is when sleep finally comes, I sleep like a bear haha
So I was asleep all of Wed, and just woke a few hours ago.
Im so glad I made it in time :green_heart:
Ive been following and would love to use some of the males genetics this year.

I really appreciate the giveaway. I know it takes time and effort to collect and store pollens, Ive seen Doug do it a few times haha
And then to send em out too ? It’s really appreciated.
I can send a SASE to you if you would like.

We can now look forward to a ton of shiskaberry crosses in the future :raised_hands:

Thank you so much



I have been sitting here in the dark. Watching your awesome work. Then what do you do??? Give away all that awesome work to anyone wanting some.
Incredibly generous brother. If I was prepared to make beanage, my hand would definitely be extended.
Good luck to all who gets @SHSC-1 pollen.


Thank you :blush: I was able to uneventfully add myself at #18. What an amazing love fest this has been! :laughing:


Had to jump in for a shot at some of the magic dust. Thanks @SHSC-1


I guess I should be dropping some Shiskaberry today… :thinking: Gotta have some females for that pollen to work! :wink: :muscle: :seedling: :man_farmer:


@SHSC-1 you sure have made a bunch of folks happy. THIS kind of stuff is what makes it so easy to do what I’ve been doing. Just a different part I get to play.


Thankyou everyone for the kind words and postive vibes :smiley:
In the end we have @PineTarBastard to thank for entrusting me with these seeds as this would not be possible otherwise. Me… I’m just doing my part the best I can and besides… it’s a whole lotta fun growing a strain that I am particularly fond of and even more fun getting to share the grow , step by step and spreading the genetics far and wide with the pollen and seeds. I think breeder steve would approve :wink:


@SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard FTW.

I’m feeling like a Shiska - Bog sour strawberry and maybe a shiska - romulan could be in the works on my end with a dose of that pollen :raised_hands:


I want to thank everyone that passed on the shishka pollen. Left one spot for me to jump in. Much like others the question now is how to use it. Pura Vida, Lemongrass, Ice Pie, Sweet&Sour Cindy, Loud Love, oh the choices! Ice Cream Cake, Buddha’s Cane, Howard the Duck maybe? Aaaahhhhh!


I actually had this in mind myself. :thinking:

Great minds…


Lol I was literally gonna try a (BOG) SS x !

Okay if you take that on, I’ll find another girl haha

I’m doing a blueberry and cherry terp hunt this year, so I’ll pick from one of those I think


Lol and you were gonna do the Rom x
That’s funny. Well at least we know we will have plenty of crosses made :raised_hands:


What is Howard the duck :joy:
I loved that movie, but can’t imagine what would be in the cross.
Thinking obviously Ducks foot ?


Greattttt mindddddddss!!! :laughing:


I’ll have to hunt the pack to be sure but they are either “Space Queen”, or “Alien Rift” x “Duckweb IBL” from Swarley Seeds. They are f1 crosses so no webbed style leaves this round, but if I can flip a branch or two from these girls, their progeny should be (at least statistically) half webbed so I may have to cut some clones to keep them around to try!

alien rift was a pleasure to grow i grew some last year and loved it but during my move i lost so many strains. that sounds like an interesting cross.

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