SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

I wonder do we mess up their mold resistance by taking them out of the bud?
I mean you will lose some to mold but the ones that survive may be resistant to the pathogen.
Maybe we should just plant the buds, that would save me all that work of cleaning.
That does make shipping seeds difficult…LOL


@SHSC-1 I understand, multiplexed project. With fail safe on Baudelaire in case of … nice move buddy. Respect.

The advantage for me is that we share exactly the same insight on the shish, literally one stone twos birds. Considering this, i don’t want to outcross it with anything.

I can make enough in one step to send back in USA and SWE, but not to spread on OG on the same move. We can set a bit later a stimulating extend of our bloody debate on selection by the way of server auctions by example, can be a funny way to spread this nice classic and to heal a bit the rep of EU stoners here ^^

Let me know if the US-FR-SW triumvirat is enough fun to give it a ride ^^


i wonder many things that most of you covered already. I’m not surprised to see sprouts in the weed after I do a water hash run but they haven’t ever mass sprouted like this before so I thought it would make for a good picture and conversation piece.
Speaking of over wintering seeds… for the first time ever… and I have been trying believe me… a seedling volunteered from seeds I tossed into the bottom of a hole in my greenhouse. There is remnants of soil in the 65 gallon-ish hole. and it’s about a foot and a 1/2 deep. The last couple or so years I have used the 18 gallon totes instead of the holes I dug but last year I tossed a couple dozen coastal blueberry plants in there just randomly. I didn’t bury them or anything. Couple weeks ago I am working in the greenhouse putting the boards over the holes and Lo and Behold!!! A volunteer seedling in my climate. Shocked as shit as they say.
That was from the #2 female of the Coastal Blueberry so it’s the northen lights leaner (flower type). Not keeping that seedling although I probably should. Just too much growing on right now and am almost overwhelmed with the projects I’ve taken on in the greenhouse. I’ll make sure to plant more of those seeds at the end of the season and maybe … just maybe… the coastal blueberry will be a candidate for acclimating to my climate.
So many seeds… so little time :wink:


Yes this sounds very good to me, my goal is to cross it to my F1S1 mother to mix this wonderful pheno into the mix which is quite blueberry leaning, except for the terps. Maybe do a backcross aswell.

So we would have many Shishkeberry sources around the world, plus all the crosses from the OG members. This might create a bit of Shishkeberry buzz, bringing back a classic!

Pz :v:t2:


If it happen, I will not reveal my kung fu outside our bloody debates ^^ But no BX for me, i got me lesson enough with the Sweet Tooth #3 in this matter lol


I’m not showing pics of the seeds I started that DIDN’T make it. Looks like something I’d do. The heat mat version is available too.

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@SHSC-1 Shishkaberry 1 has landed. :grinning:


oh ya that is fantastic news!!
you guys get mail on saturdays??
that’s a bonus!!
Will fire off round 2 on monday.


Are seeds being shipped now or still pollen ?


Once @PineTarBastard let’s me know he’s ready, I will open up a wiki for TL2 and TL3 OG’s… Was going to set it up in the first page of the thread but it seems I can’t edit the first post because the thread was moved from the coop thread.
I sent enough in the first load to get things rolling so when we are ready I’ll get the wiki happening.
I will be distributing to Canada and International
@PineTarBastard will look after USA .

I sent the last pollen packs a couple weeks ago and I think everyone who spoke up has received thier pollen packs. Anyone I missed , please reach out.
speaking of which… @Fuel did you get some of the shishka pollen? If not hit me with your details.

So it won’t be long now folks.
Once I’m ready for the wiki to open I will do a call out to all of those who signed up for pollen packs so that you all have first crack.

stay tuned!!


This ^^^^^^ OG awesomeness.


Thanks for the update.


@SHSC-1 Done. I will take the risk to speak for two, but thanks to give us a second chance on an alternate path. You’re a lord.


I got ya, no worries :wink:


I think this is just because it was posted so long ago. If you want to, you can @ the mods or TeamOG and they can probably turn it into a wiki for you. I do think it’d be simpler having it in the first post, though if it’s somewhere in the middle people will probably just link it frequently and it’ll end up getting done either way. Up to you, your run. :man_shrugging:


I see how it is…

:rofl: :v:


I made some edibles. Not all the seeds for ground up. Even through the oven and the boiler, then the trash in the yard. They still popped up. I don’t know how good they are. I’m not worried about it. But it is crazy. lol


@SHSC-1 I have an idea about the wiki I would like to share. Rather than opening a sign up sheet, what if we place the OG members who have participated in this thread into a wiki, which at the current time is 96 people. If we have more spots available, then we can open it up to a sign up. This way, the people who have participated in the thread have first crack at the seeds. And if there’s anyone who gets signed up automatically doesn’t want their seeds, which is extremely unlikely, then they could give up their spot in the wiki to someone else.
Just an idea. :thinking:


@PineTarBastard … I like that idea much better than mine hehe :wink:
I guess the wiki would not need to be put in the first post then as it would tag everyone who is added to it when it gets created.
Now I’m not so good with forum tools… where can I view a list of thread participants?
Hopefully the second batch arrives next week. My wife sent it out and I forgot to ask her about it till just now.
Whenever you are ready , let me know and I will get the wiki set up.