SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Just added to the wiki, thank you @SHSC-1 @PineTarBastard for making this happen!
I’m catching up and reading through this thread now.


I’m on the wiki. :slight_smile: I’ve been following along even if not very active in the conversation. lol I hope that’s good enough. :+1:t4:
The stinkier, the better @Elpolloloco ! lol
Thank you @SHSC-1 for making these and PineTarBastard for donating the seeds needed!


Appreciate the effort and contribution in preserving this classic strain @SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard!


Thanx for all the kind words folks. It’s much appreciated :wink:

11 spots left as of this post
still open for TL2 and TL3 OG’s … see post 831 for the wiki sign up.
Gonna poke through the whole thread and see who has not signed up yet that has been following along. I tagged a few people by DM that I thought would appreciate these seeds and looks like most of those have signed up :wink:

So we will let this soak a bit longer


Thank you for all your hard work @SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard ! :pray::green_heart:


I’ve to figure out, if it is the try we were talking about in private ^^

Considering the journey of this pollen (+ very hot weather here these last days), i will try this evening one sample on a secondary of something and keep you in touch ;o)

No matter what, you rox buddy.

I will prevent my crazy swedish bro on the fly, he will be very happy be sure on it.


Thank you for your efforts on this one @SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard and for the opportunity to grow it. Much appreciated!


Thank you @SHSC-1 for the opportunity and @PineTarBastard as well. :pray:t3::green_heart:


that’s great news.
Let me know if the pollen survived the trip.
Those packs are from the freezer stash so hopefully it’s still very viable.

Wiki is near full , won’t be long now :wink:


Thanks for the opportunity @SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard on this one!!


thank you for this great opportunity.
i only know the fresita clone from spain, but she is really great smoke.
full-on strawberry bubblegum done in 9w with great yields (leafy tho :slight_smile: )


Did someone say shiskaberry… :laughing:

       What's up everybody I'm new to the room  I was on the OG site early

But new to the community since site relaunch. Happy to be here, ummm
Kishhhh​:drooling_face::woozy_face: can’t wait to show off some stuffzz.

1 Like

Perfect color, ultra-clean, and so dense that it look like smoke. Very nice job, both on harvest and drying process.
I’ve used it pure, i don’t like to mix.

Two secondaries done, can’t wait tomorrow. This Big Bud pheno is very terpy, if it work i will not regret at all this dominance test on the “tall donor” ^^

Again, thank you @SHSC-1, i hope to help to spread pure this great classic soon enough. It’s a great opportunity for me to join the forces with something that count (to my eyes) for the general library.


Viability : :white_check_mark:

Considering that it passed over a month in transit, and that it landed while we reached peak temps here … I’m pretty much impressed.

If you have a post somewhere explaining in details how you proceed from the male to the packaging/freezing/advises on freezing … I’m still an afficionado of fresh pollen, but you changed my mind on the dryed/stored one by the facts. Nice job.


right on @Fuel , it does look like some pollination took place :wink:
When I collect the pollen i use a glass canning jar or a glass or metal bowl and knock the pollen from the branches into the container.
Then I sift it thru a fine mesh utensil that is like a flour or powdered sugar sifter.
That removes any green material or left over flower material which is super important to do right away before it’s moisture is absorbed by the pollen and gets clumpy in the jar.
I like to sift it into a fish canning jar which is approximately 250ml(+) wide mouth jar. I use a canning jar lid with a portion of coffee filter as the “lid” instead of the metal canning jar lid. That let’s it breath and not trap evaporating moisture. I leave the paper lid off for the first day then put the lid on and after about 5 days to a week I will transfer the pollen to the paper flaps in portioned amounts. I think the paper also helps draw any unwanted moisture from the pollen in the first couple days so I don’t put the flaps directly in the fridge or freezer and instead leave them for a day or to in a room at around 70F/20C.
Then package the flaps in a container with a dessicant pack and into the fridge … I’d say up to a year or into the freezer for much longer. I use empty perscription bottles as pollen flap containers I like how they seal and it’s easy to label them.
that’s about it… no magic to it really but it helps that i live in an environment that is arid and low humidity most of the time… unless it’s raining of course LOL My house ranges from 25 to 40 RH on average I’d say.


God stuff. I am looking forward to working the pollen into my mothered clones and see what happens


I like to grow/breed in dry RH for many reasons, when i hit 45 here i’m dancing. Most of the time it’s stable around 50-55. But i digress a lot.

I’ve copied the process in a txt, i’ve definitively to try it. Thanks a lot for the exhaustive lead.

Sometimes i encounter problem of synchro between distant lines (like 16wks/5wks), even in dealing heavenly the different germinations, and it can really help if i can reach this reliability.

Don’t get me wrong, just in seeing the pollen and the grain’s texture i directly knew that it was a good stallion ^^ It’s not magic like you said, sometimes mother nature make the things a bit more complicated. But considering the long travel and the hard context (not sent in winter), you obviously found something barely bulletproof. I’m genuinely impressed, no joke.

I will abuse a little bit more about the freezing process : Have you any recommandation on freezing/defrost/refreezing ? Some tries & fails to share etc … if any.

I’m actually harassing and spamming @LonelyOC to start the funk asap with his female, i’m like a kid that met an old holiday’s girlfriend with this strain. The time to make the clones, to root them, and eventually lose one try … i think it’s strategic to freeze the flaps again, right ?

On the individual portions, i’m fully on the strategy of “One package → One use”.


ya i don’t know about freezing again but the packs could be broken down into smaller packs and then stored in the fridge no problem.


I just squeaked in at #99. Thanks @PineTarBastard for the heads up. I hear lots of good things about this one.
@SHSC-1 thanks so much!


How is there still a spot open? Last chance at something great, hurry up people!