SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

That sounds killer, hope to get a chance to grow this cross one day


I’d take a few of your godfather mistake if you decide to pass them out! Thanks


ya… I mean… I don’t see anything wrong with it LOL
I’d probably grow out a few myself if not just for curiosity.

I’m going to probably knock up Darlin’s Net S1 with the short male… The tall male I am not sure yet.
Then I have the 2017 Shishkaberry female… out of 40 seeds down to one female and I did not keep a male. I have a small amount of the 2017 seeds left and I have friends that I sent 25 and 50 seed packs to for them to store long term. I can recall some of those packs when and if I want a male.
This girl is a phenomenal plant though , just a solid thick bush with nodes and branches like crazy. She’s a fuckin shrubbery all on her own and you can’t see thru her the foilage is so dense inside the structure. Gotta thin all that out around day 21 of 12/12. I’m going to hit her with @DougDawson 's Blue Kush pollen and this incredible Lui xG13 (dutchgrown) male because I think the pairing will produce something truly awesome and special for some of us older heads.
That will all be in my other thread though.

Last bit… Canadians and International OG’s… watch for my message incoming between now and friday. I’ll contact the first 10 on my list this week.
You will have the choice in the message to have your seeds mailed now or have them sent when the summer heat dies down. Please answer in the message and not in the thread so I can properly keep track.

cheers everyone and hope you all have a good week.


You need a secretary to keep track of everything. That you’re giving away, no less. Again!


LOL you might be right :wink:
I got things handled though and I have really enjoyed this grow and the interaction from all the OG’s in this thread. Not sure why but I can’t just grow for flower , I have a compulsive burning desire to make seeds. I am constantly working the garden out on paper and keeping notes on plants that I want to work with so I know the traits later when I find a potential plant worth pairing. This run has been very satisfying on a personal level and it is truly my pleasure to see the pollen and seeds going out far and wide. Even more special seeing people putting the fruits of this grow to use in thier gardens.
That’s kind of the Strawberry Hill code…All killer, No filler and Blessings, From my garden to yours :wink:


Can’t wait to try out the mistake. Maybe (Shishka Father) or (The Shish God OG). GodBerry does have a nice ring to it…:wink:

I only pollenated one branch so I’m not going to get a crazy amount of seeds. It was just for a fun cross while doing other breeding stuff on the rest of the plant. I’m waiting for my CS reversal plants to start opening up so I can finish the pollinating process on all my plants. For some reason my body does not like waiting for the pollen to drop. It’s stressful for some unknown reason.


Ha! I’m going through the same stress right now although I am using STS. Week 3 of flowering and I think I am just now starting to see the nubbins that will be pollen sacs… meanwhile all my other males are pumping out pollen and near ready for me to chop them as I’ve almost collected enough for my needs off them. This is my first attempt at doing a reversal so hopefully it works and pollen can be collected before my females get too far along. I flipped the ladies about 10 days after I flipped the males and STS treated plant.


guess some of us are just anxious people. im the type who always looks for reassurance i can do something 100 times but still be like what would you do … lol
you will be fine just gotta trust the process!

shishgodberry og ? play on shiska shishgod lol


Feeling this more and more myself. Seeing a plant with no pollinated lowers just gets my mind working :joy:


Pardon the rained-on leaves but I think it worked? The branches I didn’t pollinate are mostly all white. Maybe some blew around. But darkened tips for sure on the branches I rubbed with pollen


Hard to tell from the photo without the other pistils to compare to, but I’d say it’s questionable, I’ve had outdoor pistils start to look like that just from strong winds or an intense day of sunlight, but if literally everything else on the plant looks bright white and unaffected you’re likely looking at success


Looks like they took it, just keep watching. They should turn orange/red all the way over the next week or so


Free plant wash.


I had a some success, with the Shishkaberry pollen, on a couple of lower branches of a Lemon Slush x Afghan Hash Plant girl from @Budderton .


That sounds like a great combination @VAkish ! I hope they turn out awesome for you! Please tag me if you get some going so I can watch along .


ya , nice dark seeds from that cross eh @VAkish ?
One thing I have noticed , even going back to when I originally started crossing with the Shishkaberry 3f2 , many of the crosses came out with the darkest seeds I’ve ever seen. Like little coffee beans hehe

It’s awesome to see that pollen is already being put to use and fresh seeds are already done… too cool :wink:


A bit late, but thanks for putting these out and adding me to the list mate @SHSC-1


hey no worries man :wink:
When we were trying to decide how to put the wiki together to ensure those who truly followed along didn’t miss out, I figured the pollen list was the easiest way so I put everyone from the pollen wikis into the seed wiki automatically. Seems that worked out quite well.

I also want to thank everyone who participated in the sign up. As far as I could tell there were no mistakes or overwrites and everything went nice and smooth. So thankyou everyone!!!
I’ve been a bit distracted this week and it has slid on by like a blink LOL So I’ll resume messaging the first group of Canadians/International later today and tomorrow so I can do a post office run on Monday or Tuesday.

Hope everyone is enjoying thier weekend!!!


Thanks again for the pollen and seeds!! @SHSC-1

Yes… They are some dark little beans with a rather round shape. Seems they are lightening up some after drying for a few weeks.

If you’d like some just send me a message and I’ll get them to you.

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!


We got just enough rain this morning to make the humidity skyrocket. But it’s still going to be a good weekend. We’re having friends over to bend some strings tonight. So yeah, good times.
Hope you have a great one as well.