SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

The tiny dark seed trend continues over here.
Hillbilly Fighter x Shiskaberry. I have a couple more buds to go through, I’m picking them out as I smoke through it. Only had a couple pop in the bowl haha.
Thanks again @SHSC-1 amd @PineTarBastard!


lots of folks are probably going to be offering up seeds… which I may reach out for later. Reality right now is my garden is planned into next year and there will be little room for popping other seed on the side. I really do appreciate the offers from yourself and others though :wink:

@MoBilly ya we are getting rain overnight and mixed cloud/sun during the day. Temperatures about 5 to 7 degrees cooler than a normal august and night time is dipping down into the single digits. I think it was 8C this morning at 6am. Glad the plants are in the dark shed at night as that protects them from the dipping temps. I really want to keep temps above 10C as below that the plants cease production and stall out. Bending strings… I like it… I’m a drummer though I haven’t played in years. Arthritis is kicking in my right arm and doc says it’s pretty common for drummers and tennis players LOL
I miss the old jam sessions

@potpotpot hillbilly fighter x shishkaberry… ya those should turn out nice eh? I’m entrigued hehehe. Healthy looking seeds there that’s for sure :wink:

So awesome guys, fun times we are having up in here.


I’ve not played, much, with a drummer in the band. There’s not much call for that in bluegrass. I have, a few times, when playing a blues joint with my buddy Ron. He’s my lead guitar player in the band and co-founder of “Bought By The Blood”. Pardon the shameless plug. lol
He was a pro in the blues / jazz circuit around St. Louis for ~40 years. We put this band together about 13 years back specifically for entertaining at nursing homes, hospitals and churches in the area. We have played festivals, grand openings… but mostly it’s the assisted living facilities that we play for. That’s really enough to keep us busy and I actually wouldn’t like it if the band got too busy doing other gigs. That’s not why I put it together.


Blue Grass… I can dig it :wink:
My Aunt and Uncle , along with a couple relatives and friends had a blue grass band for most of my life. They are a bit too old for that these days but I recall many blue grass festivals down in Abbotsford BC and across the line in Lynden Washington. They would always get together at big family events and bust out a few tunes for us all as well. The fiddle and the banjo… would be pretty cool to know how to play those instruments well.


Haha Cool to see you mention Lynden. I have a good bit of family that live in Lynden/Everson area. I’ve been out there 3 times in the late 80’s early 90’s. I was just a kid…6,9 and 12 years old when I went. We took a couple of trips into BC fishing and camping at Sheridan Lake. I loved it out that way. Stayed for a month each time.


Sheridan Lake eh?
Small world … as a kid I would get shipped off on the grey hound to my grandparent’s place on Sheridan Lake. Spent many a summer chasing rainbows and brookies all over that lake. Years later my aunt and uncle bought one of the old run down resorts and turned it into a busy spot. These days gramps and grams have passed on and the resort is a private retreat owned by some corporate schmucks. Don’t know why my aunt and uncle sold that place… they musta been paid very well LOL
I usually fish Sheridan a few times a year for the rainbows. My personal best is 14lbs 11ounces caught on derby day a few years ago… but stupid me I had no idea the derby was even on LOL The fish I caught that day would have won me 1st 2nd and 3rd place prizes… DOH!!
Sheridan Lake is what made me fall in love with the BC Cariboo region and truth be told… Sheridan is a pretty short drive from me :wink:


You guys are spoiled rotten :laughing:

We have tons of beautiful lakes here in Ontario…but yours are spectacular!


Wow…that’s crazy!! Definitely a small world. I loved going up there to catch the rainbows. They’re were some big ones there. I remember driving through the mountains the first time we went to the lake. It was middle of summer and it was hot as hell!! The sun reflecting off the rocks was brutal. We took the camper to a chill little camp ground that had a little store. I might still have some of the flies I bought there. This is bringing back some great memories!


well if you ever get the urge for a road trip… I got the boat and motor covered :wink:


@SHSC-1 DIBS! :partying_face:


Yeah, I expect it will be quite… relaxing lol.
And I find a couple more beans every time I smoke haha. If you’re interested in some, just let me know :+1:


Thank you to @PineTarBastard and @SHSC-1

I have received the shiskaberry seeds in 95 degrees. I got to the mailbox right as the mail person was driving away! No messing around with these.


If you’ve got extras I’d appreciate some hillbilly x shiska. Thanks.


It’s good to see shipping has begun!


Sure! When I finish smoking the buds and know how many seeds I have I will get back to you. Won’t have a lot of seed, but enough to make a couplafew envelops up for sure :+1:


Howdy SHishkaberry Lovers!! :slight_smile:
I am working my way thru the list and reaching out to everyone in batches if 12.
First 12 I still need info from @Kyumonryu , @Kushking902 , and @Sense

Next 12 on the list expect a group message from me this afternoon. Do not reply to the group message and instead start a new conversation and include your details.
Cheers and thankyou everyone for being so patient :wink:


I’ve also been reaching out to folks and sending out seeds to those who wanted them now. I mailed out 5 envelopes last week and will send the next batch in the next few days.
I have other commitments as well, but know that I am working my way through the wiki. :grinning:


Good to hear @PineTarBastard keep up the good work!


You guys are awesome :sunglasses:


That would me correct. Just amazes me the energy they have and how they choose to use it.