SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Was there 2 different phenos of seed ? Or the reasoning was just more seeds with the 2 packs vs one?
Think my pack was marked short !


I only got one pack but thats ok with me !


Same here perfectly fine with one. Just courteous.


The twos might be 5 packs as well as I know @Bobgrows does 5’s and 7’s too I think


The seed pucks are being distributed on the US side.
I don’t have seed pucks so I am using coinflips for both Canadian and International.
I have sent out one coinflip per card and getting around 14 seeds per hose washer/coinflip

When @PineTarBastard and I discussed how we were going to distribute the seeds from the 5 females, we agreed we would have to mix the seeds as sending out 5 phenos would get costly awefully fast. So the seeds are mixed.
In my case I set each container in front of me and took seeds from each one to fill each coinflip so an fairly even dispersal of the seeds.

The pollen I sent out before the seeds were ready was sent out mixed as well although when I got down near the end of the list I had gone through the mixed packs and a few people got Pollen packs labelled #1 tall and #2 short. I think these were mostly canadians.
I have confirmed with my wife that all the Canadian sign ups that I got addresses for have been sent out. I haven’t been the fastest getting them out and I apologize for anyone who is still waiting, been a hectic couple weeks with the garden and getting some work done around the house before winter sets in. -4C here this morning… gotta harvest the rest of my greenhouse this week.


No apology necessary brother. You did the work and gave them out for free, beans and pollen. You do you, the beans will come when they do. Much respect as always


Great to know that. Thank you


I gave my 2nd pack to a friend who loves Shiskaberry. I also promoted this place and the awesome work being done on here. He was extremely grateful, so 2nd thanks to @SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard.


Awesome everyone,I can’t believe I keep missing some of the craziest gear on the planet,but I’ve got more seeds than I can start already,and can’t shake the aphids,hope they grow into some fine cultivars for you, should be great for hash and other forms of concentrates! Peace


Check out @JohnnyPotseed 's one and done thread. Has a recipe for M(mites) T(thrips) A(aphids) Ultimatum. It worked on my mites like a charm.


This worked really great for us, and everyone else that’s tried it!


The best thing was waiting in my mailbox just now…

Thanks so much for doing the work for these. I’ll make sure they see action @SHSC-1


nice to see the Canadian ones arriving… they are all in the postal system so hopefully they are all going to show up over the next few days and next week.

I’m going to be away from internet access , completely offgrid at my deer camp from saturday night to about the 10th of October. I was going to cancel the trip due to my fall the other day but my brother is insisting so I will tag along. There are a couple old ground blinds on the flats I can hobble to and my little brother is a big guy at 6 ft 3 and ripped from working at the docks for the past 20 years or so. He can drag my deer out of the bush hehehe His 20 year old son is 7ft 2 LOL and is here helping me harvest my greenhouse along with my youngest son. Been a fun week despite the pain and mobility issues from my fall in the greenhouse.

Still waiting to hear from any international recipients. My wife took care of mailing those and I’m pretty sure they all went out early last week.

In the event that any don’t make it, don’t worry , we got you and I’m always happy to resend if need be.


Good luck on the hunt my friend. I should have a nice pic of your Coastal Blueberry right before I harvest her by then…can’t wait!


Good luck on the hunt!
Thanks, I’ll be checking the mail with great anticipation :seedling:


Hola @SHSC-1

Mine just came in this morning

Big Thanks



thanx man :wink:
People are snoozing hard on those seeds. They are sitting idle at the seedbanks since the drop. Kind of a kick in the nuts for me but whatever. I am glad you are enjoying growing them and that big girl you’ve got is sure impressive!!!

Thanx!! and yes , hope they arrive soon :wink:


im sure i will have an address to send you by time your back lol.

didnt see or read about your fall hope your alright having a brother that big he can drag you around also if you get to tired to walk lmao. what did he feed his kid though holy shit. does the nephew play any sports ?


sounds good @204medismoke :wink:

ya we don’t know how he got so tall LOL
No sports , he is not very coordinated which is too bad I’m sure he would be sought after if he played basketball hehe


SHSC are you still sending out these seeds, or what did you mean they are at seed banks?I’m looking for a pack