SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

@Danonly He sells through Great Lakes Genetics

but he was talking about his Coastal Blueberry


Oh, ok great. strawberry hill seed co. thank you


Anything else @SHSC-1 has at Great Lakes Genetics is worth getting.


Yes, I think he was looking for Shiskaberry and the post he was referring to was about his Blueberry. But SHSC knows what he doing, absolutely!


The Shishkaberry 3f3 seeds made in this thread/grow are not for sale by me.(strawberry hill)
If @PineTarBastard wants to sell from his stash that is up to him and okay by me.
After this seed run is complete… as in once everyone on the list has confirmed they received thiers I might put some in the free seeds and clones thread from time to time.
Essentially there aren’t any availlable until everyone on the sign up list has thiers.

I should be keeping my personal stuff out of this thread but the topic came up so my responses were about the Coastal Blueberry. Those are availlable thru @Ris’s site and with @Great_lakes_Genetics who I have dealt with for several years now.


Thank you @SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard for all the work you put into this awesome seed run! :gift::grin::raised_hands::tada::confetti_ball::champagne:


For those of us who delayed shipping until cooler weather, should we just reach out when we’re ready, or will there be a second contact?


I know for me… I would totally forget hahaha so I don’t think it would hurt to reach out when you are ready. Only one Canadian opted for delayed and we have been keeping in contact thru the thread so I will probably remember hehe.
It seems I have one Canadian envelope without an address but I’m pretty sure I contacted and heard back from everyone. So it might just be an extra.
International… hope to see some of those start arriving soon.
If anyone has any concerns , message me tonight as tomorrow afternoon I hit the hwy and will be offline for a week.

cheers everyone and have a good weekend :wink:


I had to look when this thread started. To keep this project going that long with such interest is so cool. Really says a lot about the strain, and those involved. Aside from the hard costs, postage, etc. The time involved? Really guys? When do you have time to grow for you?
@SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard , you guys are the bomb, as my grandkids say. Thanks.


Giggity, giggity goooo!
Thanks @SHSC-1
The shiska has arrived :seedling:
Much love to you and your fam :leaves:


Apologies as I’ve been busy as of late. I’ll be reaching out shortly to those who wanted to wait.


Letter received successfully @SHSC-1 , many thanks for growing/producing and spreading this love around :sparkling_heart:


The envelope of Shishkeberry 3f2 seeds made by @SHSC-1 has arrived @PineTarBastard. Thank you both – SHSC1 for the hard work and dedication to preserving, and PineTarBastard for going above and beyond to extend the distribution of, these fine genetics! Much respect to you both!


@SHSC-1 @PineTarBastard meant to let y’all know that the beans landed safe and sound! Thank you both again for your generosity! Excited to get into this one!!


Thanks to @SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard . Received my package safe and sound.


@SHSC-1 and @PineTarBastard it’s been a distracting few weeks and while i’m certain I PM’d y’all my thanks I also wanted to add it here:

I got these beans in my “For Outdoors 2024” container!



hey everbody.
Hopefully beans have landed for all the Canadians. If you were on my list and haven’t received anything yet… let me know. Enough time has passed that everyone should have gotten them by now.
International… I have not heard from anyone yet as far as beans landing… keep me updated and hopefully those all start landing soon if not already.

This is a busy time of year for me with my greenhouse harvest process and hunting and fishing trips to stock up the freezers. I don’t buy meat… very very rarely. Just got back from an awesome river salmon fishing trip spent with my younger brother and sister. Put up 16 gorgeous Coho salmon fillets in the freezer (8 fish). Be nice to make one more trip before the coho run is over. Heading out tomorrow morning to meet an old friend at one of my favorite hunting spots where I got my first deer many years ago.
point is I will be slow to reply to messages and posts for the next few days.


Good! You earned some down time for sure. Or time doing your stuff you like.


Greetings @SHSC-1

I TOTE-ally lost track of our conversation as the summer hit mid-stride.

I’ll be doing some
Reading but wanted to say “Hope you Killed it as this season closes-out !”

Totes were magical at this end. More Holes planned for the vertical sides. Roots were everywhere there were Holes


Don’t you love when you dump the pot/grow bag/ whatever ya use, and have nice, healty roots. To me, its a nice indicator I’m taking decent care of the plant.