SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Thanks for the pollen!

I lost most of the 907xShiska cross when battling budrot but I got a few to grow out. Several FDM Indiana Bubblegum beans though :sunglasses:

Appreciate your reproduction run and pollen @SHSC-1 , @PineTarBastard for the seed donation and sending me a bunch of the repro beans. Amazing guys both of you!

Just noticed I messed up the label on the IBG cross bag :hushed:


Wow! That AKBB 907 x Shishkaberry will be very tasty. There’s a chance the trichomes might even wash into purple hash water.


Sounds like another winner with shiskaberry playing a part in the cross.


ya those totes looked like they worked out great for you. I really like them too.
Just finished weighing out everything from my greenhouse harvest and not including the seeded branches, the total is 7 pounds 4 ounces… I was hoping for 4 to 6 , so 7pound 4 ounce breaks my personal best in this greenhouse set up. I call that a roaring success!!!
Next year the greenhouse will be all autos so i don’t have to run a light dep but that’s months away and I have lots on my plate in the meantime.


Congrats on those Surprise numbers, thats an awesome yield.

I’m with you when the Summer arrives, there will be a few more Autos in 24.

Gotta admit there are surprises. Happy Harvest @SHSC-1


Hey @SHSC-1 are you planning on just growing Autos, or you planning on using them in your breeding program?


Mail arrived safe and sound. Thanks a bunch!! @PineTarBastard @SHSC-1


I’m going to run autos next summer so I can put them on a watering system and let them do thier thing. My wife wasn’t happy that the light dep interfered with taking a holiday in August this year so I promised her I would make some changes for next year. So that’s my reason for running autos next summer. I won’t be breeding autos , it’s not my thing and others are doing it so well already. I have a bunch of autos from members here as well as a few top breeders so it should be a good run when it goes down.
The next few months will be spent testing out the seeds that were made this summer. I’m gonna take it easy this winter, with no real breeding plans on my plate , just growing out stuff in my collection I’ve been itching to grow and testing the seeds from the greenhouse.

but no… I have zero breeding plans with autos


From what I experienced over last few years autos are hothouse orchids , they have been inside bred so far they are worth shit outdoors at least here in central Canada


I have some auto seeds still from an alberta farmer that impressed the hell out of me when my friend down the road grew some a few years ago. He nevr grew autos before and they were 3 to 4 ounce bushes when they were done. I have pics somewhere…
I dunno, greenhouse 2024 is a long way off so not too worried about it right now.
gonna have enough bud from this greenhouse harvest and then the indoor runs I have planned… might not even need to grow next summer and just spend it doing fun things


You mean like…growing weed? :grin:


Only two months :rofl: Yes, I know you won’t have it Jan 1 :wink:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Nice bro! Improvement is always awesome! Glad to hear you killed it numbers wise! Set for the winter for sure :wink:


Hey! Beans landed today, thank you again for your good work and generosity, very much appreciated! :heart::v:t2:


Getting replies from the international list and none of those have arrived which is perplexing.
No worries though, lots of seeds and supplies so I have resent all the international sign ups.
please keep me in the loop on thier arrivals.

I don’t think everyone on my list has confirmed they got them so if you are on the original sign up list and in Canada , hit me up if your seeds haven’t arrived. It’s been several weeks since the last ones went out.
@Illicitmango … I’m a retard sometimes LOL the seeds I was sending you never made it to the mail after our last convo. Cleaning out my cherokee from the hunting trip and I just found the envelope under the passenger seat… oops… they are in the mail today… I feel like a clown , sorry!!


If you don’t have a system for that yet the deal that Autopots Canada is running right now is very good. 75% off for their old aquavalve 4 . I got an 8 pot system with a 110l flexitank for 107 plus shipping. Just buying the 110l res off thier site is 99$.


I’ve got a watering system in mind that I used to use years ago and it is a constant drip system with the tap water (well) as default and a timer/solenoid on a reservoir with nutrients in it.
With my soil mix I don’t think I will need the nutrient reservoir and just need to run drip lines to the pots off a long manifold on each side of the greenhouse. That way I can use a readily availlable garden watering timer and some of them even have wifi controls now.
I have loads of #7 pots so would use those with 2 emitters each dripping on and off according to the timer settings.
My wife is still trying to convince me to take next summer off so we can travel so final decisions on that won’t be made till winter is near done (may)


Oh perfect, sound like your already set up then. I am finally getting around to building out and gathering supplies for the grow room in the new space. Gonna be a huge upgrade over the tent and excited to start growing my own smoke again.

The autopot sale seemed too good to pass up… never tried em but I know many people use them happily.

Take the summer off and travel next year… Im on your wife’s side! You only live once so live the good times buddy! Where does she want to go?


No worries brother @SHSC-1 and thanks for the heads up!
I was thinking maybe they got snagged by customs lol.
Thank you!


I think I replied and mentioned your beans had arrived! If not mucho gracias my friend I gottem!

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