SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

She is from Bosnia but all her family now lives in Serbia. So a tour of the Balkans , especially the mediterranian coast at Dubrovnik. I have friends in Split , Croatia and a buddy who left Canada for a ranch property in Poland his girlfriend is inheritting. So probably a 4 week tour of the Balkans and I’d like to travel home by way of Poland, Amsterdam and London.
We’ll see… gotta squirell away some cash to pay for that trip first LOL


Mine arrived safe n sound! Thanks @PineTarBastard and @SHSC-1!


i just came back from the post office :slight_smile:
thank you a LOT for these, @SHSC-1 !!


good stuff @santero , thanks for letting us know. :wink:
hopefully the other internationals are arriving as well.


It must feel good seeing those seeds spread to all corners of the globe. I have only sent out of NA a few times, and knowing seeds that I passed on might be grown 1000’s of km away kinda makes me happy.


@SHSC-1 the eagle have landed! Thank you so much for this opportunity :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Great news!! thanx for letting us know @santero and @LonelyOC
Seems the second mail out for internationals are making it to thier desitnations at least.
If any Canadians from the wiki list have not received thier beans… please let me know :wink:


well a couple more weeks have slid on by.
I’ve gotten messages from most of the international mailouts and seems the 2nd round of mailouts has made it to most of you.

So at this point, if any Canadian or International members from the wiki list have NOT received thier seeds, please reach out to me. After the holidays I will send the left overs to @PineTarBastard so hopefully everyone who was waiting has gotten them by then.

@204medismoke I think you were waiting for a later date to receive your seeds? Did you still want them? Shoot me a message :wink:


How long do you leave the bag on the branch?

I got my ass kicked by a tom turkey one time.

Do not believe it.It is better to error the other way.

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Didn’t really want to make this post but it needs to be said.
I have been asked , nearly daily for the past couple weeks for shishkaberry seeds by brand new accounts or newish accounts with virtually no involvement on the site. No grow threads, no pics in other threads, nothin. Just strangers reading this thread and shooting me messages out of the blue. The majority… very nearly all have not even posted in this thread during or after the grow. I have tried to politely let folks down, mostly because I’m just too busy right now to deal with that and because all the extra seeds are now packaged and will be out of my hands here very shortly.

I did my very best to see this seed increase through and get seed to all those who followed along and participated in the grow. I think I fulfilled that goal pretty well and it was a pleasure to do so. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been trusted to see it through to the end.
I think we have arrived there… at the end as I haven’t heard from anyone on the list since my last post.

So that’s it for me, my job is done and there are no more shishkaberry seeds for me to hand out. I’m not going to reply to anymore of these new or seldom used accounts , personally there has been enough strangers fishin for beans and my contact info that I’m a little creeped out LOL


I watched your thread since day one. I like Shiskaberry, sure. But I have so many seeds and things I’m committed to I just let it go. I dont know how anybof these seed giveaways worked. Different boxes, etc. I see the same getting seeds daily.
Some time back, after regular participation on OG, I volunteered to help someone out. I have been rewarded with, first and foremost, friendship. You’re in that group @SHSC-1 . I’ve got so many seeds I’m so excited about. I said no to more of some excellent genetics. It felt greedy. I don’t care for that feeling. But the friends part is golden to me.


Nobody owes anyone free seeds on here. I know there’s been talk about not allowing new users free seeds to weed out the weasels. But that would take away from decent newbees who just want to grow. Of course we have the Free Seeds And Clones thread…and that’s where they should go and try their luck.


2 on the far right ends are your Shishkaberry 3f2.
Can’t wait till I get to smoke em.
Thank you again my friend. Appreciate all your generosity. :v::pray:


I don’t blame you one iota for being cautious. I stopped giving out seed randomly to those with no rep awhile ago. I would love to go back to just giving out a bunch of seed to everyone but it does get expensive and I really hate how many never even give enough appreciation to let you know they received them. I have given out many thousands of seeds on this site and seen very very few grow any out. I usually make seed every grow but recently have just made enough for myself. Getting hit up for seed out of the blue by newbies with no grows and no rep use to be an everyday event. Since I stopped handing it out all of that has stopped and now rarely am confronted with that problem.



I still get random people messaging me for shiskaberry . It’s been a couple years since I had any to pass out. lol


Somewhere in the site rules it says that it is not acceptable to ask for seeds via dm unless you know the person you are asking. We are supposed to engage users in these topic threads for visibility and to help weed out people like DrGonzo13. It seems like very few of the huge amount of recent members who are showing up in droves with their hands out have read any of the rules. :man_shrugging:


So like the cake your name is a lie? :rofl: