SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2


Once a @ShiskaberrySavior always a Shiskaberry Savior! :grin:


This was a triumph,
I’m making a note here
Huge success!

That song was hilarious!


I’m not even angry…
I’m being so sincere right now
Even though you broke my heart
And killed me
And tore me to pieces
And threw every piece into a fire
As they burned it hurt because
I was so happy for you!

:rofl: :heart: :cake: :robot: :skull_and_crossbones:


Do they taunt you along with more food lies in the second one? Never got around to that one.

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I can’t express how good Portal 2 is tbh.

It’s like watching Ridley Scott’s “Alien” and going “Whoa that was amazing!”. And then you watch John Cameron’s “Aliens” and are like: “WHOA THE FUCK!!!”

Both are amazing, both are different, both compliment each other but in both cases the sequels took what was given in their origins and ran with it like nothing else!.


I was one of those nerds. I’m relatively new to the group. Missed the boat on the shiskaberry. I did ask about trading some of my best stock and even stated that the path to the post office was probly getting old. Not to worry. Sorry if I was out of line. Still learning proper etiquette here.
I totally get it. I’ve been doing some trading and even that can be frustrating. Lots of tire kickers. I send a buch of picks then they disappear . Or want to trade something of unknown lineage.


Much respect for all that you do brother, it truly does become overwhelming at times, and many of us know this all too well. Sometimes I just have to ignore the DM’s and if I piss people off, so be it. You’re a valuable member here, and tbch I think most of us pretty well known folks here know exactly who most of the “handout” people are by now yet new ones are added constantly as well, I absolutely love this place and my fam here and would be lost without OG and my brothers and sisters. You’ve gone above and beyond , never feel bad for saying enough is enough and closing up the offerings for the time being. And just know I and many others have got your back 110%


this was my impression as well when I joined the site and part of why I lurked here for nearly a year before becoming a near daily participant. I did participate in the free seed and clones thread as a donator and as a recipient. It was fun while that lasted but I got attacked over on icmag for that participation by an unknown to me user so I put the brakes on participating in giveaways and contests for the most part. The Drgonzo13 thing is always on my mind too as he pulled his shenanigans in my auction last spring and also through DM’s.

At the end of the day my personal security as a breeder must be maintained so I am always going to err on the side of caution after the above events. I’m slowly getting back to donating to the giveaways and contests but as far as engaging with brand new users DM for seeds… not going down that road.
In the time I have been here I don’t think I have ever DM’d anyone for anything in an unsolicitted manner. That said I certainly don’t mind known and regular members contacting me if they ever feel the need.

Anyways, I don’t want to detract from the awesome thing that we all accomplished here. The support and engagement in the thread and the interest in the genetics is awesome and I am glad I was able to pull this off and meet everyone;s expectations. All in all I have taken this is a big learning experience and I will make my garden space availlable for worthy projects like this again in the future but will set some clear guidelines at the beginning hehe.

This was fun. Let’s do it again sometime… I have something in mind but it will have to wait a few months :wink:


hmmm I should also note … my personal life has been extremely challenging this year and the past couple months have been no exception. I don’t like to air my personal trials online much but 5 of my family members and my dog have all had near death experiences from august till just a couple weeks ago when my dad was hospitalized for a heart attack 2 weeks after my older brother (57) had his first heart attack… plus the dog… plus the stupid furnace… plus our favorite aunt … everyone is on the mend fortunately but it’s been a rough few months and explains some of my lack of participation in friend’s threads and things in general. Not looking for sympathy, we all go through these trials and moreso as we get older but to all those new folks who might feel put off by interactions with me lately… I just don’t have the mental capacity to deal with any more than I have on my plate already and that is the honest truth of it.

I appreciate you all and some more than you will ever know. :wink:


Well I appreciate receiving my order today, with a couple of bonus freebies. Hope things get better for you going forward…sounds like you got your head on straight to handle it …take care my friend.


hehe, the fire extinguisher is a nice touch :wink:


I thought you’d appreciate it!


I’m surprised that envelope made it to you… to much heat in there bud!

Good thing the extinguisher was handy! haha

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:


I had the asbestos suit on when I went to the mailbox too…just as a precaution! :smile:


@SHSC-1 I’m very sorry to hear about your troubles! You have done nothing but good for this community. Remember, good karma always come to those who deserve it the most, and your karma is hella good!

Pz :v:t2:


I’m sorry to hear that brother, this shouldn’t happen to anyone, especially after all the time and efforts you’ve dedicated to the project and the folks here…

I have been following up since the beginning, signed up properly and all, i had received the pollen successfully but not the seeds, i don’t know what happened to the seeds but i didn’t update you the second time because i don’t want to bother you, maybe it will turn up or maybe it’s gone, but one thing for sure, now that you’ve put the genetics out there, that too in astonishing numbers I might add, someone surely make f2 down the line and the seed will find its way to me, for now I’m happy with the friendship and brotherhood you people provide …

I’ve my fair share of the seeds from the OGers, now it’s time for others :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Thanks so much, beans made it safe


I can try again man… just let me know, it’s only a stamp and a card :wink:
The first round of international disappeared into the canada post abyss.
The second round seems to have arrived for everyone… you might be the only one who hasn’t received thier’s yet.


No worries brother, hopefully it’ll turn up…

Last time something like this happened, i received 2 packages sent by the same person at a different date at the same time at destination…
Hoping for another hail marry like that lol :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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