SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

100% the seeds bare used are original Shiska he worked both the red and yellow lines from them.
I still have a small vial of the seed he used but doubt they’d still sprout now.


That is one pretty plant.

I can’t believe more isn’t done with Texada Timewarp on here. Pretty damn good outdoor plant if you ask me.


We ran a bunch of timewarp from emery’s catalog back in the day.
More recently I was gifted some sunshine coast outdoor gems in seed form such as :
BC Light Green Hash plant (2014 seed lot)
Time warp x 3 Leaf Egmont
Sea Level
Rene x BC Skunk
Viper X
and of course the fraser valley blueberry hp x atomic blueberry nl that I have been working with now for 2 seasons.

So many beans… so little time LOL


The one thing I do know from listening to the potcast interview with Steve is that he’s fine with anyone workin g with his gear, but a sticking point for him is people using the same name so as to create market confusion between a reproduced line vs. what he produces and sees as his selections on the plant. I know he went hard on bodhi for his reproduction of blockhead, and he basically said “if the guy had just called it something different, and just said where he made the seeds from in brackets, I’d have no problem.” Not sure this applies to reproductions that are freely given vs. sold for profit but it might be good to identify these with your name @SHSC-1 or maybe the year or an “overgrow” designation to respect Steve’s wishes in that regard. Not trying to stir shit or anything just something I noted when re-listening to the episode recently. Major props for doing your homework on provenance and eliminating the copycats from the equation for the greater good of the variety and all the heads here at IG :heart::heart::v:t2:


Let’s see…Nice,
Oooooooo, and, of course…

Agreed on your last statement!


ya I know what you are saying and heard the same words from breeder steve. This is why it’s a proceed forward with all credit and respect due to Spice of Life’s original work.

Back in 2017 I released several hundred seeds , in 25 packs , to the old seedbay. This was a one time donation drop of my crossing of a lone 1998 shishka female x Ustad’s shishka 3 f2.
I could have listed those beans for sale and they would have sold at a tidy profit but even with that project… I was being equally careful as I am now. I named that release Shiskabah for the sole reason that breeder steve made those comments about “just call it something else”.
At the time I was getting ripped off the harvest of those plants with some friends and the Clash was on… when Rock the Casbah came on… a favorite of mine… that is how I came up with the name Shiskabah… wierd but it worked LOL
As in that project, no profits will be sought from the creation and release of these seeds to the community.
I have released Swordfish (Tilray Black Tuna x Shiskabah) and Wildfire Hashplant(Swordfish F2) …

anyhow… I promised a pic dump today so i am off to the grow room with camera in hand :wink:
stay lit my friends :slight_smile:


Well no wonder we get along! Joe Strummer on my avatar…and my alltime favorite band, and concert!


I’ve NEVER had a timewarp I like. Grows great, especially for the west coast of Canada, but I dislike the smoke and the high is always meh, ive tried to get on the band wagon. My dad likes it because he says it reminds him of shitty 70’s weed, lol… thats JUST MY OPINION though :laughing:


I had one that I lost a few years ago that I really liked. It had a really different smell and taste. It wasn’t super potent, but it did the trick for me.

Plus I’ve just got a thing for Canadian strains! :wink:


Now that, I get! :grin: :canada: Ohhhhh Cannnnnaaaaadaaaaaaaa!


Sounds like I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know brother! Props for doing things the right way, happy to be along for the ride


Update time !!

I am really pleased with the progress on these plants.
The smells are really waking up and it’s like taking a step back in time.
A couple have a fruity rubbery smell and others have a fruity/berry/skunky smell with perhaps a twist of honey dew melon… and that is making me very happy.
They have just passed the 5th week of veg but arent big enough to take lower cuttings yet… which I would kinda like to do before I flip them.
Nice robust and vigorous plants and the runt has finally built up enough roots to get transplanted.
They got thier first feeding of GH flora micro 8ml/bloom 16ml per gallon PH 6.8 and are now using up 2 cups every 2 days so I increased the amount to 2.5 cups per plant and will look at the next transplant at week 6 perhaps.
Here is today’s pics. Next update I will start getting individual pics and comments on each plant, They are just starting to show signs of sex so we should have an idea what we are working with pretty quick here


Beautiful looking plants… awesome green, full and big leaves :clap:

GH is my go to for the last half dozen years… never let’s me down


Plants are looking great. I am so excited for this run. [quote=“SHSC-1, post:132, topic:96654”]
fruity/berry/skunky smell with perhaps a twist of honey dew melon… and that is making me very happy.

Me too man. I have only smoked and grown one Shishkaberry. And those descriptions smell familiar.
Thanks for the updates. Good stuff.


Their looking damn happy in there :grin:
Awesome job so far !

That Honey Dew Melon :melon: description has got me wanting to try this strain so bad now.


Thanx for all the kind words and good vibes everyone :slight_smile:
Things are progressing quickly now and I should able to start checking them for preflowers.
Going to take the magnifier out with me this evening and start looking.
I wish there was a way to share the stem rub smells with you all… but I won’t tease.
I have a couple favorites in this group already but i’ll get to that on the weekend. Ustad did a fine job in making these F2’s and they absolutely remind me of the Shishkaberry I know and the smells and leaf expressions I would expect to find in the line.
Now let’s hope we get a decent split of girls and boys.




Beautiful plants and so healthy, this is going to be good.
It’s great that you are finding what you wanted and what you were expecting based on your previous experience


Looking healthy and flourished. Props :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


The keepers I held years ago had distinct stem rubs and are pretty easy to recall.
These plants have really pronounced aromas on the stem rubs , not all the same but the backnote that I would expect to smell is all there. A couple of these plants have really complex aromas that definately remind me of my favorite keeper back in the day. It had that slight berry hashy dank melon like smell and taste to it that was very different than anything being grown around us back in the end of the 90’s early 2000’s. The smell of the Shishka is just unmistakeable. Will be interesting when the other seed lots get to this same stage but I kinda already know what to expect from the 2017 seed lot.

To pass some time and make this thread a wee bit more interesting… Here are some pics from when I popped these same Ustad Shishkaberry seeds @PineTarBastard sent me to grow. We now know our seeds came from the same source, same drop which is pretty cool.
I actually have seedling pictures of every plant from when I grew these seeds back in 2016 from sprout to week 6 I think. So I can compare to watch for similarities in keepers from that grow. I have a grow log as well so this will be cool.
This is one of the cuts I hung on to for a while as it make awesome hash but it lacked the sweetness of the berry. This was a clone, vegged 10 days and flipped in a #1 pot to test for “sea of green” capability.
day 13 flowering

day 21

day 35

day 42
Shiskaberry 3 F2 flowering day 42 pic 1 - Copy
Shiskaberry 3 F2 flowering day 42 pic 2 - Copy

I’ll see what else I can dig up in my photo albums.