SHSC-1 Grows Shiskaberry 3f2

Looks like you did a great job with those plants


Thanx man :wink: @PineTarBastard , Hopefully I can maintain plant health to the finish

So today I got in there with the magnifier and can confirm 2 females and 1 male so far. The tallest plant is of course the first male to show. Definitely some variation in expressions in both leaf shape and structure. The next 10 days should be interesting. Gonna try and aim for a transplant soon but I have to grab another bale of sunshine 4 and thaw it out… no indoor grow stores in my town anymore, just the tack and feed store where they store all the bales outside :frowning: oh well , small problems.

Here’s some quick pics of the plants that have determined sex so far.
The two females

and the male


Found some old pics today that are of relevance to this adventure…
Wayyyyyy back in November of 1999 , sitting in a room full of vegging Shishkaberry and it would be the third seed pop from the 1998 release , Hashplant x Shishkaberry and NL5 x Shishkaberry. Back then it was “extra” necessary to hide ones identity in pics so that’s why I’m wearing a hoody with my hair over my face LOL
memories I tell ya!!

and the only flower room shot I have found so far which is a corner of a sea of green in a 10 x 16 room lit by 5 x 1000W (3 HPS, 2MH)

Somewhere I have early veg pics of the 1998 shishkaberry that ended up being my personal favorite. One trait it had was random double serrations on the leaves. You kinda had to look for them. Anyhow the first male to show in these seeds we are running here, has those random double serrations which I think is neat to observe.
I’m going to continue digging thru the piles of old photos I have and see if I can find more garden shots.
oh… all the plants got 2.5 cups of water today and I would say they are ready for the next transplant. Six weeks veg is on Sunday so I gotta get things rolling here and the 1000W flower room ready. I am aiming for tuesday or wednesday for transplant and then flip them right at the 8 week mark… That should give us good sized plants with plenty of seed I’m thinkin :wink:


One year (mid 80s) I grew these massive purple buds. A buddy had a photo studio so we went in the back door with 5 or 6 of the biggest ones. Did a photo shoot with our faces hidden.

Later, I was going on a cruise on one of the tall ships on Lake Ontario with a bunch of friends. I didn’t want the photos around anymore so I gave them to a good friend when we met there, and told him not to mention my name if he showed them to anyone.

I see him talking up this girl, and he’s showing the photos…I’m a little concerned so I walk up behind him to hear what he’s saying…"Ya, grew these myself!" I laughed my ass off and walked away.


Looking fantastic dude!
That last pic looks familiar, maybe we knew each other in a previous life lol.
Nice work brother!


That pic was taken in the Tynehead Park area of Surrey, BC… in one of my basement grow rooms :sunglasses:
I am trying to find my old pics of the original Shishkaberry plants in veg so I can get them on my laptop and then zoom in on some plants to look for leaf similarities with what i’ve got going now.


Looks like a good time man. Props :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Glad you had a look through your photo album!!



Damn dude those are some cool old photos, and some cool sounding old crosses too


I hear they have some vicious turkeys in that area. :thinking:
I hear tell of a guy in that same area, almost got spurred to death. :astonished:
Don’t worry he made it back alive to tell the story. :partying_face:
Legend is that turkey is now the size of a small grizzly bear. :woozy_face:

Cool pics, for sure! :sunglasses:




WTF is an understatement.


I bet it was that griz-turkey, they call Tynehead Tom.
I thought it was just a legend when I first heard the story, but now I know it is true.


Behind my house in the Tynehead Park it was a huge forest and a good 300 to 500 yards between my yard and where it opened up into grassy areas and the walking trails. It;s a huge park, probably a mile x a mile or more in size. Anyhow, i grew weed behind the house in an immense blackberry batch that was cleared out in the middle where we built out our outdoor patch. One day heading out there to water my plants I was surprised by a huge Tom turkey that litterally jumped up and started trying to attack me with its wings and feet. This is how I got dubbed Tynehead Tom which is my user name on icmag and z-labs LOL
No hips or fingers were broken but I did get a heck of a surprise and lots of blackberry scratches. Lots of small hobby farms in the area and my guess is he escaped and was on the prowl looking for a hen when he found me out in the blackberry patch.


My recount of that event was sooo much better. :rofl:


Stories are way better when they get older…and embellished!


Egmont! My dad told me a few times the best pot he ever smoked was in Egmont. He said it was Purple and was grown on cliffs. I cant recall exactly what he said, bit basically they were planted in bird guano or something like that and left until harvest.

I also have memories of somewhere in that area as a child, my dad had a friend who was a fish farmer. Could only get to his place by boat. Only thing I really remember was the amount a garter snakes…they were everywhere! Like the ground was moving lol. Man I sure miss the coast sometimes.


Egmont is a 6hr drive and then a ferry… drive for some more and take another ferry… drive for some more and take one last ferry and that road then ends at Egmont LOL
While I’m not familiar with the grow lore of that particular area, I do know many long time growers from that area in general. I have a few batches of seed from a Roberts Creek grower , which is on the same hwy to get to Egmont but before the last 2 ferries haha!
One of them is the Texada Timewarp x 3 Leaf Egmont which I haven’t grown out yet.
Cannabis growing is a multi generational thing in those coastal communitites and the fellow that gave me seeds from the area was growing weed when he was knee high to his grandpa hehehe He’s gone by Rykus on icmag in the past but seems to have stepped away from the public forums.


If you ever run that seed please tag me …love to follow that grow


Yes it is multi generational! The sunshine coast is a cool area. It would have been sometime in the 70s when my dad was in the area that he was telling me about. He married my mom in Ft St James and they lived in PG for a number a years. He used to work for the railroad building bridges across BC. Full on hippy, hair down to his ass and a beard to his belly. Said he used to beat up rednecks lol.

I’d love to take my wife back home to Northern BC and then travel down the coast by ferry. She’s never been in those parts and it’s been years for me.

I dont think I’ve ever smoked timewarp but an old buddy who’s got family on Cortez gave me some purple pineberry when I lived in Van and that shit hit me hard every time lol
So did the LSD he gave me 🫠

Oh yes I recall the Rykus name at IC. I’m spending less and less time at the mag, so many threads I just shake my head. But I love StarCrash’s(flowerpower) threads!